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  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm Ann in Mississippi. Married to my husband/best friend for 29 years. We are planning to move to North Alabama when DH retires next year. We're both from Alabama and miss the hills.

    I'm a serial WW joiner. It has always worked in the past, but menopause changed that. This will be the last time I do this. There is no going back this time. I reach for food when worried and although I'm pretty analyical, I don't want to explore exactly why I do that. I want to just replace that behavior with something positive that will keep me on track and living a healthy life.

    It's so good to be able to communicate with people on the same mission! :bigsmile:

  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    Hi. Thanks for the invitation to join this group. My name is Julia.I was born and raised in Maine.I retired in July of 2009 and my husband and i moved to Arizona! (talk about a big difference) he got tired of shoveling snow and being in the cold.
    I too have done WW and was very successful with it. That was when i was still working,and it was easier. I managed a convenience store and the job was very physical.After i retired of course i slowed down and the weight seem to find me again. I am currently doing the NS program and love it.I find it much easier to log food/exercise etc on this site than the NS site.
    I am glad to be here with so many wonderful people. Look forward to interacting with you all.
  • meeramos
    meeramos Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! My name is Maria Helena, I am 47 and live in Arlington, Texas. I am married to a wonderful man (second marriage); have two sons from my first marriage (19 (still living at home) and 25) and a stepson (28, still living at home). I have three beautiful grandchildren (two girls, 5 and 6, one boy 10 months). I love my family and enjoy spending time with them. We like grilling out, camping or just watching a movie. I am trying to lose weight so I can look good on the back of my husband’s Harley.
  • Lawanda1004
    Lawanda1004 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello My name is Lawanda I am 42 years young, i want to lose about 50 pounds, stay healthy, and teach my kids better eating habits. Im new to not just the group but MFP as well. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need the motivation and the accountability and willing to do the same.
  • dbra58
    dbra58 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Debbie, and I'm a nurse from Kansas. I'm 54, have 3 adult children and 4 grands....they are lots of fun! My hubby and I also have a cat and a dog who are our furbabies. We love to travel and eat out, and thus begins part of our weight problems. My body has changed with menopause, nothing is the same! My goal to start with is 20 pounds, but really it's about more than the numbers-I want to be fit and healthy. I tend to make a good start, then go back to my old habits, and it just becomes a vicious cycle.

    I'm so happy to be part of this group; I love MFP. Someone said this has become their Facebook, that needs to happen with me too, so please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • tjeason
    tjeason Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, My name is Teresa and I am 51 years old. Don't hate me but I have always been little and have had no real weight problems. Then I became middle aged!! My weight continued to creep us every year and I finally have enough when I was 15 lbs overweight and nothing fit. I am now on a low-carb diet. I've lost five pounds and can't seem to lose anymore. I'm going away this weekend with my friends and I don't want to gain anything back....very worried! Loosing forward to getting to know everyone. Have a great day. More later because I am off to work.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Hi I'm Vickie..I've been a member of this group, but haven't had time to read until today.:smile:

    I'm 48, and a certified personal trainer, a Beachbody coach and I help people lose weight,workout and figure out their nutrition, mostly via the internet and phone calls. I'm a Mom, wife and a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Kuk Sool Won. I am also an instructor.

    I love animals, especially german shepherds. I use to volunteer for the local rescue fostering dogs and nursing them back to health until they were adopted.

    I love nature,the outdoors, camping and all the activites that go with it.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Hello to all! My name is Rosemarie & I am from Pittsburgh PA. I will be 60 in 2 days, happy to be able to say that as I am a 12 year survivor of Breast Cancer & never thought I would see a birthday such as this. Yahoo! :smile:

    I am married 41 years (same guy, he is amazing) :heart: I have 2 grown kids, son 40 and daughter 38. I have 5 grandkids 3 boys, 2 girls. I have 2 dogs (cocker spaniel & border collie) and one cat. I work full time.

    I was Dx with thyroid problems (Hashimotos disease) and pre-diabetes last year. My wonderful endocronologist suggested I check out MFP. I joined this summer & so far have lost about 12 lbs.

    This site sounds terriffic & I am looking forward to many new friends & encouragement along my journey to get healthier & lose more pounds. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the invitation ladies! I am 41, single, and live in the Boston area. I have always been heavy and as the years passed the weight just kept piling on. I work long hours at a desk job and my favorite ways to unwind at the end of a long day/week is to read. I am now working hard to change my sedentary bad habits and lose weight and get healthy. While I have just started (2.5 months) I am encouraged by how much more endurance and energy I have already after just losing some weight. My knees can hardly wait to know what it feels like to support a lighter me :)
  • Hello Ladies!! I am, when did that happen? I live in the beautiful state of MICHIGAN. I love it here. Grew up here, joined the military and have recently...well, to me...have made it back home again.

    I have joined the group hoping to get advice on many things. I joined last December, and decided it was time to get back in shape. Especially due to my age. I am 5'3'' and have lost 36 lbs. so far. I love it when I put on a pair of jeans that I didn't even realize were tight at the time, and have them sag on me.

    I have started to excercise again for awhile, then stopped due to stressful situation. But I really need to get back to doing that again on a regular basis.

    Looking forward to being a part of this group!!
  • Hello ladies..I am a 47 year old mom of two wonderful daughters ages 21 and 18 (Yikes)! I live in Massachusetts and am a family therapist/counselor in my professional life. I love food and wine which presents a whole lot of challenges as I move through these 40's..... right!! Luckily I do love to exercise but have learned as I age the importance of diet. I have recently developed a love of strength training and heavier lifting after I was side lined a year ago with a bad knee injury. Luckily physical therapy and cortisone shots have helped me and I am always aware that there are folks out there with so much more to deal with than a bad knee. I look forward to reading more on this thread and getting to know you all better.
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    I was just added to the group but I am not sure what to tell you. I have been on MFP for a long time but I come and go because I lead a very busy life. And I never know what I will be doing one day to the next.

    Here are a few things I do: teach high school computers and business, give samples at Wal-Mart, sell lia sophia jewelry – , bookkeeper for my husband’s three businesses, grandmother of 4, active in church, lead (WL)2, hockey tennis football mom. Just to name a few.

    I have been diagnosed with a tumor in my brain near or on my pituitary gland. I have conic pain from a child hood accident that
    happened when I was seven.

    I have been over weight since I started having children and I am now 8 pounds from my first short term goal and have another 65 to go after that.

    I am not sure how much I will post unless I can add this to my ipad old os or on my phone some how because I am not at a computer very often I unless I am working on other things.

    Thanks for the invite and I hope to get to know you all more in the upcoming weeks.
  • Hi, I am 51 years old and have lived with back trouble for the last 25+ years. I have shunned exercise for at least 15 years because of the effort and pain. LOL. I have been overweigtht for the last 15 years. I was normal weight up until my 4th child was born and my weight increased from there. I lost down about 15 years ago to a healthy weight, but slowly put it back on until I reached about 60 pounds overweight. I am 5'9" and had gotten up to 230 pounds. I lost 20 - 25 pounds last winter by totally cutting out "sweets" and white flour. I ate lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. I have kept that off - varying 5 pounds, but am now back on track to get the rest of this weight off. I recently joined the YMCA and have been doing Pilates to build my core strength. I lOVE it! And it has been a MAJOR help to me. I also started a "Choose to Loose" 6 week competition at the Y. Then I broke my ankle two weeks ago. But walking on crutches helps me burn calories... who new walking on crutches is cardio! LOL But I am down about 9 pounds since I started the Choose to Loose program. I have now have about 40 pounds to reach my goal. :)
  • Hello everryone. My name is Odalys and I am 51 years old. I am 60 pounds overweight. I have being trying to loose weight since january and I loose some and then gain again. I hope this time I am able to stick to the plan. I heard about the 3 days diet and will start it tomorrow. Anyone heard about it?
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Hello! I am new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Helen, and I'm a 42 year old mom of two wonderful kiddos, a boy aged 7 and a girl aged 10. I have a fabulous husband, and I work full-time+ as in-house counsel to a financial services firm. So, pretty busy. The last several years have been pretty stressful--a divorce, remarriage, both my parents got cancer and passed away...ugh. I did not have great control over my eating habits apparently, and I gained 40lbs. My a-ha moment came when I weighed in at the same weight I was BEFORE my son was born...yikes. Plus, I just wasn't happy or healthy...

    I've lost eight pounds so far, and I think most of it is logging the food for me. I've always been a good exerciser, and do enjoy it for the most part. I'm enjoying it even more now that I've added some strength conditioning and started eating right.

    Thanks for inviting me!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Hi! I'm Jana, a 53 yr. old American now living in Canada with my wonderful hubby of 13 years and our three kids: 2 from my previous marriage, ages 23 and 20, and our daughter together, age 12.

    I am a full time writer. I do mostly freelance work and have authored 2 books: one is a self-help book for women, like me, who are dating or married to a former widower (<--for whom I also run a message board), and one is a family humour book (<--on which my syndicated column is based). I pen a blog here on MFP called "Laugh Therapy".

    I am also a part-time grief counsellor and lead bereavement recovery classes two nights a week.

    I started MFP in mid-Sept. and am thrilled with it and the people who I have befriended. My only issue is that I have two very damaged knees and find exercise difficult.

    Add me if you like...I can never get enough friends, esp. those who like to laugh. :smile:
  • mebanwar
    mebanwar Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Mary and I live in Albuquerque. I'm 55 and divorced. I have 3 adult daughters, all married, and 5 grandchildren (3 boys, 2 girls) ranging in age from 13 down to 16 months.

    I'm 5 ft. 5 in. tall, and gradually over the years gained a little here and there until at 45 I found myself at just under 200 lbs. I went on WW and over the next 3 years got down to 145. But to maintain that weight I had to live on broiled boneless, skinless chicken and salad without dressing. I got really bored with eating the same old thing. I gradually started adding in other things to my diet and the weight started to come back. Then menopause hit, and the weight just seemed to cling and grow in leaps and bounds until I was up to 210! Nothing I did seemed to make much of a difference. So now that the hormones have settled a bit, I'm starting over. I have to find a way to lose the weight, and then maintain a healthy weight without eating the same old thing day after day, because when I get bored with my food, I go looking for something to entertain my taste buds and then I get into trouble!

    I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's tips and tricks both with weight loss and recipes.
  • Greetings! I hail from Kamloops, BC in the Central Interior. We had our first snowfall last night -- it was so quiet, peaceful, and serene looking out the window this morning. Pleasant surprise: my son appeared at my doorstep as I was getting dressed to shovel the driveway. Why? Because he was checking to make sure I really was all right, and second, to shovel my driveway. What a great way to start the day.

    I have been here for 100 or so days and am making great progress! Lost 14, 4 to go to reach first goal (Christmas). Second goal of 15 more by Easter. These are totally doable!!

    I sometimes lack in motivation, well, no, not sometimes: really, a lot of the time!!

    Looking forward to what the group produces and what my contribution will be.

  • Hi, my name is Sue and I live in Wiltshire England, (near Stonehenge),

    I have been doing MFP since April and have managed to lose 34lb of which I am very proud, I managed to lose nearly 3 1/2 stone a couple of years ago but put it all back on again plus a stone, serious lack of willpower and love of food I suppose.

    I have many reasons for doing this but would like to be a bit thinner and healthier for the wedding next year and also be 60 and slim (gives me a couple of years) time to cheat a bit, feel guilty and start again, must admit this is the easiest diet I have ever done and I think I have tried them all (even the cabbage soup) with that one bowed down to family request as was a bit anti social hee hee :blushing: :blushing:

    Love these discussion boards although am more of a reader than a doer I'm afraid, so will have to try harder.

    Good luck ladies and I am looking forward to many happy hours checking in.x
  • Hello all!

    My name is Carrie (age 55) and I live in San Diego, California. I am trying to lose over 100 pounds to be healthier and enjoy more activities. I've been on MFP since August, but didn't start getting serious posting my food/exercise until the last few weeks.

    I've lost six pounds but have a long ways to go and was hoping to receive and give motivation through groups. I'd also like to find a group of ladies in my area who face similar challenges and want to pursue healthy outdoor activities.