Sunday accountability report for week 4 --- 10/7

airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
Here's my report for Week 4 of the Ultra Challenge...

* I completed my MyFitnessPal log for each day, was under my calories goal 5 of the 7 days, and was under my calorie goal for he week.
* Unfortunately I have an injury to my right foot (overextended tendons), and my physician has recommended that take it easy for now on any exercises that involve the lower body. As a result, I was able to burn only 2647 calories this week.

I must confess that not being able to *really* exercise is really frustrating! But I'm hanging in there and taking it easy to avoid exacerbating the injury. Thanks to all of you who have encouraged and supported me --- you have no idea how truly helpful you have been!



  • Happy Monday!

    I exercised and burned 2360 calories this last week.
    I was within my calorie count throughout the week and went over one day.
    I logged in every day.
    My weight is down around 154 so I am maintaining.

    I've started the Strength Challenge and being challenged!

    I'll really need your support these coming months as I just learned my oldest sister, Susan, who has been battling cancer now has inoperable tumors in her brain. I'm emotionally drained and the exercise and support are really helpful so...THANKS A TON!

    Here's to another great week,
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    M. E., so sorry to hear about your sister! Please let us know how else we can support you as you support her.

  • Hi All,

    Sorry that I'm a bit behind in my reporting... Here goes:

    1. I completed my nutritional log each day and stayed within my weekly calorie intake allowance (I was within my daily limits all but one day this week).

    2. I burned 3588 calories this week. That is less than the 110% (3850 calories) I pledged to do... I hurt myself when I fell during a run last week and my body has been very angry with me this week so I have not been able to push myself as hard as I want to (as I far-too-slowly heal). I am hoping that I am at the tail-end of this recovery and can start pushing harder again this week!

    3. I ran my second 5k race (the 1st Annual Goleta Lemon Run) on Sunday afternoon. It was a bit rough but I was thrilled to have Lindsay running alongside me and was very happy that I completed it! They didn't time us so I am not sure how I did. I did have to walk for a brief time at the halfway mark but I also ran harder than I usually do (my heart rate was in the 170s for most of the race!) so I don't know whether I beat my last 5k time or not.

  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Really great work, Slim! Don't worry about being under your burn target by a little bit... the key thing is the net calorie intake, and you've got that down to a science. And you get bonus points in my book for exercising while on travel!