What are you looking forward to?

eys81 Posts: 61 Member
I was just curious what it is you are working for? Looking forward to the most? Can't wait for?

At this point there is pretty much no aspect of my life that my weight doesn't negatively impact so I look forwards to all kinds of little and big things that I know will take place as I loose the weight. I even have a pintrest board called "what I'm going to do when I reach my goal" - I am so excited to have found MFP and started actually working towards my goal instead of just dreaming. Still, I like to think of the NSV that I know are in store for me.

This list changes all of the time but right now here are my top 5:

1. Getting a massage w/o being mortified. I love getting massages but haven't for at least 8 years because I'm too embarrassed.

2. Fitting in an airplane seat. I love to travel and took the train twice this year. But I still can't wait until I get an email from some travel site about flights on sale and can just click "purchase" and go knowing that I will fit in the seat. 17in across - so I have a ways to go.

3. Not having to look for/obsess about having the 'closest' parking spot as possible.

4. More energy to play with my son. I want to play badminton and actually be able to run for the birdie.

5. Going to a restaurant with worrying about the chairs.


  • admnmtpilot
    admnmtpilot Posts: 132 Member
    Like you said, weight effects our life in so many ways...and as I was reading your list I was saying to myself "me too, me too, etc". So, let me just add...

    1. Wearing a bathing suit in public and not trying to hide and cover up. I love the water!

    2. Walking my dog without getting tired first...way before she ever gets started.

    3. And the resturants...not only the chairs, but "Am I going to fit in the booth?" Or, I hope the table isn't stationary. I will be so glad to lose that thoughts.
  • healthyMSk
    healthyMSk Posts: 31 Member
    I have back issues so for me the thing I look forward to the most is a reduction in my pain.
    I want to be able to actually enjoy buying clothes rather than dread it.
    Not wondering if I can fit or will a chair hold me.
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    Pretty much what everyone has said, plus:

    1. Tattoos


    2. Taking baths and fitting in the tub
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    2. Fitting in an airplane seat. I love to travel and took the train twice this year. But I still can't wait until I get an email from some travel site about flights on sale and can just click "purchase" and go knowing that I will fit in the seat. 17in across - so I have a ways to go.

    Width wasn't the only problem for me. Not only am I wide, I had a lot of fat behind my spine. I'm tall, plus that fat meant I used up a lot of leg room. Combine the two and I pretty much couldn't move in an economy seat.

    It really sucked once my employer cut business class seating when the economy tanked in 2001. Try flying to China and Europe like that.

    Now that I've lost some weight, I've essentially gained 3" of leg room. I fit in my truck and car much better, but the airplane seats are even more of a bonus.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    I have back issues so for me the thing I look forward to the most is a reduction in my pain.

    I hope that works out for you. My lower back pain is GONE. Some mornings I hurt like heck getting out of bed. It took me a long time to get moving.

    Now my only problem is if I work out too hard the day before, but I LIKE that a lot more.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    3. And the resturants...not only the chairs, but "Am I going to fit in the booth?" Or, I hope the table isn't stationary. I will be so glad to lose that thoughts.

    As fat as America has become, I'm amazed when I run into places with a fixed table. They're tossing out a lot of their customers (heck, the highest paying ones too).
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    Wow, you all have the same list as me. Here are a couple of other things on my list but there are really too many to even think about listing:

    -Going to see a play/musical in the theater
    -Riding a roller coaster again
    -Doing a cartwheel
    -And this might sound silly, and I don't even know if there are any around anymore, but since I've always been overweight I'd really like to see-saw with someone. I was always too heavy when I was young.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    This got me really thinking.

    my list:
    Make it to the end of the race for the cure 5k....in the spring
    be able to get down on the floor and play with my grandbabies
    see my younger children graduate, get married, and have kids
    just live, without feeling like I have to question just about everything. or worrying about if i will fit,
  • Myamoo222
    Myamoo222 Posts: 5 Member
    1. Not fearing chairs with arms
    2. Running after my son.. and catching him
    3. Fitting into the 'skinny' clothing I packed away 15 years ago but never got rid of
    4. Having a second child
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
    2. Fitting in an airplane seat. I love to travel and took the train twice this year. But I still can't wait until I get an email from some travel site about flights on sale and can just click "purchase" and go knowing that I will fit in the seat. 17in across - so I have a ways to go.

    Width wasn't the only problem for me. Not only am I wide, I had a lot of fat behind my spine. I'm tall, plus that fat meant I used up a lot of leg room. Combine the two and I pretty much couldn't move in an economy seat.

    It really sucked once my employer cut business class seating when the economy tanked in 2001. Try flying to China and Europe like that.

    Now that I've lost some weight, I've essentially gained 3" of leg room. I fit in my truck and car much better, but the airplane seats are even more of a bonus.

    I've been so scared since the Kevin Smith (I don't think I got his name right) too fat to fly thing with Southwest Airlines. My company is based in Europe, and we go over once in a while for seminars. I don't want to be kicked off in front of my coworkers.

    Also, at the waterparks the weight limit for the cool slides is 250. Right now I can just do the lazy river and the wave pool.

    3rd, I have a weird glob of fat on my right leg in my saddlebag area. I hate that my legs aren't symmetrical.

  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    thigh high boots
    clothing that hangs right
    A much happier DH
  • Everything you all have mentioned, plus,

    I want to be able to walk into any store and be able to buy an outfit!

    I want to wear cute high heels when I want to, without extreme paid.

    I want to lose my junk in the trunk so I can lay on my back comfortably

    I really want to go scuba diving

    I want to ride roller-coasters again

    I want to be judged based my talents and abilities, rather than judged for being overweight

    I want hike on scenic trails

    I really like to body board again like I did when I was a teen

    I WILL!

    Started my Journey this week, and I will not let anything or anyone stop me.
  • I want to be able to walk in any store I choose and fit in the clothes!
    I want to wear a bathing suit in public
    I want to fit comfortably in my bath tub
    I want to be able to have another child
    Mostly I want to be happy with myself! :)
  • cjthurman
    cjthurman Posts: 56 Member
    1. Good sex! (And dating)
    2. Being able to fit in an airplane seat - I'm going to India in March and I'm dreading the ride.
    3. Feeling good about the way I look.
    4. Being able to walk down the street and no longer have people in cars roll down their windows and yell nasty names at me (this has happened at least 3x in the past few years).
    5. Walking up steps without getting winded.
    6. Run a 5k (not walk like I did last time!)
    7. Enjoy clothes shopping (I want some tight black leather!) and be able to walk in high heels.
    8. Be an example for my nieces.
    9. Be healthy for life.
    10. Skydive!
    (I haven't thought about this much ;)
  • pikaporeon
    pikaporeon Posts: 6 Member
    Not being scared of going to the doctor is a big one for me.

    Looking good (i have the bone structure and the height for it at least)

    properly fitting clothes.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Being the "skinny" friend.
    Running on the treadmill and on trails.
    Wearing a size that doesn't include any Xs.
    Not having to tug on my clothes every few seconds for them to stay in the right places.
    Choosing clothes based on my taste and not size.