Doing Insanity, join me!



  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Just knocked off Cardio Power & Resistance. Wow that was intense but I feel so good!
  • Nikcalories
    Nikcalories Posts: 20 Member
    My calves, hamstrings and butt all ache from yesterday's workout but I pressed play and completed Pure Cardio & feel great. It's still hard to sit or walk, especially stairs, but I feel so good. It's gonna be a great day. :)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Way to fight through the burn Nik!!!

    Since I am a day behind this week I did Cardio Recovery today. Bleh. I did not enjoy it. Too slow, barely burns any calories and all my angst is still in me!!!!!!! I was just doing p90x before insanity and Thursday was yoga day and I hated it looks like Thursday's will continue to be a drag in the workout department.

    Idk, I just want to run and jump and become a hot sweaty mess of a calorie burning machine!!!! In the future I will definitely fit in a run before recovery workout.
  • I did my FIT TEST on October 4th, then did the first two workouts yesterday and today. I started the full-on nutrition plan on the 4th. I have two other friends doing it with me, but they aren't really following the diet like I am. I'm 43, and I've gained around 15 pounds in the last two years, so my goal is to slim down and get lean. I have been working out at least 5 days per week for years, and I have a couple of ortho injuries. I am a little worried about my hip, as I have to be careful about all of the knee thrusting and extreme flexion hip positions so far. I had hip surgery almost three years ago and I have had to go back to PT three times since after injuring it by overtraining. I wish Shaun T did more compensatory moves with all the forward flexion. I plan to just listen to my body and try not to overdo it!

    As for the diet, I am guessing that I've put my body in starvation mode if this is the way to rev it up! I am so not used to eating this much volume of food! It's a real challenge to eat this much, but I am super-determined to do this to a T! So far I have been perfect with the nutrition, so I hope I can keep it up. (Feel free to check out my diary, I made it public.) I am excited because my 8 and 9 year olds ate up the first two dinners I made from the Insanity plan! I don't want to turn into a short order cook!
  • Hi, I'm new to this group but will be starting week 4 on tomorrow. Is anyone actually following the nutrition plan or just counting calories?
  • Nikcalories
    Nikcalories Posts: 20 Member
    Weekends are not made for working out! :) I skipped yesterday but walked two miles this morning and then did Insanity CPR this afternoon. It was hot & I know I sweat more than normal! I'm eating cleaner, making an effort to put healthy foods in my body so I can maximize the benefits of my workouts. I am really thankful I worked out today because although it was hard, I accomplished my goal and I can relax. I even motivated my daughter, 18, to workout although she would have rather laid on the couch and watched. I know I'm setting a good example for her and the rest of her life. That is why I do this too - I'm helping more than just me.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am trying to follow the food plan. I set my ratios in mfp to 40% protien, 40% carbs, 20% fat. I have not once eaten enough protein- I am struggling there. I am a very picky eater and this is making it difficult. I am also counting calories.

    Hi Jen, welcome to our group! I am sure you will do great and start to shed those 15 lbs in no time. Don't worry too much about your hip, just go at your pace and pay attention to what is working and what is not. You can always sub in jumping jacks or something if there is a movement that holds you back.

    Nik.....get on track now!!!!! I am hearing excuses!!! You need a plan to catch up those workouts you missed. But I am proud of you for digging deep today!

    I missed too workouts this week with this horrible cold. But I think I am turning the corner now and will be good to go again tomorrow- maybe not 100% but good enough. My make up plan for the two workouts is to double up on Tuesday and Thursday instead of running and then insanity those days.

    Has anyone actually done two insanity workouts in one day? How did you find it?
  • tahloo
    tahloo Posts: 3 Member
    I just completed my recovery week and will start week 6 tonight. The workout's are intense, but the results are awesome... I'm not doing Shakeology, but I'm doing the Yoli Better Body System meal plan and in the first 30 days with this program, I lost 23 pounds. I'm 2 pounds away from my high school weight when I was a senior 10 years ago.

    I too do not like the jumping exercises as well, so those exercises, I take it easy and do it at a pace I am comfortable with so I don't do anything bad to my knee's... I jump a lot for basketball, but for some reason, when I do the jumping exercises for the Insanity workout... I just feel it that much more...

    I look forward to read how everyone is doing in their experience with Insanity this week.:glasses:
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I just completed my second fit test.

    Fit Test 2, Monday October 8th

    Switch kicks: 59 (original 28)
    Power jacks: 36 (original 29)
    Power knees: 61 (original 42)
    Power jumps: 26 (original 19)
    Globe jumps: 7 (original 4)
    Suicide jumps: 9 (original 6)
    Push-up jacks: 0, did 16 modified push-ups
    Low plank oblique: 16 (original 14)
  • Nikcalories
    Nikcalories Posts: 20 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 - completed Pure Cardio & also did Cardio Abs just because I need it. Me and my daughter worked out together, which is great because we encourage one another.

    Today is my vacation day home with the kiddos since there's no school but of course mom still has so much to do & no vacation in sight. LOL I will make time to have lunch with my best friend and get some study time in so I can get ahead on my assignments for the week.
  • I am on my rest day before starting my recovery week. I am halfway done insanity!! I cant believe it. I put in one of the MAX dvds and almost DIED when I saw these new moves. Some of the workouts that I struggle now, are in the WARMUPS! oh my word what I have I gotten myself into! hahah stay tuned....
  • Hi, I'm new to this group but will be starting week 4 on tomorrow. Is anyone actually following the nutrition plan or just counting calories?

    Im on week 5 .... and I dont follow the nutrition guide - I eat pretty healthy anyways but do need to up my protein. Maybe I should start using the guide! hahaha
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh no Britt!!! You're scaring me about the max workouts!!!

    Awwwwww working out with your daughter is awesome Nik! Whose in better shape? Mother or daughter?

    Canadian those are wicked results! I hope I can do as well!

    Taloo, you'll have to tell us about the second half workouts since it looks like you are the first to get there.
  • I'm on Week three and my legs are really stressed.
    I think I have a sprain or pulled a muscle, gonna need to take some time off.
    Hopefully Icing my legs will help but since I still want to do a little exercise I'll be focusing on Abs and arms mostly this week.
    Anyone got any tips or exercises i could do?
    Help would be appreciated!
    I'm sad that I have to stop insanity for a little while. :(
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hiya Soldier,

    When my legs get stressed I must walk. At least an hour, does not have to be fast. It just helps to work out the pain and bring blood flow to the area. Hot bath, epsom salts helps too. But I find stretching does not help- usually just hurts the muscle more. Using a tennis ball to massage the muscle that hurts (if it has isolated) also helps to heal faster.

    Hope you are up and jumping about soon!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I am on my rest day before starting my recovery week. I am halfway done insanity!! I cant believe it. I put in one of the MAX dvds and almost DIED when I saw these new moves. Some of the workouts that I struggle now, are in the WARMUPS! oh my word what I have I gotten myself into! hahah stay tuned....

    You're not the first person I've heard this from. I'm keeping up with month 1 with a couple modifications but I'm worried about month 2. I figure I will give them all a shot (splitting the long routines up between morning and night due to timing issues). If I * still * can't do it I will just revisit month 1 until I build up strength. I really want to complete both months but I will still be proud if I make it through month 1 twice in a row.
  • Nikcalories
    Nikcalories Posts: 20 Member
    I have been perpetually on month 1 for a year now, off and on. I did the month 2 videos twice, maybe? I am really scared of an extra 20 minutes with Shaun T.

    If we all encourage each other, I know we can do it - LOL! I really want to finish a complete round of Insanity because I love it. I am so glad that I'm not the only one scared of Month 2.
  • Nikcalories
    Nikcalories Posts: 20 Member
    And maybe that's why I'm still struggling with these last ten pounds - because I didn't step up my workouts.

    @Moran - My daughter's 18 but I think I'm in better shape. She takes way more breaks than me. Haha. I also think I'm more motivated than her.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Just finished week 3, day 2. I felt like I wasn't able to give it my all today. I worked hard but my heart wasn't in it 100%. Maybe I'm still in "Canadian Thanksgiving" mode, or maybe it was because my baby was up sick half the night, but i just couldn't focus today.

    Hopefully I can snap back into it tomorrow.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    HI!!! I am a newbie.
    I tried Insanity one month ago and my chiropractor told me NO, however he told me I just had to avoid the jumping moves due to my previous car wreck.

    I have managed to put 5lbs back on :( it REALLY dissapointed me to stop Insanity.
    So.... I am back on Insanity!!!!

    I did my fit test yesterday... I replaced the jumping moves with Rock Climbers, leg lift crunches, and high kicks.... needless to say I have a lot of work to do :( I also did my body measurments.... YIKES... yeah I am a total hour glasss shape..unfortunatley I am a 48hr glass apparently. But hey, it was a real eye opener of how far I let myself go. DAY 1 Insanity tonight... WISH ME LUCK!!!

    Also, how many calories are you guys taking in? I am on a tight budget so I cant really afford elaborate diets, but is anyone paying attention to how many carbs or how much protein they eat???? I have a lot to lose so I am a little lost of what I should be eating at my size....

    Any input is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)