New to the group? INTRODUCTIONS!



  • Name: Riley
    Age: 16
    SW: 126.5
    CW: 126
    GW: 110
    About yourself: I'm looking to lose a few pounds and get more fit :) My hobby is horseback riding.
  • nw00778
    nw00778 Posts: 22

    Age: 26

    CW: 170
    GW: 150

    I'm a Georgia Peach, I love Atlanta! I have always struggled with weight, I feel like Oprah. Im skinny one year and fat the next. If someone were to look through my facebook pictures, they would have a field day watching me go up and down! :) ... I am graduating from college this December with a degree in CHild and Family Development. I want to go to law school or grad school, I need to decide quick! I am stressed out about post-grad life. I used to make unhealthy weight loss choices when I was under stress so THIS TIME i decided to do it right by exercise and eating right, I feel like food is now the only thing I can control. I feel like being in a group will keep me motivated to make healthy decisions!

  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    Name: Heidi
    Age: 45
    SW: 128
    CW: 128
    GW: 118

    Just recently joined MFP and I especially love the phone app! I generally eat a very healthy diet but fall off the wagon once the sun goes down. I want to get back to eating for health and satisfaction, but not do recreational eating any more. I also need to get my body moving, and want to at least start rebounding where it's so good for helping your lymphatic system cleanse itself.

    I'm married to a great guy (who wants to do better at nighttime eating), and we have a 19 year old son, and a 15 year old daughter.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Name: Midori
    Age: 48
    SW: here at MFP: 196.5
    CW: 195.2
    GW: 145

    I've been doing this for a while. I've been at Peertrainer, My Plate, Livestrong. Then I bought a Bodymedia Link Armband since I can't seem to really lose weight. I exercise and I eat well - not great - I'm human after all. Now BMF and MFP can link. I like the bar code scanner here. I found I was having to create way to many foods at Bodymedia. I recently started tracking my water with an ap on my phone. 99 oz is a lot of water to drink in one day.
  • Hello :)
    Name: Krissy
    Age: Nineteen
    SW: 190
    CW: 188
    GW: 167
    UGW: 155
    About myself: Hello! Welp, the Navy says I've gotta drop some chub before joining up (well they said it much friendlier than that), so I am trying to get under the 167, almost 20 pounds. My weight has never been normal, I was a chubby baby, skinny kid, anorexic teenager and now overweight adult -____- I know 20lbs is harder to drop than because I have less to lose, but I am so ready to do this, I am farrrrr beyond ready to start my life in the Navy! <3