anybody else???

dia77 Posts: 410 Member
Hi everyone,

I just finnished my four days attack and I am down one pound:(Based on my chart , I supposed to be down 3 pounds.I didn't cheat and I ate around 1500 cals + 20 min or more phisical exercise.

Does anybody else experienced this?

No constipation , no water retention ,no TOM .........AND i HAD AROUND 4 LITERS OF WATER /DAY......

What I am doing wrong?
Any advice is more than welcome :)


  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    You don't have much weight to loose so your progress is gonna be slow. 4lt of water is way too much, you could harm yourself I dont think you should drik morethan 2lt.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I know 4 liters of water is too much. I started drinking a lot of water four years ago when I was diagnosted with hiperthyroidism. I tried to talk with my doctors but they didn't seem to care . Over summer , there are some days when I will go up to 8 four liters means to keep it down:)
    I tried not to drink water so much water but I get these really bad headeacs ......
    On another note , I love not beeing hungry ! Love this diet!