The side situps in workout 3

medoria Posts: 673 Member
I dont know what Im doing wrong, I just dont feel it. It hurts some but I think its from the fatrolls meeting in the middle? I dont know if Im supposed to rest on the hip, straight on the side or on the hip partly on my butt?

Ive don Ab ripper x and this move is very similar to a move Tony uses, but the tempo is way faster, maybe thats why im confused. Anybody else?


  • willow3eb
    willow3eb Posts: 161 Member
    If I am thinking of what you're talking about, I believe she does that move more for your tricepts than your abs, which could be why you're not feeling it as much.
  • ladynblu87
    ladynblu87 Posts: 43 Member
    i'm trying to find the exercise you are talking about workout 3 which circuit?
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    The one where you bring your armpit up to your knees? i always found that one awkward, and it hurts the hip that digs into the floor so I tend to rock more on my butt but that doesn't feel right either.
  • wrapabar
    I also find it award and that it hurts my hip that is on the floor. So, I put a towel down that I have folded in half twice to add some more cushion. It is definitely a side crunch type of move to work the obliques.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    It hurts my hip too, which is why I also put a towel down because I work out on hard floors half of the time.

    But, I didn't feel anything in the abs until the NEXT day. Then, the obliques were SORE!

    I'm finding a lot of the moves that I don't think are doing anything actually kill me the next day. Weird.