March 2013 Babies



  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Well we found out on Wednesday that it's a girl! It's so funny: up until last week, I was sure it was a boy. Then all of the sudden I changed my mind and decided that it was a girl. Then I was convinced that I was just wrong and that it was a boy.

    Very happy, but all of the sudden it feels very real. I have a daughter on the way and that's so much more specific than a "baby". Spent yesterday a little freaked out and intimidated by raising a daughter. But I guess I'll have to figure it out.

    So glad we found out. Can't wait to hear what everyone else is having!
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    I've been able to trick myself by buying a 10 class pack of yoga classes that expires in 5 weeks ;-) Also enlisting a friend has helped (making an appointment to go to the gym or for a power walk). But left to my own devices, my natural tendency would be to watch TV all day LOL.

    I like your point of switching the focus from calorie burn to wellbeing. It's sooo important! I love my Summer Saunders and Katryn Streben workout DVDs, they emphasize squats for easy delivery. Highly recommended.

    How are people doing on the baby naming front? I haven't found any names that I like yet, with these criteria: boy, must be Italian, not too common, easy to pronounce in English. And should go well with an English middle name. Seems impossible!

    Have a good week y'all :-)
    Just thought I'd check in and see how you ladies are doing. I've actually been able to exercise 3 times a week for the past few weeks! And I've been taking walks and working in the baby's room, which I'm totally counting as exercise as well.

    It's been weird to shift my mindset from working out to burn calories to working out to relieve the stress on my joints and muscles. I do feel better after working out. I'm not as achy and stiff. I just feel weird not working out to that higher level and only sweating a little bit. I miss the exhausting workout I must admit.

    Anyway, how is everyone else doing?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi March Mummies

    We had our anatomy scan, and the way he was lying made it pretty hard not to miss that we're having a boy! It was odd finding out, we didn't with the other two, but they (aged 4 and 6) wanted to know if baby was a boy or a girl. I actually felt quite sad afterwards, I guess I had to farewell my dreams of another little girl, and you don't get that mild sense of loss when you have a baby in your arms!!

    So I've started working on boys names, oddly I had one picked out previously for my 4 yr old, but she was a girl! I really don'y like that name now ... so back to the drawing board ...

    Have you seen the baby name voyager

    If you click on a name it shows you how it's popularity has changed over the last 100 years, or you can type a name, or first letter into the name box, it's pretty good fun.

    I'm managing to string together a bit of exercise, just walking, but doing a good 5 - 6km, and I do feel better for it.
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    We found out yesterday that we are having a little baby BOY!!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    We found out yesterday that we are having a little baby BOY!!

    Congratulations! We were convinced we were having a boy but we're having a girl. We kind of had to start over with names but it's been really fun to think of girls names. I have a relatively uncommon name (Alexandra) so I'm a fan of old-fashioned but easy to pronounce names.

    Congrats again!
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    We already had a boy and girl name picked out. :) I told everyone that it was going to be a boy. I have been able to predict all; three of my kids gender before they told me. :) I call it mothers intuition (spell ck)

    His name will be Gavin Christopher :) And i am actually a week further than they said in the beginning, but I knew that too. I told the dr they were off by a week when they did my first untrasound.
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    Excellent tip, thanks a ton!
    Have you seen the baby name voyager

    If you click on a name it shows you how it's popularity has changed over the last 100 years, or you can type a name, or first letter into the name box, it's pretty good fun.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am glad to have found this thread. I'm due March 26th and just found out yesterday ITS A GIRL!! I'm super excited because I already have 2 boys (just turned 3 and 1 1/2). I intend for this to be the last pregnancy, so I am elated that I get a girl! I've been fortunate and have been feeling good from about 9 weeks on. I have been getting to the gym about 3 - 4 time a week and have been running 1 - 1.5 miles and also doing the elliptical.
    Names will be a challenge, as always. I've never really had to seriously consider girl names before. I'll have to check out that baby name voyager......!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am glad to have found this thread. I'm due March 26th and just found out yesterday ITS A GIRL!! I'm super excited because I already have 2 boys (just turned 3 and 1 1/2). I intend for this to be the last pregnancy, so I am elated that I get a girl! I've been fortunate and have been feeling good from about 9 weeks on. I have been getting to the gym about 3 - 4 time a week and have been running 1 - 1.5 miles and also doing the elliptical.
    Names will be a challenge, as always. I've never really had to seriously consider girl names before. I'll have to check out that baby name voyager......!

    Congratulations! I'm also having a girl and this is my first baby. Wow, you are doing great with your workouts! My exercise has been sporadic but I'm trying. :ohwell:

    Anyway, congrats on your little girl and it sounds like she's going to be close in age to your older boys. Take care!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Congratulations! I'm also having a girl and this is my first baby. Wow, you are doing great with your workouts! My exercise has been sporadic but I'm trying. :ohwell:

    Anyway, congrats on your little girl and it sounds like she's going to be close in age to your older boys. Take care!

    Thank you! Congrats to you as well. Yes, my kids will all be close in age, which was mostly deliberate. :)
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    I'm due March 14th with my first. Hubby & I will find out next Thursday if it's a boy or girl! We are super excited. I will update you all then :) Feel free to add me!

    I'm having a baby boy! :-)
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    I'm due March 14th with my first. Hubby & I will find out next Thursday if it's a boy or girl! We are super excited. I will update you all then :) Feel free to add me!

    I'm having a baby boy! :-)

    Congratulations! I LOVE my boys!!
  • kimmacias
    So happy to have found this! We are due with a baby boy on March 31st:happy: My doctor told me no exercise due to being a high risk pregnancy. I had my 2 year old two months early so we are trying to prevent that from happening again. I will be 5 months in a week and have gained a total of ten pounds. Doc said I'm doing great, but I really miss the gym. I will need you guys to help motivate me especially after I give birth to get back on track.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    So happy to have found this! We are due with a baby boy on March 31st:happy: My doctor told me no exercise due to being a high risk pregnancy. I had my 2 year old two months early so we are trying to prevent that from happening again. I will be 5 months in a week and have gained a total of ten pounds. Doc said I'm doing great, but I really miss the gym. I will need you guys to help motivate me especially after I give birth to get back on track.

    Congratulations on your upcoming baby boy! Is your 2 year old a boy or girl? You're doing great on weight gain (or lack of!) I hit 20 weeks yesterday (due 3/26) and have gained 17 lbs so far. Not awesome, but not terrible either.....That's too bad that you can't exercise, but its worth it!
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    How is everyone doing on the exercise front these days? I'm 23 weeks along and have been super super exhausted lately. I feel like my physical exhaustion is closely related to my lack of exercise over the past two weeks (well we had a hurricane 10 days ago and now we have a snow storm, how's that for an excuse?). Getting to my usual yoga place has become impossible because of the hurricane damage, and popping in the tapes at home has been difficult with everybody around at all times. It's getting harder to move around quickly, and I've started to have back aches/shoulder aches...anybody have a go-to method for rebooting after a lazy phase?
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I had a pulled muscle in my upper inner thigh/groin so it had been painful to even get around. It is feeling better now, but I can only walk for about 15-20 minutes before it get sore again. Hopefully it is healing so I can start exercising again!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    How is everyone doing on the exercise front these days? I'm 23 weeks along and have been super super exhausted lately. I feel like my physical exhaustion is closely related to my lack of exercise over the past two weeks (well we had a hurricane 10 days ago and now we have a snow storm, how's that for an excuse?). Getting to my usual yoga place has become impossible because of the hurricane damage, and popping in the tapes at home has been difficult with everybody around at all times. It's getting harder to move around quickly, and I've started to have back aches/shoulder aches...anybody have a go-to method for rebooting after a lazy phase?

    I make it to the gym 4 time a week, most weeks. However, I stay at home and view my gym time as a precious hour to myself :) In the past when I've been in a gym slump I've found that promising myself a small reward (such as a coffee from Starbucks or a couple pieces of dark chocolate) will get me motivated enough to go, and then once I've gone a couple times I actually WANT to keep going. Hope you can find a good solution for you! And I also hope you start to get some better weather!!!
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    Wow, Anna, I love your attitude! Finally made it through the Summer Sanders workout on Tuesday, and I'm so so sore two days after! But it reminds me with every step I take that I'm doing something for my health and hence for baby. I've also reintroduced protein powder into my diet, after speaking about it with my OB/GYN. It's the Bluebonnet brand from Whole Foods, so supposedly as natural as possible. Helps a lot with my sweet cravings.
    How is everyone doing on the exercise front these days? I'm 23 weeks along and have been super super exhausted lately. I feel like my physical exhaustion is closely related to my lack of exercise over the past two weeks (well we had a hurricane 10 days ago and now we have a snow storm, how's that for an excuse?). Getting to my usual yoga place has become impossible because of the hurricane damage, and popping in the tapes at home has been difficult with everybody around at all times. It's getting harder to move around quickly, and I've started to have back aches/shoulder aches...anybody have a go-to method for rebooting after a lazy phase?

    I make it to the gym 4 time a week, most weeks. However, I stay at home and view my gym time as a precious hour to myself :) In the past when I've been in a gym slump I've found that promising myself a small reward (such as a coffee from Starbucks or a couple pieces of dark chocolate) will get me motivated enough to go, and then once I've gone a couple times I actually WANT to keep going. Hope you can find a good solution for you! And I also hope you start to get some better weather!!!
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    Ouch, that IS painful! Are you feeling better yet? Have you tried swimming?
    I had a pulled muscle in my upper inner thigh/groin so it had been painful to even get around. It is feeling better now, but I can only walk for about 15-20 minutes before it get sore again. Hopefully it is healing so I can start exercising again!
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    It is much better now! Most days it barely bothers me, but I think it is related to ligament pain since I can feel it in my lower belly also. I don't have problems as long as I move slowly and deliberatly. =) I have not tried swimming, it is way too cold for me to get in my pool! Plus my husband usually lets it go during the winter so it's kinda gross. =(