Trying anything new for this month's weight loss?



  • 1. I work on the 4th floor of an office building so it means taking the steps more
    2. try even harder to cut the bad carbs
    3. maintain current workouts
    a. run 30 min 3x a week monday, wednesday, friday
    b. bike or video workout 40 minutes tuesday, thursday
    c. recovery days saturday and sunday
    4. no 3 am snacks when i get up (spoonful of peanut butter)
    5. more water
    6. more home prep meals and less process meals or foods
  • mk1100
    mk1100 Posts: 2
    1. 45-60 minute Cardio 5x Week
    2. Biceps/Triceps (3 forms, 4 sets of 15-20 for 5-10lbs 3x Week)
    3. Abs (3-4 forms, 3-4 sets of 20-30 4x Week)
    4. Shoulders (4 forms, 4 sets of 20 2x Week)

    Pack breakfast and lunch M-F
    Lower sugars, raise proteins
    Keep calories in range 1200-1400

    Be positive and believe in myself!
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    I'm going to try to cut out all the sugary snacks that have been creeping back into my diet that I'm sure have been the cause of a month long plateau I've had.

    I'm also going to try mix up my long jobs with some speedier short runs.

    Best of luck to us all.

    AHHH I know that feeling! I bought a bunch of banana's and the original cheerios. Each cup of cheerios is ONLY 100 calories, and if i just put it in front of my keyboard, i can nibble on it here and there and it keeps me satisfied for some reason.

    Also, that's an awesome quote from your PT!

    I love cheerios....

    I need to drink more water and try new workouts. I tend to get bored fast. So I need to keep it new...
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    do y'all just count calories or also your sugar intake

    I count both :)
    I am always high on my sugar intake and under in my daily calories

    I also count my sugar and carbs.....
  • Chellellelle
    Chellellelle Posts: 595 Member
    I'm going to...
    Run at least 10 minutes 3 times a week
    Walk/elliptical/bike 4 times a week for 20 minutes

    As far as food goes, I'm going to try and eat less processed foods (less than what I already am), more vegetables and fruit, less meat.
  • I've just started the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Program. I'm on day 1. I've completed the strength training for today - what a struggle! Definitely have to get used to the movements. I've just started swimming, so using that as my cardio. Apart from that, it's dancing, jogging, eliptical trainer. Cardio 6 times a week, for 30 minutes a pop! TA Meta Strength training 6 times a week as well. Don't want November to be another lazy month!
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    October I burnt 15000ish.

    I want to burn more and as I'm not going on a mini break this month I think I can lose more :)
  • divaonadiet
    divaonadiet Posts: 24 Member
    I will try to be consistant with eating and exercise.
    Bootcamp x 2 days per week
    Treadmill x 5 days per week
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    In November I am going to:
    1. At least a 3 km run 5 mornings a week
    2. Circuits of Push-Ups, Lunges, Sit-Ups, Squats 3 times a week
    3. Work Arms with Weights 2 times a week
    4. Track all food and beverages, good and bad for the whole month
    5. Get the proper amount of sleep
    6. And Drink LOTS of water!
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I'd like to try the intermittent fasting. It's not as severe as it sounds. But my missing (3) meals a week, that could add up to 1,750 calories or a weight loss of an additional 1/2 pound a week. I am a bit wary of the whole "body going into survival mode" thing, though.
  • lyblood1
    lyblood1 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm upping my cardio but I'm also doing more HIIT workouts too that include weights in the workouts so...and no eating after 7! That's the hard one right there.
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Get out of bed each morning at 4:30 and do my workout.. Also try to get in an extra evening workout, whether its walking, jogging or a video... Also get rid of the snacking on useless crap.
  • danielleinict
    danielleinict Posts: 5 Member
    Cutting out sweets and diet pop.
  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    Any suggestions on a good app to use to keep track of weightlifting?

    I have heard Jetfit is good. I tried it but being more of a runner it was just too much for me. My sister lifts but she likes to just use a good ol' notebook. :happy:
  • I just started 30 Day Shred I'm on Day #3. I am going to make exercising everyday a priority. And I'm going to watch what I eat for dinner. It seems like I can eat well all the way up until dinner time.
  • I am trying to learn to exercise and go to the gym at least three times a week or walk

    Monday = Zumba 1hour
    Tuesday = Zumba 1hour
    Wednesday = gym (trainer)1hour
    Thursday = Zumba 1 hour
    Friday = Zumba 1hour and gym (trainer) 1 hour
    Saturday = rest
    Sunday = spinning 45mins and Zumba 1hour
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    1. I work on the 4th floor of an office building so it means taking the steps more
    2. try even harder to cut the bad carbs
    3. maintain current workouts
    a. run 30 min 3x a week monday, wednesday, friday
    b. bike or video workout 40 minutes tuesday, thursday
    c. recovery days saturday and sunday
    4. no 3 am snacks when i get up (spoonful of peanut butter)
    5. more water
    6. more home prep meals and less process meals or foods

    You've inspired me regarding the stairs. I pay out a small fortune each month on a PT but take the elevator at work. Stupid really and I should have thought of it myself, lol

    Good luck!
  • Jillian Michaels will be my BFF during the week and saturdays are for training to walk long distances (half marathon in feb)...also, doing low carb - that seems to work best for me.