Sunday accountability report for Week 7 - November 28

airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
Dear fellow Challengers,

It was another travel week (three nights in Chicago), but I nonetheless burned more calories this week than the past few weeks.

I completed my calorie log for each day of the week. I was under my calorie goal for 5 of the 7 days, and under my net calorie goal for the week.

I consumed 13,299 calories for the week and burned 4,940 calories for the week, for an average of 706 calories burned per day. That's more than Dr. Bob requires for the 10-Week Challenge, but still less than the 770 calories/day that I pledged for the Ultra Challenge. :-( I will have to redouble my efforts during this coming week to attain this goal!



  • browninsb
    Hi All,

    I completed my calorie log for each day of the week. I was under my calorie goal for 5 of the 7 days, and under my net calorie goal for the week.

    I did my first workout for the week yesterday and did a bike ride with my husband. It felt great to get back at it after being sedentary for a week. I'm feeling much better and glad to be on this side of gastrointestinal yuckiness!

    I will start back to the Strength Challenges tomorrow. We'll see how well I do compared to the first round. It will be fun NO MATTER what!

    I dropped down to 150lbs so I'm going to add some avocados to get some healthy calories.

    Keep up the excellent work, discipline and outstanding attitudes. I enjoy watching y'all work hard as well as read your great interactions with one another.

    Happy Week,
    Mary Ellen

    PS I will be out of town Thursday and Friday but I'll keep up with y'all on MFP and I'll track everything while I'm gone!