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Woman Thou Art Loosed 52 Days of Pecking Orders
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 26
Like inmates in a prison yard, so many of us stay within the limits of the cities or neighborhoods we’ve grown up in, never venturing outside of them for the slightest amount of time. God has given you freedom--freedom to be EXPOSED to all of His creation and not just your particular street in your particular part of town. Take steps now toward EXPOSING yourself to more. Go to museums, theaters, orchestral performances, cultural festivals or anything you’ve never experienced in your own city as this will ignite a desire in you to see what lies beyond the “prison” walls of where you’ve always been. A whole new world of discoveries awaits…0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 27
Fullness of life requires a dedication to experiencing and being EXPOSED to new things. Imagine remaining where you are and doing the same thing you’ve always done for the rest of your life! If not for the sake of your future, go to new places and try new things just for the sake of getting out of your own comfort zone and living the full life God has ordained for you!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 28
EXPOSURE to more opportunities and people will quickly teach you not to get wrapped up in how things appear. Some details simply cannot be ascertained until you experience the fullness of the entire situation. A particular opportunity may look perfect on paper while your previous experiences instruct you to use caution and not take something at face value. As you head toward the fulfillment of your goals, heed the caution your previous experiences and EXPOSURE suggest. Your newfound knowledge and wisdom will prevent you from making mistakes based on impulsive and emotional decisions.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 29
**In following Naomi, Ruth was EXPOSED to a myriad of new things, including gleaning remnants from the side of a field. While she was experiencing something less than desirable, but altogether new, she was completely unaware of the other method in which God EXPOSED her. Little did she know Boaz, her future husband, was watching her. She was POSITIONED for the redemption of her family line. God will EXPOSE you and POSITION you for His purpose.
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WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 30
**In this new season, God will EXPOSE you to brand new things and people. However, don’t get caught up in looking at the outside of a person, relationship or situation! These things do not always reflect what is on the inside. Jesus said about the Pharisees that outside they were clean, but inside they were full of dead men’s bones (Matthew 23:27). Ask God for His wisdom and KNOWLEDGE as you navigate new territory and people!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 31
As you become EXPOSED to more, you will need to shut the doors on those things that negatively influence you. But, before you shut a door you will not be able to reopen, stop and think. You need the KNOWLEDGE to be able to tell the difference between a bad door and one that’s simply not ready. Do not close a door on a relationship or opportunity out of frustration just because it squeaks a little. God may bring you back to it when you are fully prepared to handle it!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 32
Forgiving someone takes a considerable amount of COURAGE because it requires you to be a bigger person and let things go…something most of us don’t want to do. Grudges spread and invade our healthy emotions. Forgiveness conquers bitterness! Moving toward your goals will require you to be COURAGEOUS enough to release the bitterness you’ve held for so long. Remember to forgive as you want to be forgiven!0 -
sis, this is so powerful that i got in late but i'm agreeing with u in jesus name for 52 days.. that an awesome anointing in u is about to be released to this group.0
sis, this is so powerful that i got in late but i'm agreeing with u in jesus name for 52 days.. that an awesome anointing in u is about to be released to this group.
Glad your in. Blessings0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 33
Don’t ever go into a business deal without the proper research and KNOWLEDGE! Doing so will quickly allow the stronger personality to arrange the relationship to suit them. KNOWLEDGE helps you ensure there is equity and fairness between all parties in the business relationship. Make sure you do what is fair, and be COURAGEOUS and willing enough to address and correct mistakes.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 34
If you haven’t discovered it by now, PECKING will quickly introduce you to new things and people. But, as you risk doing or experiencing something new, you must accept that fear is normal! Nervousness and anxiety is a part of the nature of crossing a fresh threshold into the exhilaration of a new experience. You will always face new experiences with a degree of angst. But, take COURAGE. Feel the fear…but do the new thing anyway!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 35
When God POSITIONS you, He has a way of putting you in a place where you have no choice but to move from the safe center to the uncertain edge of a new experience! Admittedly, you would avoid making the necessary changes or facing the edge if you could. It’s here that you learn the value of faith and fuel of prayer. Activate both as God POSITIONS you to face uncertainty.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 36
DO NOT TURN BACK! You are doing so well! Before you give in to your anxieties, respect what is at stake! This whole idea of PECKING may seem scary. After all, you’re operating outside your comfort zone the entire time. But, the only way to avoid these nerve-racking feelings is to simply play it safe by sticking to what is easy and familiar. Expect to be uncomfortable because the stakes of your future are high! KEEP PECKING!!!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 37
Before you give up, affirm that the sky is the limit! You’ve been POSITIONED and EXPOSED. You’ve taken COURAGE and gathered KNOWLEDGE. You’ve set your goals high, knowing you could not achieve them on your own. Even if this is your second or umpteenth attempt, DON’T GIVE UP! You’re right on track. You were not created to play it safe. Take the risk and continue asking God, “Father, what’s next?”0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 38
As you keep PECKING, you’ll be faced with the temptation to end a relationship of any kind. Before you do, consider the consequences. Ending a relationship carries with it unseen ripples of regret and second thoughts. Before you “sign the dotted line” to terminate a relationship, look at all the facets of the relationship along with your motives. Do everything you can possibly do to preserve a relationship before ending it. Your experiences here will help you as God EXPOSES you to more relationships.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 16
When faced with significant opportunities, you might become fearful of bringing your past into your present. Take COURAGE in God POSITIONING you; God EXPOSING you; and God granting you His KNOWLEDGE! He would not have prepared you and brought you this far if He planned on destroying you or allowing new opportunities to overwhelm you. He’s given you your PECKING ORDERS because He knows you can handle them and carry them out! Continue pecking your way out!!!
Amen...thanks...0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 39
Before you quit anything, gain some KNOWLEDGE and do a self-examination! Though you might want to quit your life, leave everything behind and start over some place new, understand that you will leave the circumstances…but, you’ll never escape yourself. During PECKING, we sometimes quit the wrong things at the wrong time. Take COURAGE and face the situation head on so that, if you must leave, you can clearly think about where you want to go and what you want to do next!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 40
PECKING will call forth dreams you’ve buried prematurely that God wants to resurrect in your life. He will resurrect these dreams because they are a part of His purpose for your life. Grieve the past wrong choices you’ve made, but forgive yourself. Take COURAGE and celebrate hope for brand new opportunities. Face the facts about your dreams and how you’ve changed over the years. Are you COURAGEOUS enough to step into resurrected dreams? PECK!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 41
Before you break through to the next level of success, understand that you will nearly fail. But, don’t stop PECKING! Allow me to explain. People who’ve achieved great things are no more talented than you. They’ve simply learned to lean into their mistakes and persevere through them to the next level of challenge and expectation. Don’t quit! I’ve never seen a quitter win, but I see winners because they didn’t quit! God has you right where He wants you. Keep PECKING!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 42
Before you obtain dreams worth having, you will have to take risks! You must take COURAGE, overcome your fear of new heights and be willing to risk failing at the next level! If you see no way humanly possible for your dream to succeed, that is a great asset because it keeps you humble and willing to accept KNOWLEDGE from others. As you keep PECKING, ask for new strength and press on in the face of risk!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 43
PECKING toward your future will introduce you to conflict. Remain calm! Before you “fight”, you must select where and when to direct aggression. To heal any conflict, you have to give up the need for revenge, retaliation and being right and “fight” for the greater good. This requires you to exercise patience, wisdom and faith in God’s goodness. As you PECK, choose your battles wisely!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 44
Before you credit extenuating circumstances beyond your control to your achievement or failure, you must admit that you are a victim or victor of your own making because of a key decision. This level of self-honesty takes COURAGE! Your decisions set the course for your life. Past decisions and their consequences can be offset by decisions you make now. Hold yourself accountable for your decisions and exercise the process of reflection, discernment and decision.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 45
Being overwhelmed by your feelings as you start PECKING and acting upon God’s will for your life is normal. You will face emotions like fearing you will fail and have only yourself to blame. Maybe you’ll feel sad and ashamed of past mistakes. Don’t judge yourself. All of this is normal, and God is right there with you, promising to never leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:6). Don’t quit! Get out of your feelings and KEEP PECKING!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 46
No matter what stage you find yourself in while PECKING, you will encounter instances that tempt you to “fight”. But, before you fight, you must determine if it’s winning or your love of fighting that is driving you. There are things in your life that have conditioned a fight-prone personality. We have to fight to love, live and survive. However, think deeply to understand whether the spoils justify the fight. Don’t allow an old, fight-loving mentality destroy all that you’ve built during the PECKING process.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 47
God will equip you with KNOWLEDGE that will prompt you when it’s time to disengage from a relationship or process. Before you back away, accept that conflict can be an opportunity for true love and grace to flow! Don’t make the mistake of believing people must agree on every issue to be agreeable. Welcome the opportunity to talk to those with whom you might disagree. Be COURAGEOUS enough to look for peace in the midst of conflict.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 48
POSITIONING is a matter of strategy, and this strategy requires you to listen to God’s voice! Going off on your own will put you completely out of place and in a prime location for destruction. Heed God’s voice. Without His KNOWLEDGE and wisdom, there’s no way you will ever know where you are supposed to be. Get alone. Get quiet. Now, listen as God reveals to you the POSITION He has for you.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 49
God wants to update your files with new KNOWLEDGE and information! Being equipped with old information prevents you from accurately distinguishing friend from foe, causing you to fight off the very people to whom God has EXPOSED you in order for them to help you! God often sends help in unlikely places from unexpected sources. As God directs you, learn to put away your sword and open up your heart!0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 50
Before you run, realize that it is usually the easy way out! Your new journey takes COURAGE! If you’re always running away from your problems, you will never mature into the person God designed you to be. Maturity requires that you know how to discern and decide when to run and when to figure out how to make something work. Be COURAGEOUS enough to stand firm and no longer make flight your customary response.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 51
Making assumptions prevents you from respecting differences and learning from others. POSITIONING and EXPOSURE necessitate that you spend time with people who are different from you. It takes COURAGE, but the resulting KNOWLEDGE is priceless. When you only interact with people who look like you and think like you, you have no checks and balances to avoid extremes and to provide wisdom. Be patient in the new relationships God has given you, and look for the deep things that can unite you with others.0 -
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 52
We’ve reached the final day of The 52 Days of Pecking Orders, but don’t stop! Don’t turn back! Your POSITION has changed! You’ve been EXPOSED to things you’ve never seen! You’re more COURAGEOUS than you’ve ever been! You have new KNOWLEDGE to help in the days ahead! Now that you have all this, this is not the time to kick up your feet and relax. Go forth and possess all that God has for you. Fulfill His purpose for your life and watch Him take you to an even greater level! And, I want to hear from you! Post your experiences below, and let me know how your life has changed during these 52 days!
Now, let’s end these 52 days in prayer…
Lord, we thank you for what you’ve done during these 52 days, and we ask you to continue guiding us to greater heights in you. Use us to accomplish your will in the earth. We ask that you continue speaking to our hearts as we go further, knowing we can do nothing apart from you. With you as our support and our Leader, we will keep carrying out our PECKING ORDERS!
In Your Name we pray,
This discussion has been closed.