Poll: How much "Junk" do you eat?

I'm just curious about this and how everyone compares =P

Eating more calories automatically makes me think "yay, cheesecake every day!!" which obviously i am NOT doing. But, how many calories per day do you typically spend on junky things like dessert?

I use about 200-250. I like sweets, but my body cannot handle anything fried or too rich in fat (like alfredo sauce) so i stay away from those types of things. (I've always had a sensitive stomach.)


  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Almost an unanswerable question as it depends on your definition of junk.

    Many people call fatty foods "junk". Some people still believe the long outdated theory that fat makes you fat.

    A decent double bacon cheeseburger is a great source of protein, fats, iron etc
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I eat very very very clean.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I usually allow myself 1 "junk" item per day. It could be a mini candy bar, a homemade baked treat, ice cream, beer, a granola bar etc. I consider junk to be anything that is a) heavily processed or b) devoid all or most nutritional value. I eat things that seem like "treats" but they are nutrient dense so I don't consider them to be a "cheat". My 2 favorite things to eat everyday are dried apricots (potassium rich) and my strawberry protein shake. Both taste like they are horrible for you, but are good additions to my nutrient intake.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I try to avoid all processed food as much as I can. Love to eat clean.
    Never eat at fast food places, cause I just don't like it.
    If you consider home baked whole meal cakes and cookies as junk, then yes I do have it now and again.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hmmm....MY version of junk foods:

    Pizza once a week, York Peppermint Patties occasionally, Potato Chips here and there, Ice Cream.
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Oh yeah I eat some junky food each day, I know myself well enough to not even try to eliminate it from my diet, cause deprivation type eating/thinking won't work for me. But I do consume it more in moderation than I used to. To me that's a big problem for a lot of folks, you can easily not realize just how much you're eating and next thing you know you ate a big bag of chips and dip. Having to actually *think* about what you're going to eat, even junk food, and portion control, really really helps. I don't see the problem with it, like all things its about doing it in moderation.
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    I allow myself some potato chips on Saturday only. The rest of the week I eat clean.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Oh yeah I eat some junky food each day, I know myself well enough to not even try to eliminate it from my diet, cause deprivation type eating/thinking won't work for me. But I do consume it more in moderation than I used to. To me that's a big problem for a lot of folks, you can easily not realize just how much you're eating and next thing you know you ate a big bag of chips and dip. Having to actually *think* about what you're going to eat, even junk food, and portion control, really really helps. I don't see the problem with it, like all things its about doing it in moderation.


    If I fancied chocolate I always found a mini bag of maltesers was enough to satisfy the need.... But if I had a grab bag it would still end up empty!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I eat very very very clean.

    Hmm... not really. Sorry but I don't class hot dogs or cookies, popsicles or potato chips as very very very clean. Not meaning to offend just you don't want to confuse someone with saying that's clean.

    I ate lots of treats today but it was extremely rare to have so much but I'd saved up for the festival. I do have some treats usually but not lots.
  • kels136
    kels136 Posts: 55
    I try and eat 80% clean every day. I eat “junk” food about twice a week…that’s a meal, dessert and drinks (i.e. pizza, chocolate cake and wine). I try to limit it to once a week on a Saturday with maybe just a chocolate bar in the week. Other than that my diet is pretty clean as I stay away from caffeine, refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol the majority of the time. But lets face it…life would be zero fun if we didn’t allow ourselves a little indulgence now and again :)
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I don't eat as clean as I could or should. Moderation. Although I will not give up my daily homemade lattes, but that's just espresso and milk. I try to limit myself to a beer or 2 on the weekends only (those are also homebrew). I'm not afraid to have pizza or ice cream occasionally, but yeah, portion control.