New to the group? INTRODUCTIONS!



  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    Name: Lindsey Ross
    Age: 25
    SW: 196
    CW: 187
    GW: 150
    About yourself:

    I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada. My part of this Island actually has the highest rate of obesity in our entire country. I believe it's 38%! I've joined this site along with my sister and best friend. I think we're all doing really great so far, but I would enjoy the challenges as well!

    Other things about me.. I do a ton of artwork, I wish it was my job but really I do consulting regarding food safety systems and standards. It's really new to me, definitely a huge learning curve but I am learning! It does mean a lot of sitting in a chair though, where as I used to be a welder and moved around tons! Also, no kids and not married but I do date a sweetie. :)
  • karabff
    karabff Posts: 98
    Name: Jackie
    SW: 233
    CW: 205.2

    I am 46 an diagnosised with fibromalgia about 3 yrs ago-though the sympthoms have been horrible for 5- 15 yrs ago I lost 100 pds after my kids..I have struggle all my life with weight an eating disorders-when I was bedridden for 1 1/2 yrs it all piled back on- on Sept 12th of this yr I said enough is enough-not only do I want my life back I want to enjoy the 2nd half of my life more then the 1st-with age brings wisdom an what use to mean something no longer does- I have 2 children ages 19 & 21 though I have had the pleasure an tears of raising many goals are to learn how to beat this disease as well an be strong an fit-I miss my chance to backpack in Europe in the 20's won't be missing it the 2 nd time around-my goal for this week is to be able to start to move more in the evenings as that is when my pain has truly spiked!!!! Wishing everyone here success an am looking forward to seeing everyones before an after shots!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 131 Member
    Name: Amber
    Age: 25
    SW: 228 lbs
    CW: 191.4
    GW: 180 maybe 175

    I'm a 25 year old mother of a wonderful 6 year old boy. I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and he FINALLY proposed back in July. I never struggled with my weight until 2008 when I got my first sit down job. I had always been in shape before by dancing and cheering so I never had to exercise to lose weight or stay in shape, it was just part of my daily routine. I finally decided to take control and do something about my outer appearance b/c I was very unhappy with what I saw in the mirror. So far I've lost 36.6 lbs and I'm not stopping until I'm pleased with my body. I hope to be at my goal weight by my bday (Nov. 14th) which is in 27 days! Good luck to everyone!
  • tlaj305
    tlaj305 Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Twana
    Age: 46
    SW: 240
    CW: 237.5
    GW: 140

    I am recently retired from a stressful J.O.B and now I am a work at home Mom. I am married to a supportive man and I have four wonderful kids. I was never able to loose my pregnancy weight from my first child (21 years ago lol). and I packed on a few more pounds through out the years. When I see myself in pictures or look in the mirror I can't believe i let myself go this much. I am pretty much healthy meaning I don't have any health problems "Yet". The aches and pains will cease if I loose the weight. I want to get healthy for myself and my family.
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    @Jackie, love the picture! What a motivator and a way to feel good about losing a measly pound when you can see just what that looks like.

    Age: 58
    SW: 206.0
    CW: 203.0
    GW: 150

    About yourself: I had lapband surgery 4/2010, I was up to 258 before that. It sure is a lot easier to exercise since losing that much weight already.
  • lillady93
    Age: 25
    SW: 180
    CW: 163
    GW: 130

    I'm planning on getting married in about a year and really wanna look AMAZING for my wedding.
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    Name: Kelly
    Age: 40
    SW:211 (96kilos)
    GW: 165 (75kilo)
    About yourself: Hello all. Im 40 and I think this one week challenge is a great Idea. Im from Sydney and seem to be a day ahead but ill work around it with you. Cant wait to see how this group goes. Im a mother of thee and they have some what always come first. Now that they are older its time to move my butt. What a great time to start right here.
  • Ryan_VerWey
    Name: Ryan
    Age: 20
    SW: (starting weight) 219
    CW: (current weight) 203
    GW: (goal weight) 180-185
    About yourself: Been in the army for 3 years now, goin strong. Before i joined i was close to 250. after basic i was at 220 and have pretty much been there ever since. Then my first combat tour came along and I figured now is good a time as any to get to where I need to be. Fitness Pal is helping me realize that foods I thought were healthy really arnt, problem is here is i have no choice in what I eat just how much. Friend me if ya like, I always have a positive attitude and im willing to give advice and tips that you can only learn in the military.
  • willbe150soon
    willbe150soon Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Willbe150soon
    Age: 33
    SW: 186
    CW: 180
    GW: 150

    Hello all. I like the idea of a challenge. I think this is what I need to keep going with calorie counting. I do it from time to time, but I am not consistent enough to see great results. Challenge will keep me accountable. I have lost weight previously with calorie counting: about 20lb in 2 month. I was, however obsessive with it. I counted every bite. If I had gum, I logged it, if I had half of walnut as a snack, I logged it. I am a lot more relaxed this time around. It still works, just does not take over my life :)
    I exercise regularly for the last 5 month or so (3 to 5 times per week, one hour sessions, mostly weight lifting) I have noticed that my clothe fits better, however the scale did not change much. Need the challenge!
  • kingzwoman
    kingzwoman Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Crystal
    Age: 32
    SW: 283
    CW: 283
    GW: 165
    About Me: I am ready to lose this extra weight, no excuses! I just need some extra encouragement. I have been overweight my entire life. I beleive the latter part of my life is much more better, healthier, sexier than the first part!
  • 2move2lose
    2move2lose Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 41
    SW: 248
    CW: 228
    GW: 170

    Love a challenge!!
  • carlagrrl
    carlagrrl Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Carla
    Age: 34
    SW: (starting weight) 175 lbs
    CW: (current weight) 178 lbs
    GW: (goal weight) 145
    About yourself: Im 5 ft 2 in. work a desk job. I have recently remarried and have a 10 y.o. son from prior marriage. I want to get healthier and get PG again.
  • PremedLilly
    Name: Kelley
    Age: 23
    SW: (starting weight) 196
    CW: (current weight) 153
    GW: (goal weight) 140 ish

    I am a post grad, premedical student who is looking to lose the last 15 or so pounds! I have been using MFP for almost 2 years, and have had a lot of success with leading a healthier lifestyle since I graduated from an unrealistic, college life, in 2011 ;). I have been struggling recently with losing weight and need a new challenge to help propel me from this weigh loss plateau. Everyone's stories sound motivating and inspiring... I look forward to the week long challenges ahead!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Melle68
    Name: mel
    Age: 20
    SW: (starting weight) 10st 9lb (before started myfitnesspal)
    CW: (current weight) 10st 5lb
    GW: (goal weight) 9st 6lb
    About yourself: i seem to be a constant dieter but always let myself eat junk for 'energy' when stressed cos have lots to do. i dont do cooking from scratch and rarely exercise cos i dont enjoy it and i'm so unfit it scares me - i dont look unhealthy but i really am. i have a somewhat active job so con myself that this couints as exercise so i dont have to do any. i seem to live according to my emotions and really arent good at get the balance right when it comes to anything - including food/exercise. i wanna be healthy and stronger/fitter.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Name: Rose
    Age: 42
    SW: (heaviest) 235
    CW: 195
    GW: 145
    About yourself: I'm a stay-at-home mom, married to my best friend for 18 years. We have 6 kids and I homeschool them while Dear Husband earns the money to feed our darling locusts! Counting calories isn't working on it's own, so three days ago I put myself on a modified paleo-style diet. I'm hoping that this is what my body needs.
  • tyeeshia
    Name: Tyeeshia
    Age: 29
    SW: 200
    CW: 200
    GW: 178
    About yourself: Have a wonderful 10 mths old baby girl, here because i want to lose the the weight i gained when i was pregnant.
  • turbosupremo
    turbosupremo Posts: 24 Member
    Name: David
    Age: 25
    SW: 230
    CW: 210
    GW: 180
    About yourself: I'm from Calgary, AB, and about 2 years ago I was topping the scales at 275. I started boxing, and slowly got down to 240ish. I then plateaued. A co-worker showed me MFP, and since then I've been steadily dropping weight. My goal is to get to 180 (or lower depending on how much I have to lose) and get jacked in the process so I can compete with my boxing. I'm a competitive person and always up for a challenge.
  • jltookes
    SW 236 currently @ 200.4 as of yesterday 10/18/12. I'm 36, a mother of 2 and work in accounting. I'm determined to 1st get under 200. My ultimate goal is 165-170. I started April 16, 2012. I enjoy aerobics, zumba & walking. This has been a great transition for me. I'm looking forward to the week chanllenges!!!

    I'm always looking for tips. Good Luck to each of you.

  • yorokobi
    yorokobi Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Lynda
    Age: 32
    SW: 183
    CW: 183
    GW: 163 (for now- this is the magic number for no longer being considered obese).
    About yourself: I live in Montreal, QC. I was diagnosed with depression about a year ago which has been really difficult to deal with but have really been an emotional eater for most of my life. Had a doctor's appointment yesterday which really hit home how fast I have been piling on the pounds, so I am doing something about it! Yay! Go me!
  • cubbychick69643
    name: Lindsay
    about me: trying to lose weight to better myself and help with fertility issues. i will take all the help and advice i can get. cheap easy meal ideas, at home exercise tips as i have no weights or equipment and dont want to be left all saggy as i lose the weight