Day 17

I can't believe we're almost to level 3 already! I'm really loving this workout. I might stick with it after the 30 days- just added to my daily routine. I feel like with a 20 minute workout I really don't have an excuse not to do it, even if it means waking up 20 minutes earlier.

My husband talked me into getting 6 lb weights and I am having such a hard time holding onto them the whole time!


  • Way to go! I just finished day 13, missed a few days along the way but am going to do the whole 30 days. Awesome on getting the heavier weights!!
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    I just finished Day 17 too! Good job girls! :smile:
  • francaise3
    francaise3 Posts: 89 Member
    Done with D17 as well! :) Was not having a good day - but post-workout feeling is good! :)
  • I'm getting better and stronger, but I still have to break in the middle of the plank moves. Ugh, so frustrating!
  • Sometimes I have to drop to my elbows but keep the rest of my body in plank pose for the plank jacks.