Eating academy



  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I remember getting mad at the documentary "Super Size Me". Yes, eating nothing but McD's raised his cholesterol and triglycerides. But they automatically blamed the fat content instead of the massive amounts of carbohydrates and sugar.

    Oh, yeh, and then people pan "Fat Head" because it was made on the cheap and it "encourages eating junk food", not because the message is solid (keep the carbs low and you can lose weight on junk ... not necessarily be healthy though ...).

    This has been the problem with studies blaming "high fat" diets ... the fat content the people that have reported eating has been lumped in with the consumption of refined carbohydrates too, e.g. Burgers, Pizzas, etc.

    Excess Carbs + Fat = Undoubted Bad News.

    So the fat takes the rap and the bread gets a free pass. Even more so if it's "Health whole grain" (another pet hate phrase of mine).

    We have known that bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc are uniquely fattening, that is why the early obesity treatments recommended limiting them, long before Atkins.

    This is why Banting could diet down in the 1800s eating unGodly amounts of meat and chucking much liquor down his neck (my hero ;)).

    And they also recommended bed rest, not knocking yourself out with cardio.

    How we have progressed, how much wiser we are now, not. :)

    <Rant Off :)>
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Have you ever read "The Zone" diet? In it the author (Barry Sears) asks the question, "How do you fatten cattle?" Answer, "Feed them grain."
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Have you ever read "The Zone" diet? In it the author (Barry Sears) asks the question, "How do you fatten cattle?" Answer, "Feed them grain."

    Indeed :)

    I haven't read The Zone actually.

    The other good one is "Unless you are a cow, or want to be the size of one, don't graze".
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Now I'm starting to utilise fat properly I'm often eating 3 times a day (maybe one small snack too) and consuming 2500 cals still. Before I was having to eat 5-6 times a day to do that and that was with enlarged carb portions.

    Now things get cooked and smothered in butter, cheese and pork scratchings get dunked in mayo and I'm having a shot of double cream in my tea. :-) and some people claim to get depressed eating low carb!!!

    I'm seeing such a difference too. The weight is going and ,although measurements havent changed much yet, my belly fat is softening up which from experience is a good sign. ( I'm led to believe its the fat cells not being so tightly packed with fat, whether that's scientifically right or not I'm not sure)

    Every time I think about what's happening I can't help but smile. I'm eating lots of foods I love and a decent amount of it, doing minimal exercise, losing weight and my body's changing. I lost 50lbs on a traditional diet but noticed very little change with my belly.

    I want to share it with everyone so they can enjoy too but most are closed to the idea. I guess you can't blame them after all the bad info we've been fed , and still are fed.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Have you ever read "The Zone" diet? In it the author (Barry Sears) asks the question, "How do you fatten cattle?" Answer, "Feed them grain."

    Indeed :)

    I haven't read The Zone actually.

    The other good one is "Unless you are a cow, or want to be the size of one, don't graze".
    I highly recommend reading The Zone. Barry Sears does an exceptional job of explaining how the body uses carbs, fats and protein. His info on the relationship between high carb diets and disease is very eye opening. He's not a medical doctor but a micro-biologist. His professional focus has been creating drugs that carry chemo drugs into cancer cells. His diet, in my opinion, is too complicated but it's really not much different than South Beach or other low carb diets.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Have you ever read "The Zone" diet? In it the author (Barry Sears) asks the question, "How do you fatten cattle?" Answer, "Feed them grain."

    Indeed :)

    I haven't read The Zone actually.

    The other good one is "Unless you are a cow, or want to be the size of one, don't graze".
    I highly recommend reading The Zone. Barry Sears does an exceptional job of explaining how the body uses carbs, fats and protein. His info on the relationship between high carb diets and disease is very eye opening. He's not a medical doctor but a micro-biologist. His professional focus has been creating drugs that carry chemo drugs into cancer cells. His diet, in my opinion, is too complicated but it's really not much different than South Beach or other low carb diets.

    microbiology is definitely an involved scientific approach.. I understand it pretty well thanks to some wonderful doctors Ive chatted with... you really have to be 'in' to the whole concept just to get an idea... but when you do.... you can easily get sucked into it!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I highly recommend reading The Zone. Barry Sears does an exceptional job of explaining how the body uses carbs, fats and protein. His info on the relationship between high carb diets and disease is very eye opening. He's not a medical doctor but a micro-biologist. His professional focus has been creating drugs that carry chemo drugs into cancer cells. His diet, in my opinion, is too complicated but it's really not much different than South Beach or other low carb diets.

    You've pushed me into reading one more book :)

    Just the one though, I swear ...