how is everyone doing?

rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
Well my official start is today. I started tracking everything I was eating since Thursday and with todays official weight in i have lost 1.3 lbs.

I find tracking what you eat really makes you aware of what you are eating.


  • mastone99
    mastone99 Posts: 20 Member
    I was doing great (down 1.4 lbs). Today I'm doing sucky! I am in total carb meltdown! I made the chicken soup last night, and will be back on target tomorrow.
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Ive been mainly great but i just cant seem to stick with it as strictly as i did the first time! I dont know what my problem is! I already feel better from my change of eating but i still want my sweets! Ugh...we got this ladies!!! How is everyone else doing?
  • WonaBaFitmommy
    Yes. I know what you mean about the sweet ! Out of all things...not salty, just sweets. I noticed what time of the month is was, then started to follow the Pm'd diet in back of the book. I hope I can do this in the first cycle. Weight coming off slowly but surly. I'm down three pounds and just started mon :)
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Hey gals! I know I am joining a week late, but I actually have been on the 17dd since this past Monday! :) I will weigh in on Saturdays with you! :)

    I was craving a pb and j sandwhich earlier and then buttery popcorn this evening. Did you know plain air popped popcorn (old school pop corn) is allowed with olive oil and sea salt on it? I did not know that until this evening. However, I only have the prepackaged buttered kind of popcorn and my baby is asleep so I will not be getting my popcorn. lol

    I am craving my carbs-especially mac and cheese....But I know the pay off of not having that stuff is going to be so much more worth the immediate and quickly fading satisfaction of eating a food I am craving...not even physically craving it, but mentally craving it.

    Anyways, that is where I am at with it :)

    Hard to get all my green tea in though. And I need to do better with my water intake!
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I remember reading something somewhere that says u dont need to eat everything every single day, and expecially dont need to stress about not eating all servings of yogurt or tea just need to do your best! Obviously stick to what he says but dont stress if u have a hard time having green tea with every meal or not being able to finish it all! Or if your not hungry dont choke down another yogurt if you havent had yourmtwo servings! Just do your best and the weight comes off! No sweets or carbs and lots of water the weight comes off! I wish my sweet cravings would stop, i read lots of people say that and mine never do, yes theres times when i have great control thennothers when i say ive been good for a while and allow myself something then i want more n more n more! So my point lol just stick with it and do your best following it to the T and you will love how great you feel and look:-)and want to continue to keep going! We got this no worries! It does get easier expecially when u see the scale move down so quickly! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I remember reading something somewhere that says u dont need to eat everything every single day, and expecially dont need to stress about not eating all servings of yogurt or tea just need to do your best! Obviously stick to what he says but dont stress :tongue: :happy: if u have a hard time having green tea with every meal or not being able to finish it all! Or if your not hungry dont choke down another yogurt if you havent had yourmtwo servings! Just do your best and the weight comes off! No sweets or carbs and lots of water the weight comes off! I wish my sweet cravings would stop, i read lots of people say that and mine never do, yes theres times when i have great control thennothers when i say ive been good for a while and allow myself something then i want more n more n more! So my point lol just stick with it and do your best following it to the T and you will love how great you feel and look:-)and want to continue to keep going! We got this no worries! It does get easier expecially when u see the scale move down so quickly! Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! It feels good to have someone reinforce such positive points of the plan with a go-getter attitude!! Good luck to you as well!! It's just a little over 2 weeks right? We can do anything for a little over 2 weeks! :tongue: :happy:
  • Sheakat
    Sheakat Posts: 29 Member
    I SUCK at this! I am so easily swayed by friends, family and food, that I can't get in 17 days in a row. I could use some encouragement!
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I SUCK at this! I am so easily swayed by friends, family and food, that I can't get in 17 days in a row. I could use some encouragement!

    :( it is difficult to do in general, but especially if the people around you are either intentionally or unintentionally sabotaging your efforts!!

    Would you be able to tell your friends and family your plans for losing weight and eating healthier and that you would really appreciate their support and even tough love during this time?

    I had to talk to my boyfriend as well as my mom and his mom. I told my boyfriend that when he notices me going off my plan, that he has permission to remind me of my goals and to steer me in the right direction. Never, obviously, to demean me, or make me feel fat, or unattractive, etc. But, to help me stay focused. A huge thing for me was that he can eat pizza and fast food and what not, because he doesn't have the weight to lose like I do. And so, i can't get mad at him for still eating what he wants. Luckily, for us both, he is trying to eat healthier in general because it is good for him. And he likes the dinners I make on this plan usually.

    But at first, when he was eating pizza in front of me, I felt like it was his fault if I craved something like that and would cave in. Come to find out: I had to claim ownership of my own downfalls. I can't blame other people for my giving in to pizza.

    We compromise though, now. He tries not to eat it in front of me as much, or orders something he knows I don't like so I won't eat any of it. And he usually makes sure that I have either already eaten my food so I am full, or that I am eating my food at the same time.

    Now, our moms...they will make us food, and almost be like hurt if i turn down the food. So, I had a talk with them that for right now, I just need to make different choices for my eating plan, and that I appreciate their understanding.

    IDK if any of this helped you, I hope it did.

    At the end of the day, some "friends" will not be on board with you eating healthy because they know you will lose weight, and then they feel like they have more competition...or that they will no longer be "the skinny one" or that they ill no longer have a friend that is "heavier" like them. Sometimes, in circles of friends, people take on roles...and when someone makes a huge life change, and the "roles" change, somewhat or a threatens the homeostasis of the group. But, you are trying to get healthy and do what is best for you. Your friends don't have to live your life in your body. YOU DO HAVE TO LIVE YOUR LIFE, AND IN THE BODY THAT YOU HAVE OR IN THE BODY THAT YOU DECIDE TO MAKE IT INTO.

    Please don't give up on yourself. Fight the good fight, and who cares what your friends think at the end of the day. MAKE YOUR HEALTHY DECISIONS AND CHOICES FOR YOURSELF. If they are real friends, they will be there no matter what. If they aren't real friends , you will "lose" them over you making healthy choices for yourself and in losing weight. If you do "lose" any "friends" while you are on your weight loss journey, or even after you have slimmed down, just know that they weren;t your real friends and they are just added weight lost from your life!! :)
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Sounds like u have a pretty good man there janelle:blushing: always a huge help when the people around u got your best interests in mind! It would be a hell of alot easier if it was just me in my house let me tell u! But i just need to get used to having temptations around me and not having to indulge in every single one of them! I did this back in june and it was my daughters bday so instead of getting a large cake i bought a small one so there wouldnt be as much leftover! Even with my daughter and bf telling me on seperate occasions that that was the best cake ever i didnt have any lol!! Iwas super strict and made sure i actually ate all day instead of skipping meals (not on purpose might i ad :-)) and i lost 14 pounds in the first cycle!!!so incredible! so crazy how u feel like your eating so much and its not enough calories...nice for a change huh lol! But anyways just remember u get out what u put in and every day is a new day! U actually dont even need to wait to start fresh till the next day do it right after u slip so u dont get to far off the wagon and have lots of negative thoughts! Happy monday we got this ladies!!! as i keep reminding myself...just remember how amazing you feel when your putting the right food in ur body and not cheating yourself! :bigsmile:
  • LorieLucy
    C1D12 Doing pretty well.

    Halloween was rough, but I made it through. So that was a great victory!

    I wouldn't say I've 100% stuck to the plan, but on the scale of slips from peanut butter cups to an extra serving of yogurt or veggies at a buffet that aren't on cycle 1, I'm on the yogurt and veggies side of slips. And not even many of those. I hope that will last.

    Waiting to weigh in until the end of cycle 1, so I don't know about that end of things. I don't really want to weigh in, even though I do.

    I'd love to have friends who are doing this too, so please add me! Thanks!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I started on Monday, so far so good, I was extremly hungry last night so had more yogurt and salad...also by the end of the day I had headache which I know is not uncommon but for the most part everything is good...
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I started on Monday, so far so good, I was extremly hungry last night so had more yogurt and salad...also by the end of the day I had headache which I know is not uncommon but for the most part everything is good...
    Awesome!! Glad you started on Monday.

    If you are hungry, def eat. You can eat endless approved proteins and approved veggies in this first cycle. So, if you are hungry, def eat more. You should not be hungry on this plan.

    Yea, the headache is probably from restricting your carb/sugar intake. i hate that part.

    I am finally back on plan! I started yesterday but had some craziness last night and went off plan somewhat. But, looking to make today a 100% on plan. :)
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I remember when ifirst started this program iver summer and actually did it to a T :-) i was dizzy and didnt attempt to workout because of that! Probably got a few headaches but thats not really out of the norm for me anyways! i always felt like i was eating...strange but even when i wasnt to hungry i ate and it was so great how slim u feel! Keep at it your body will happily adjust, just depends how badly u were eating before! Maybe up the water and remember u can stuff your face all day with the veggies n protein so eat when ur hungry!

    Glad your back too janelle! Im bavk since this monday, ive been doing pretty damn good! Not 100% but pretty close! So since were all in different days when should we weigh in? after every cycle? im actually feeling it this time, not just half assing it like i was the other times i kept trying! Ugh but i feel great and am really excited to keep my *kitten* in check lol!!

    Lets keep it up ladies! we got it this time woohoo woohoo
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I started on Monday, so far so good, I was extremly hungry last night so had more yogurt and salad...also by the end of the day I had headache which I know is not uncommon but for the most part everything is good...
    Awesome!! Glad you started on Monday.

    If you are hungry, def eat. You can eat endless approved proteins and approved veggies in this first cycle. So, if you are hungry, def eat more. You should not be hungry on this plan.

    Yea, the headache is probably from restricting your carb/sugar intake. i hate that part.

    I am finally back on plan! I started yesterday but had some craziness last night and went off plan somewhat. But, looking to make today a 100% on plan. :)

    Thank you for the tips!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Hey!! Hope you are doing well!!!

    Jeanine- yea I think we should weigh in at the end of the 17 day cycle. :) Or whenever we want in between as well. :)
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I am doing well, hope everyone is having a great week
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Hope your all kickin *kitten*! Ive strayed but still eating good but not enough and not enough water or tea the past few days, i can tell cuz my fingers get swollen! Ive had some sweets so i need to kick that before i get out of control again! Period shouldbe any day now so im trying to not give in to those cravings...keep it up ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    has anyone followed the meal plan when you have PMS
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I did in the beginning of summer...some how it worked lol! Somehow i didnt go insane and it was my daughters bday and they had delicious cake and i didnt have any woohoo! Was sonproud of myself! Now theres no was i can be that strong :-( dont know why but i dint have to power like i did before! I know he has a special pms section but ive never tried that! Im trying to be strong now with the oms cravings...i figure if i can go throug these next few days then i can do anything lol! Sad but true! Good luck! Let me know how it goes:drinker: