
I thought that I would start a thread where we can have introductions :flowerforyou:

I guess I will start...

My name is Danielle and I live in Binghamton with my husband, my 4 kids and my crazy dog. When I have some free time (which isn't very often), I enjoy machine knitting, hand knitting, crocheting, photography, and hiking.

Like WallyWess, I lost about 60 pounds 2 years ago through counting calories and exercising. I not only looked better, but was able to participate in more activities with my kids and I was able to get off of my hypertension medication.

Unfortunately, I also gained all of that weight back within the last 18 months. I made poor choices and tried to justify it by saying that "I would start eating healthy again tomorrow" or "I just don't have the time to make a healthy dinner tonight, one fast food meal won't be too bad." Once the weight started coming back on, it was easier to just give up altogether and go back to my old eating habits.

However, last week I was listening to WAAL in my car and heard Wally talking about his weight loss and how he was starting the Big Wally Losers Club on MFP. I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to get "back on track" to a healthy lifestyle, while getting local encouragement, support and ideas. .

Since joining Big Wally Losers Club, I have cleaned out all of the snacks from the kitchen, started planning my meals in advance (to avoid the fast food trap) and carrying healthy snacks with me (to avoid temptations while on the go). I also brought out my Gowear Fit that I used on my journey 2 years ago and setup a new account with them to track calories expended, steps taken, activity levels and sleep cycles. It is a great way to have immediate feedback on the choices that I am making every day.

I am looking forward to working towards a healthier lifestyle and hope to make some new friends in the area that are also working towards the same goals.

- Danielle


  • LJWW
    LJWW Posts: 8
    Hi Danielle, I'm Laura. I live in Greene with my husband, our 21 year old son (when he isn't at college) and our diabetic dog...oh, and a few hundred cows!

    I've been working on losing weight for a while now and am down about 45 lbs. from last winter, but have been "stuck" for a couple months now. I've never been thin, and probably never will be, but I would like to be healthier and happier with myself. The pounds came on too easily after practically shattering my ankle while pregnant and then becoming a stay at home, it's time to take them back off!

    It's not always easy to eat healthy-being a farmer's wife, we tend to eat late, after chores are done. Beef and pork are "free" because it's raised on the farm. It's just easier to make one meal for all, rather than one for them and one for me, but I am trying to change that mindset, and trying to get them to eat earlier (seems to be a losing battle, though).

    I've been a member of this site for a while now, but never really utilized it. Been a friend of Wally's for a while, too, and decided, what the heck, we all need the extra support! It's nice to "meet" you. :smile:
  • Hi, I'm Jan....An old high school buddy of Wally's; we've renewed our friendship through facebook - that's how I found out he was doing this (I live near Syracuse, so we don't hear him on the radio). I, too, have a similar story....Lost 100 lbs. about 10 years ago; regained it all. Lost 70 lbs. 2 years ago; regained it all. So here I am...trying again. I used myfinesspal about a year ago - got away from it and am back again. It's really helpful as long as I'm honest with myself. My kids are 16, 18, and 20 and all are at home (when not in college) and eating healthy can be a challenge with everyone home and going in different directions. My 16 year old son is particularly apt to eat unhealthy - though I'm trying to change that in any small way I can. I also work 2 jobs and have a small horse farm with my husband - so we're often grabbing food between jobs/activities. All of this has contributed to bad habits. But I'm going back to those things that worked in the past (high protein, low fat, low carbs) and regular exercise (walking).
  • LJWW
    LJWW Posts: 8
    Hi Jan, nice to meet you. :)