metabolism reset

tinagn Posts: 72 Member
Did everyone here in this group do a metabolism reset before they started eating the cut value?
I only ate at 1200 for 3 week, net 1200. And I have eaten my cut value for a week. Was wondering if a metabolism reset is a must.
P.s seeing great results, my body fat percentage went down 1.5% since 29/10


  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    yep going in for tht but i am in my early stage so wont be able to help u out much........
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Nope, I didn't do a reset and went straight to a 15% cut. Although I'd been a yo-yo dieter for years I had been 'off the wagon' for a few months (i.e. eating too much, some good, some bad). I joined MFP and did VLCD for three weeks then discovered EM2WL and saw the light :)

    In hindsight though I kinda wish I had done the full reset. After seeing my strength gains stalling and my weight not changing after a few months I decided to go up to TDEE on 01 October and have been there since. I'm not gaining weight, I'm pretty sure my BF% is decreasing (although haven't measured) and my strength is increasing. I'm planning to stay at TDEE for a while and see what happens and am still debating whether to go up to a bulk on 01 December then restart a cut in the new year.
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I went about it backwards. I first did my 15% cut from TDEE, then decided to do the metabolic reset. In hindsight I wish I would have just done the reset first, for reasons that the poster above me noted.

    I was at a VLCD for years before I found EM2WL and the metabolic reset was really very beneficial to me from a mental aspect. I learned to not just focus on the scale. Instead, I focused on fueling my body with delicious, amazing foods and enjoyed feeling energetic and amazing when I could lift heavier weights or run a little faster.

    Read the links on what to expect from the reset. That was really helpful to me.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I don't think a reset is a must, but I think you should do one anyway. It will change how you view your body and it's relationship with food. I did one for eight weeks, cut for four weeks, and have been back in another reset for 6 weeks. I'll probably stay in a reset until January at least. My body just needs to trust that I'll feed it. Give it a shot!
  • tinagn
    tinagn Posts: 72 Member
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with pp. It is not always necessary to do a reset, but I think your body would benefit from it. It is also a plus to actually know where your TDEE is. I did only a short time of cut, before I realized I needed a reset. And I am so happy I did. I am eating at TDEE right now, and have actually no desire to go on cut lol. Love to eat more :)