
sscad Posts: 73 Member
Hey, what's everyone's stats? This way, we can find friends with similar stats and goals for motivation and support!

23 years old, 5'4''
Currently around 120, but my goal is 110 (or until I feel the most healthiest).
Eating 1600-1800 calories a day.
30 mins of weight training M-F and 60 mins of cardio Tu/Th. I also try to fit in walking whenever I can.


  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294

    I'm 28 years old and 168cm (5'5)

    About 60.5 - 61 kg at the moment (133 - 134) and would like to get down to 58 - 58.5 (127 - 129). So not heaps, but my aim after I get there will just be toning.

    I go running each morning (I try to go 6 times a week) and am not a member of a gym so just do press ups / sit ups / burpees / lunges in my lounge.

    So that's me. Add me if you like!
  • Hey there,

    I'm 18, and 5'3".

    I currently weigh 148 lbs and would like to get down to at least 130, but preferably 120. I'm very muscular, and curvy, so i don't look too overweight, but it's getting there.

    I too run in the mornings, usually about three mornings a week. I also bicycle several times a week when I can. I'm not a member of any gyms either, so I do strength training/cardio on mornings when I don't run.

    I've lost 3 lbs. already in the past two weeks. Keep it up, chicas.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Woohoo I'm the tallest!! (So far)
    Also the heaviest :-( Ah well
  • Hello all!

    I am brand new to MFP, and thought that this was a really great place to start!

    I am 32 years old and 5'7".

    I currently weigh about 140 pounds and would really like to get back down to between 125 and 130 pounds.

    I do an hour of cardio every morning at 5 am (before work) Monday - Friday and I am in the gym for about 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday doing cardio and strength training.

    I have lost about 10 pounds in the last year just making "sensible choices' but have recently plateaued and I am battling with the after 30 metabolism shut down. GRRRR!!!! :-)

    Great to meet all of you!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am 61 years young. I stand 5'4" and weigh 145. I can't get as low in weight as some others because of my age. I would look sick at 125. So, I am aiming for 135.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm 24 years old, 164 cm (5'4 1/2) and 52 kg (114 lbs). Mostly trying to get more toned and lose body fat percentage.

    Unfortunately I'm not allowed to run anymore, it used to be my favourite thing but my knee is screwed for good. So I cycle, walk a lot and just started doing weight lifting.
  • aftonslater
    aftonslater Posts: 69 Member
    hi! I'm 24, and I'm 5'3. I currently weigh about 152lbs. I'm down 54lbs since having my second child 8 months ago. I have 10lbs until I'm back to prebaby weight, and my ultimate goal is 110lbs (or 120lbs if 110lbs looks too skinny). After my first child I went down to 130lbs (before a molar pregnancy put me back to 142) and I was feeling pretty good but still not 100% so that is how I decided that 110-120 will probably be where I feel most comfortable :) please anyone feel free to add me! I look forward to meeting everyone :)
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I'm 43, 5'6" and 120lbs. I'm currently at my goal weight and wouldn't mind gaining a bit as long as it's muscle.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Nice to have a group for "Not that Heavy Girls". I've always been skinny fat all my life. Since joining MFP, however, I have lost 8 lbs (prior to that 5 lbs). I am 5'2, Goal Weigh is: 110. thought I would be emaciated if I got back to my HS weight, but I find that at age 61 going on 62...I am at my FITTEST yet. Just trying to get my cholesterol down to under 150. I am getting a body composition test tomorrow to find out my BF%. I currently lost 8 lbs in 9 months...slow going, but, after going on a Sugar Free Challenge for 59 days, I started back on some bad habits eating candies, cakes, and the likes. My tryglycerides were too high...sooo my last blood test was the best yet. Now working on BF melting with strength training and lifting. EXCITED!

    Friend me if your goals are the same. I am VERY active here on MFP, and if you have been dedicated and want to exchange SUPPORT, I would love to support you. Make sure you write a note that you are from the group, as I am not taking on new Pals otherwise!!!

    :flowerforyou: Deb
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Hi, new to MFP. I'm 26 years old, about 67-68kg and 164cm. My goals are to put on muscle while losing fat and to get really fit. I don't really want to lose a lost of actual 'weight' but would like to get down to 63-64 kgs with muscle, at the moment it's mostly flab. I've just started lifting weights with my boyfriend and will be looking to do cardio 3-4 times per week. I play a lot of sports and will be hoping to mix this with HIIT. This is subject to a knee injury (inflamed fat pad under the patella) which doesn't bother me too much when I run but sprinting is a problem. Feel free to add me, especially if you have similar goals :smile:
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Hello fellow ladies :) I am 5'8.5 and I began my weight loss at 161.2 pounds and 31% fat
    I am currently 152.2 and 28 percent fat. Just gained some extra fat back but it's coming off asap!
    My goal is to be 140-135 pounds and have a 19-20 percent body fat. I am really aiming for the fit look, I very much admire fitness models and people who lead healthy happy lifestyles! I am so hoping to be 140 for christmas time!!!
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    Hi! I'm 5'6" 117lbs. I want to reduce my bf% by adding lean muscle :)
  • roro1925
    roro1925 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm 5'8 and currently 146lbs. I started my weight loss at 180lbs and my goal was 150 and am so happy i passed it. I would like to hit 145 but this last pound is stubborn lol.
    I walk about 4 miles everyday and do some strength training 4 days a week.
  • Hi Girls! :)

    My Stats :
    Age : 39

    Current Weight: 117lbs / 53kg
    Haviest Weight 154lbs /70kg
    Goal Weight : 110lbs/ 50kg

    I am mum , I have one wonderful daughter 3years old, soon and I work from 9-5.


    As often as I can: 30min a day cardio (gym treadmill, stationary bike, and now rowing mashine), 15min - isometric training, all this five times a week,.
    Weekends as long as now are busy with family activites but I do some exersises , like situps, pushups etc.

    Just add me! Do not matter here age , weight, etc.
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm 33, 5'5" and 133 lbs.

    Starting weight was 180, goal weight is nothing lower than 120, looking more to swap the fat lbs for lean muscle, with presumably a little more to lose. At 25% bf right now, trying to get that closer to 20.

    Training is 6 days a week- 3 boot camp, 1 lifting, 2 spin. Food- usually 1300-1500 cals a day, and I am a clean eater.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    21 years old
    currently not diarying my calories. i am in maintenance : )
    5'6" 123 pounds, started at 156
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    My stats:

    30 years old
    Currently 132 lbs (Not sure where I am headed weight wise. My main goal is to flatten this baby belly and tone all over.)
    Eat 1250 to 1400 calories.
    I currently follow the Brazil Buttlift- Lift & Shape. I add Turbo Jam and Zumba to get my full hr workout. 4-5 days a week.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I am 5'1, 110 pounds/50 kg. I would like to lose a couple more kgs but not overly worried as I am pretty thin now.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    32 years old
    GW 125.
    Height 5'3
    BF 22%
  • crd314
    crd314 Posts: 18 Member
    26 years old
    HW: 162
    CW: 148-150 depending on day & time of month
    GW: 145?

    I got to my goal size (6) a month or two ago and upped my calories even though I wasn't at my weight goal. I'm so much happier when I get to eat more! I eat 1850 (which is TDEE-15%) and always net above 1450 (BMR), so I don't eat back exercise calories unless I'm under BMR. The scale isn't moving, but I'm toning up and building my strength through strength exercises 2-3 times a week (Jillian Michaels videos!) and cardio 2-3 times a week (mostly Leslie Sansone videos, biking, and walking).

    Oh and I'm hourglass shaped and want to really embrace the way my body was made, so I don't really want to get much smaller than I am now! Just be fit, healthy, and tone the curves I have.