Hard time starting new eating habits

primal88 Posts: 16 Member
I am beginning again to be a primal eater. But I am having difficulties starting. I begin my day just fine. Eggs for breakfast maybe with a little cheese and black coffee. By mid morning I am hungry, so I have a primal snack, hard boiled egg, celery. Then I can not stop eating. I am eating primal food but I am binging on it. I know that I am still a sugar burner because I crave grains still. Can any one help me? Thanks in advance.


  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    I am by no means and expert, I'm still pretty new to this stuff....BUT, I struggled with the same thing for a while. I use to eat 2 eggs, maybe a piece of bacon and my coffee. I would start getting hungry around 9am and want to eat the rest of the day. I bumped up my fat and ate a bigger breakfast. Now I eat 3 oz of sausage, 3 eggs and avocado. It's way high in fat but I don't get hungry again until lunch. It seems to be helping a ton.
  • primal88
    primal88 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, I have heard that eating fat and protein helps. I will try it.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    When I first started, I was also hungry shortly after breakfast. I now drink my version of bulletproof coffee (Keurig coffee k cup, 1T of MCT Oil or Coconut Oil + 1T of kerrygold unsalted cultured butter) for breakfast and that really helps keep me satisfied until lunch - except of course on the days when I have an intense morning workout - like today. I'm hungry!! :-)
  • primal88
    primal88 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks.....sounds interesting.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Welcome back. Just be patient with your body and mind. It takes time for your body to adjust, and for your brain to register that you are eating differently. My cravings for sugar died down pretty quickly... within a week, maybe. After maybe a month is when i noticed that I could go for long periods of time without even thinking about snacking, or noticing that I was an hour or two late for lunch. I also noticed that I don't 't get shaky any more when I get hungry. If I am really hungry, I get actual hunger pangs in my stomach (this was a feeling I hadn't had in a while since I snacked so often on SAD), but no blood sugar swings.

    If you're hungry... eat. As long as it's primal and fits within your goals, you're fine. This "diet" is not about starving yourself, or feeling deprived. Just keep up what you're doing and you'll see your appetite change in a few weeks.

    Good luck!