Wednesday Check in 11/7/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Good morning all,

Hope everyone is doing well on this fine morning. There were snow flurries this morning as I came into work. We're expecting our first major snow storm today and tomorrow here in the DC area.

Today is our TF rest day. I will be doing a 55 minute FIRM strength training workout. I've never gotten through the whole thing. My goal is to complete it today. I will be using 3lb weights through the whole workout.

Please check in and tell us about your day. Have a good one.


  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Good afternoon, i didn't get to so my workout yesterday...spent all day taking out my Senegalese twists! So t today i will be doing fire & sculpt 30...its raining here in NJ...I'm hoping it doesn't snow! Have a great day!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Jamirah - I really like Senegalese twists!! My daughter is in Mt. Laurel and says there's wet snow coming down.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Hellow everyone!! I'm hanging in here with you all! It's week 3 for me and today is rest day but I will be walking with Leslie!!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Ms. LosinIt4Life -- Week 3!!! WTG. I like walking with Leslie too. Some of her workouts are no joke. Continue to hang in there and keep up posted on your progress.