My biggest hurdle in reaching 10 lb's is...

shrooki Posts: 32 Member
I have four:

1. I LOVE experimenting with burgers. Different meats, spices, and methods of cooking really intrigue me.

2. On top of that, we have weddings and parties to go to during November which is going to mess things up. I'm going to have to really watch my portions.

3. I'm also extremely afraid I'm going to mess up my ankle or injure my back (some way... some how). It always seems to happen and I get set back really far. I'm only 31. #%@*%#@!

4. My sisters are always making sweets and desserts and it's so hard to resist... but I must resist... but they're so good... no you can't have them... but I must :(


  • DivaTKG
    DivaTKG Posts: 14 Member
    My biggest hurdle is staying consistent. I know what I need to do, but it is a matter of doing it on a consistent level.
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    My biggest problem comes when my husband and I go out to eat. I usually wont eat the bread they bring to the table but if I do I eat more than one bite and chalk it up as a cheat meal....saying I'll do better tomorrow. I have to stop going out to eat so much. We have really cut down, though. I do like to cook, just not every day.
  • guinspeg
    PORTIONS!!! My portion sizes often get out of control, and due to my lifestyle I tend to eat later in the evening, which is not good either. I must try harder to reduce my portions down!!
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    In India our major festival Diwali and also our New year is in November so loads of traditional high cal food will be prepared at home and also going for a trip with family so it will also be a hurdle for me.
    P.S.: My mamma makes very delicious food so it'll be harder for me to resist myself.
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    My main one is graduation...I'm graduating on 23rd Nov...going for a carvery (my fav) with the family then going out in the evening and...welll....:drinker: lol.

    That might be my downfall....only one day though! I could still make it!
  • LaceyMorley
    My biggest hurdle will be staying on track the days before and after Thanksgiving. I plan to eat what I want on the actual holiday without getting over stuffed, but the days around the holiday I want to stay within my calorie limit for sure.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    My morning workouts are my biggest hurdle as it is dark and cold for them now, but if I don't do it in the morning the workouts won't happen. Aiming for minimum 5 morning a week if not more :happy:
  • gjetherington
    What is my biggest hurdle... getting motivated to exercise. I enjoy Zumba, but there were no classes over the summer and the instructors decided not to start them back up. Getting cold now and walking outdoors is not enjoyable. Any suggestions?
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    My main one is graduation...I'm graduating on 23rd Nov...going for a carvery (my fav) with the family then going out in the evening and...welll....:drinker: lol.

    That might be my downfall....only one day though! I could still make it!

    What's a carvery???
  • victrois
    Myself. I know what to do, I know what to eat and what to eat less of, but there is something inside of me that shuts down, and I start to eat without realising.
  • speedys
    speedys Posts: 13 Member
    Mexican Food and cooler weather...while the majority of my friends are relishing the cooler weather coming along, I absolutely do not. I am such a cold wimp, It's most difficult for me to leave a warm bed. Makes keeping on top of my diet seem easy!
  • Chellellelle
    Chellellelle Posts: 595 Member
    My biggest hurdle is staying motivated and not letting myself fall off the wagon. In the middle of the month I usually barely ever go to the gym and start eating like crap. I'm going to try my hardest not to do that!
  • jdubz18
    jdubz18 Posts: 18 Member
    Staying on track on the weekends...I do great during the week when my day is structured but the weekends are tough with get togethers, going out to eat, etc. Thanksgiving will also be a challenge as it's one of my favorite holidays so I plan to do lots of working out before and after so I can indulge a little. Game on....goodbye 10 lbs!!!!
  • rainbowsprite
    chocolate!!! need i say with Halloween over, coworkers will be bringing in all their leftovers and I find it very hard to resist. I havent tracked for 2 or 3 weeks but now I think its time i got back at it...!! I want to lose the 10 pounds and I think that I can do it...thats only 2.5 pounds per week.....
  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    EVENINGS!!! I do really well all day long and at night I have a couple vices that I just have to get a handle on but at night my stresses from the day come to a head, i am starving for dinner and I can't control myself. Don't get me wrong, it isn't like i dive into cake or a jar of cookies but I will cut off cheese, or peanut butter by the spoonfull occasionally a spoon or 3 of ice cream at worst but these things add up and I never count them. yesterday was my first day post pregnancy NO POP and no chocolate.... 2 down, 3 to go. :glasses:

    OH and getting to the DAMN GYM!! If I don't get there by Friday this week I might just go CRAZY!
  • moonievidler
    moonievidler Posts: 11 Member
    I travel a lot with my kids in hockey. I need to pack lunches and eat them instead of eating out.
  • lyblood1
    lyblood1 Posts: 34 Member
    Mine is weekends. I'm steadfast through the week but I love love love football and on weekends me and my friends (mainly men) all get together and there's always beer and liquor. The food I can resist, but I like to drink a cold one (or 4) with my friends and that's not cool. Soooo I'm working on learning how to nurse a beer or not drink at all so I don't get off track. I plateaud in October and I'm pretty sure that's the reason why.
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    My biggest hurdle in reaching 10 bls is actually eating. Even as we is noon and I have yet to eat today. I am terrible! Old habits die hard.
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    My biggest hurdle is work!!! Its interefering with my workout schedule. I was off on maternity leave for 7 months and getting back into the swing of things is not happening at all.. While I was off I worked out each morning and walked/ran at nights. Now I have no energy to do anything.. I'm up early to leave for work, and once I'm home, it's non stop action with the kids... Hopefully I can get it together, and soon!
  • Jerrielynn
    My biggest hurdle in reaching 10 lb's is not exercising and eating too many sweets. I am a junk food junkie. I don't like vegetables or fruit but do love my chocolate. I have a darn treadmill right in my house and I need to get on that daily and just walk.