Attack phase day 1

dia77 Posts: 410 Member
Hi guys,
I am not new to this diet as I tried it before . It's been a long summer but now I am back . I need to lose 14 lb and today is Day 1 of attack phase . I am ovo-lacto vegetarian with some fish days during the week and I can use any suggestions regarding the attack phase meniu .
Do you , guys , still log in the calories , since in this diet you can eat as much as you like?

I need to stay commited to this diet so if you can add me as a friend , will be a huge help for me ,
Thanks !
Dia 77


  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, Dia - I am on day 7 of my Attack phase. I personally don't log my calories - just trying to get away from that habit myself. I say do what works for you!!!