First Workout -Almost complete :)

I just went through booty basics and 1/2 of the bum bum workouts. Booty basics is more of an intro. to the basic moves, and not really a workout. My advice: don't go through all the reps the lady on the video is doing, if you plan to do the bum bum workout right after. She only does one side, so when you go to start the actual workout - that side is already tired. Pretty basic moves, but not easy. Especially when one (me! :)) has been out of the game for so long. That tired right leg, and my back has put me on pause. I will complete later today and fill you in. Anyone else starting a BeachBody program?


  • TTRiley
    TTRiley Posts: 6 Member

    I just started turbo jam. Doing the 10 day kick start now, mixing it with BBL after the 10 day kick start
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    I have a copy of BBL that I have been wanting to start. I am going to start tomorrow now that I have some motivation. About how long are the videos?
  • @Ariana: The BBL workouts average 30 minutes, except for sculpt. That one's around 50 minutes. Keep me posted on your progress and how you like it!
    @TTRiley: I've been interested in the Turbo Fire program for a while. Do you know how Turbo Jam compares?

    Good luck!!!
  • McCarthy6
    McCarthy6 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on day 11 of P90x...I'm down 6 pounds, it's crazy! And I mean both the weight loss AND the workout. I can't do all of the moves because I have past injuries to my left ankle and knees BUT "I do my best"
  • That's FANTASTIC McCarthy6!!! :) I have that program as well, but am too recent on my back injury to try right now. EVERYTHING is modified for me right now movement wise. I was thinking BBL might be a bit easier to ramp back into my workouts. Your progress goes to show that you can move forward, even with modifications due to injury! Are you following the food plan too?

    Keep up the awesome work!
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello to all????!!

    I just finished my first workout! What a workout!!! Now I am wondering where this fits in the exercise activities, any suggestions? This workout was a little harsh on my right knee (runners knee) and I'm icing it as we speak : ) other than that hood workout! Oh yeah and I do Zumba twice a week so won't be doing BBL on those days.

    Lets do this????
  • Way to go Brenperez! I completed my as well with modifications. My right side is really feeling it! I've never done the Zumba at home program. Only the community center classes. How are the DVD's?
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanx! I actually go to the gym to do the Zumba classes.

    Do any of you know what BBL DVD comes after the Bum Bum Workout; I bought my DVD set at a yardsale and it was only the DVD set. Any help is well appreciated.
  • lovelyssbeauty
    lovelyssbeauty Posts: 4 Member
    I do Zumba in my dorm on the Wii and I go to different classes at the rec that deal with the "beach body"/ It's always a little intimidating ! I feel like everybody in there is a PRO