Day by Day of the Challenge



  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Wohoo, it's day 6 already for me and (even though I've got the feeling I'm coming down with something) I am really happing with the eating! I'm never hungry and do not snack during the day at all... before I was so sure I needed something every three or so hours.... now I'm convinced I DON'T! Great! And my digestion already started to improve a lot, that's something I really noticed.
    I am still a bit afraid of too much fat though... when I see the numbers I sometimes kinda shocks me. What macro ratio do you end up with most days of the whole 30? I have mine at 20 carbs now 30 protein and 50 fat!
    BTW: Keep it up people, we are all doing awesome and we won't regret doing the whole30!!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Its day 9 for me. I'm loving the hunger control! I'm not "munchie-hungry" throughout the day. Its very freeing.
    I'm still waiting for my skin to clear up :( I read somewhere that a breakout on the chin is usually and indicator that hormones are out of balance - so maybe with the Whole30 and hormone levels regulating that's causing the breakout....
    I just got my flu shot at work today (mandatory) so hopefully that doesn't make me feel poopy and cause me to slack on the w30.

    TMI: BMs haven't been nearly as frequent or as much - is this normal?

    Desmonema: My macros are usually around 20% carbs (or lower), 50-55% fat, 25-30% protein.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I wasn't feeling so great yesterday, ended up sleeping 11 hours last night!!! Was in bed around 9, which is super early for me. I'm feeling better this morning but my throat is kinda scratchy still. I find that since I'm doing the primal thing and allowing some dairy that is really helping me stay on track better. I did cheat yesterday and have some packaged soup b/c I wasn't feeling well and didn't feel like making my own. It had noodles in it but I ate around them.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    sburde, I hope you feel better :( I just got over the yucks :(

    I am feeling like a million dollars today!! I am in the flow, and though I am still coughing, the licorice root tea I have been drinking has been helping. So far no sugar or honey cough drops. I usually get a bad cough with this illness. I have to admit to taking supplements. I am addicted to my Shaklee. I upped my C and have been continuing on with my regular routine, they are food based and nothing synthetic (no binders, etc) so I think that plus no dairy has helped (if I coughed at night though I would have to take the cough drops as not to keep me BF awake.

    Keep it up people!! I think I am going Primal after this is over with only a teeny bit of dairy, and an occasional cheat for sushi (which I crave) I would stick to the 80/20 rule though (probably more like 90/10)
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Folks, I have to discontinue to the W30 for this month, since I have gotten complications after surgery and yogurt/kefir is the only thing that holds me up right now. Good luck everyone, and I am cheering on you all! I will try to show up once I can function somewhat better :)
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    I hope you feel better soon Leida. Take care of yourself.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I think I am going Primal after this is over with only a teeny bit of dairy, and an occasional cheat for sushi (which I crave) I would stick to the 80/20 rule though (probably more like 90/10)

    Eek that's EXACTLY my thought, too! I LOVE sushi, and I sure love me some dairy. Bread I don't miss, and no matter what kind of food philosophy you have sugar is not healthy so obviously that's a minimum... so hey! There we go. Bit of white rice I think I heard is not so bad actually, as per marksdailyapple. I think... been a while since I read it.

    boring update about myself: last night was the first night since starting the Whole30 that I've gone over my calories. I think it's cause I had steak and red meat is so calorie dense... but I found that pretty impressive since I told myself from the beginning that I was going to focus on QUALITY not quantity, so I wasn't concerned about being over anyhoo.

  • healthylife4kb
    Wow! 10 days done and I am definitely liking the lifestyle so far. The recipes are great and I am enjoying the natural fats. My energy levels are generally good. The lowest point in the day for me is still between 3-5pm, but I am finding if I exercise, my mood picks up. I also try to drink water or hot tea to hydrate more in the afternoon and avoid the dip.

    Grocery shopping seems to take a lot of restraint and energy between checking ingredients and I am still tempted to want to shove junk in the cart. But I haven't and that is a total win. I love having only clean and healthy things at my place.

    How have the first 10 days been overall for y'all?
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Oh no, Leida! Take care of yourself!! Feel better soon!

    Today I am having minor intestinal disturbances but I am not nauseated (thankfully) I feel it is part of the detox (or the tail end of that cold I had) It feels more like detox though. Anyone else have this (I won't go into too much detail)

    I spend the afternoon out in nature. I am not counting the walk because we meandered. I feel good though and am going to have my son (who lives with his dad) over for Moroccan Meatballs with Cauliflower rice pilaf (from Well Fed) It is the first time I am making both, I hope they turn out well. I don't have a huge appetite, but am getting ready to have some cardamon and fennel tea to settle my stomach
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I am actually wondering if the kale chips I had yesterday might have had some "illegal" oil and that is what is making my tummy upset! They were Trader Joe's. I usually make my own, but they were up at the registers and were an impulse buy.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Oh no, Leida! Take care of yourself!! Feel better soon!

    Today I am having minor intestinal disturbances but I am not nauseated (thankfully) I feel it is part of the detox (or the tail end of that cold I had) It feels more like detox though. Anyone else have this (I won't go into too much detail)

    I spend the afternoon out in nature. I am not counting the walk because we meandered. I feel good though and am going to have my son (who lives with his dad) over for Moroccan Meatballs with Cauliflower rice pilaf (from Well Fed) It is the first time I am making both, I hope they turn out well. I don't have a huge appetite, but am getting ready to have some cardamon and fennel tea to settle my stomach

    I'm feeling crappy today. Its also day 10 for me. I got my flu shot yesterday and I normally don't have any reaction to it, so I don't know if it was that or if its the "carb flu" catching up with me. I have a headache and I'm slightly nauseated.
    Cardamon and fennel tea - is that something you've concocted or can you buy that somewhere for an upset stomach?
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    It's actually in a detox tea, I think the brand name is Pukka Teas. I just know that those herbs are good for digestion. Ginger tea is good too! Also peppermint can work (peppermint/ginger is yummy)
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you everyone for well-wishing, that's very kind of you! Just gotta power through the infection, and life will be good. I dislike being sick....
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Wow, this has been very rough...and work hasn't helped. I slipped and had some brown rice last night because I felt so stressed. I think the combination of the weather getting cooler and a larger workload has made me more susceptible to cravings this time around. August was much easier. Ugh. Well, no one said it would be easy.

    Anyway, planning to get back on the horse so to speak but I just wanted to chime in that I'm still in but had a definitel slip. I'm happy to see that things with the group are progressing well. Ifelt badly that I haven't been able to post much lately but I didn't anticipate being this busy. Glad to see that it hasn't been a problem.

    Sounds like many of you are really giving it all you got and I'm very proud of you for doing that. Goodness knows this is not easy!! Good for you!!

    Leida, I hope you feel better soon, sorry to hear about your surgery & hope you make a speedy recovery.

    Take care,
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    So my boyfriend baked some delectable smelling bready goodness (that I know would make me feel yucky) and it was soooo hard not to take a taste but I resisted. He said he felt bad about it but I can't have the world alter it's course because I am choosing to eat in a certain way. It is hard, but as I am eating my yummy freshly cooked fish taco salad with the best salsa in the world for dressing, I am so glad I didn't cave :D

    Oh, I am feeling better today, no more intestinal symptoms (thank god, I am working part of the day) I really think I can do this!!!
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I slipped yesterday :( wasn't having a good day at all (had a huge fight with my mother) so I stopped by a friend's before work for some girl talk. She had just baked some funfetti cookies and I ended up eating 2. Not gonna dwell on it though, today is a new day. I'm super excited about dinner tom...having lobster and shrimp on the grill yum!!!!
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Good attitude, don't dwell or beat yourself up. Just go on. Sounds like you have the right idea!
  • sad0608
    sad0608 Posts: 10 Member
    So far not bad, I have used the foodee site to plan my w30 meals, that has been the easiest part. Hurricane-C how was it with the flu shot, I get mine tomorrow also mandatory for work and I have to work on Saturday. I like the fact that I can stay asleep for 8 hours, not having trouble going to sleep.

    I am planning on making chocolate chili and the fish taco for the games this weekend,
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    So far not bad, I have used the foodee site to plan my w30 meals, that has been the easiest part. Hurricane-C how was it with the flu shot, I get mine tomorrow also mandatory for work and I have to work on Saturday. I like the fact that I can stay asleep for 8 hours, not having trouble going to sleep.

    I am planning on making chocolate chili and the fish taco for the games this weekend,

    I'm feeling fine now. I'm not sure if it was the shot or just feeling crummy - but the day after I got it I was pretty blah. But I honestly think I was just tired and dehydrated (not much water the day before). I'm feeling much better now though. Good luck!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Doing great! I have found some good stuff on Pinterest. So I am experimenting with different stuff to break-up bordum.