
So, what is your strangest symptom with hypo/hyperthyroid? I think mine is my nails. Sounds weird, but my nails are in kinda poor condition, peeling layers, breaking, ridges. I even went to a doctor once a few years ago because I thought I had a nail infection or something. The doc told me to come back in a few months if it didn't clear up! WTH! That, plus a host of other symptoms that were piling up, is what made me go get tested. What's your story?:happy:


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    my nails are bad too, they crack and peel on the sides. my hair loss is terrible i am FREEZING all the time and that drives me nuts! i am so tired all the time i want to scream!
  • sometimes_blondie
    And the joint aches. After a good workout, I could barely climb the stairs because my knees hurt so bad!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    ya i never knew if that was from thyroid issues or just b/c i had knee issues since i was a kid..... so i try not to include that one...
  • yayagaga
    Mine is sudden onset excessive hunger. It generally happens in the morning but on occasion has happened at anytime of the day and even woken me up at night. I'll just suddenly get this jittery cold sweat feeling and I have less than a minute to shove something in my mouth, usually a nutragrain bar as those are easy to keep in my purse, car, desk ect. If I don't then I will continue to get the jitters and horrible nausea to the point I will start heaving.

    I also sometimes feel social anxiety just due to being too worn out and tired to socialize and I'll get anxious about having to fake the desire to want to socialize and then deal with my husband making me feel like a party pooper. The exhaustion, when it's bad, is really annoying.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Freeezing cold hands all the time is the one really annoying me.
    My skin feels like sandpaper, my hair couldnt get any thinner if it tried and i could sleep for weeks. Also get a bit bipolar feeling, really happy one min then one small thing makes me really angry (might be my BC tho)

    My nails are the only good thing! The grow long and straight, i used to keep them long but now prefer short and have to trim them about once a week. Whoever said your hair and nails grow at the same rate lied!
  • CaboFitness
    I have a lot of joint pain too, but I am also very sluggish,
  • jennco3
    jennco3 Posts: 72 Member
    I was being told time and time again I was tired because I was too heavy and needed to take more vitamins and work out. THen when my sis was diagnosed I asked my doc to add it to my family history and test it so we had a base line number. Two weeks later I started meds.
    My symptoms- COLD!, thinning hair, brittle nails, joint pain, can't concentrate very long and being tired. I can deal with most of them but not being able to concentrate long is difficult. Many of my other issues stem from tthat.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I was diagnosed approximately 12 years ago.

    Over that summer I noticed that I would gain 6-8 lbs over a few days and I was always tired and couldn't concentrate or retain anything I had just read. I would sleep 14 to 16 hours a night and wake up exhausted. I chalked the tiredness up to a busy summer and figured things would settle down in September.

    It was the weight fluctuation that sent me to the Dr. and then I was diagnosed.

    The worst symptom I have endured is the coldness. My hands and feet would get cold and then I would shiver. It seemed to happen every night after dinner and my family laughed about it and would have a blanket ready for me.

    My meds were adjusted and it went away.

  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Bloating, extreme random hunger, but the biggest by far is sluggishness. I rarely have the energy to get out of bed. How I can do anything is beyond me. I've just somehow become adjusted to it and I force myself to move.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    HUNGER. I was always hungry when I was hypo and then after 40 years I became hyper and it continued. Now with only 1/2 of it and appropriate meds. it is the first time in years(many) that I have not felt that urge to eat all of the time.
  • BWinsto1
    BWinsto1 Posts: 46 Member
    I am always COLD (ears, nose, fingertips) and when I get hungry it seems my body goes into stress mode ( I need to get my adrenal gland checked). I also have trouble with concentrating.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I got checked because I was lightheaded and very hungry.

    I have noticed that when my levels are low, I get constipated and sluggish and some of my hair falls out.
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    I could barely move off the couch. Weight gain, and losing the outer part of my eyebrows....and YES, brittle nails.....oh, and lump in my neck....