
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi, my name is Cara and I have 2 especial super powers:

    1. I can hear and recognize pretty much any song playing in a supermarket/store/crowded restaurant.

    2. While I may not have BIlbo's ring, I still manage to look loads younger than I really am. I attribute this not only to spending the last 25 years avoiding the sun/tanning like poison, but also to my adolescent tendency of banging on about music and bands I love...and Star Wars.
  • MsDandimite
    MsDandimite Posts: 52 Member

    My real name is not Molly, but it will have to do. :)

    My super powers are:

    According to my kids and the kids in the school library - I've mastered the mum glare. It stops any misbehaviour in its track.
    According to my husband - I never grow up (yay!)
    According to my friends - I have awesome google fu.

    Secretly, I wish my superpowers were to be able to make Lasagna and nutella calorie free.

    (ps. Feel free to send any invites my way.)
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I'm Dani and I've seen every Red Dwarf episode at least 10 times (including Back to earth and just the smegs!)
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Hiya! My name is Cheryl and my special power is baking delicious treats where you can't "just have 1 bite". With my sidekick, Cupcake the cat, we're in the kitchen making sure the world is full of tasty desserts.

    My secondary super power is being able to pick out amazing, delicious beers from a huge self of various beers and or list of beer :drinker:
  • goddessdani
    goddessdani Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Dani and my super power is procrastinating. Right now I should be working out instead of leaving it until later.
  • Hey guys. My name's Kelly, and I like games and math. So, yep. I'm 23 and I have a lot of weight to lose, and I've signed up to several weight loss sites and even made a Tumblr for it. I wanna be a success story, dammit!

    As for my superpower... I'm a robot master. And I'll kill you if you're made by Dr. Wily. *nods*
  • Hi I'm Kristi and my superpower is obscure nerd jokes. I was quite proud of my highly rated comment on digg several years ago. It was an article on Microsoft having its own branded soda. My comment (drumroll...): "The first 6 versions had no tabs." Get it? You know, the big change from IE6 to IE7? Yeah, I was a web developer.
    Also, my license plate says "AFK".
  • sherigambino
    sherigambino Posts: 26 Member
    Hello my name's Sheri and my superpower is I'm a horror author.
  • HELLO ALL! I Am Mary :flowerforyou: and my super power is my attitude, I can make people laugh and I always find the good in a situation I love having fun and I think people like being around me :happy:
  • munanabanana
    munanabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm muna, and my superpower is yet to be discovered. Maybe somebody here can help me figure it out :P
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Greetings Fellow Geeks. My Name is Edge and my Super Power is the ability to play the devils' advocate in almost any discussion (and enjoy doing it, even when I'm on the wrong side)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, gang !

    I'm Mary Ann ......

    I have the ability to hold my breath for a very long time ....... which comes in handy after my husband shows off his superpower ....... to turn thin air into copious amounts of noxious fumes !

    I also have the ability to annoy the heck out of him in seconds flat ........ whenever he wants to watch the Military Channel, I'm already hogging the TV with Dr. Who, Torchwood, Walking Dead, Stephen King, Farscape, Stargate, Chronicles of Narnia, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc, etc :heart:

    Peace !
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Hello, my name is Sarah. I can homeschool my kids, cook lunch and balance the checkbook all at the same time.

    Oh, and knit 12 foot long season 12 dr who scarves. My husband is in geek heaven.
  • ElloSweetie
    ElloSweetie Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, Im Lainna and my super power is OCD balls to the wall willpower :P
    And awesomeness.
  • Hello good people of the Geek Squid. Paul here and my super powers are numerous and utterly useless. They are, in no particular order:

    - Being British and all that comes with it (cuing skills, tutting/newspaper rustling in tense situations, a general sense befuddlement, a posh evil villain style accent etc).
    - The ability to geek the hell out about movies, super heroes, fitness and cooking.
    - The ability to suddenly and inexplicably increase my weight the second I get to my goal weight and think about whether it's safe to eat a bag of M&M's again.

    The list goes on and on and on!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    spud_chick here--my superpowers include database design and hair that functions as a temporary cloud server when the humidity is just right. I'm a longtime MST3K/Rifftrax fan and lover of cats movies, television (yes, I said it) and reading.
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    I finally found you! My people!

    My name is Kylene and my super power is being able to look at a mess and not see a mess -- I see the organized bliss that is hiding underneath. Someday I'll be able to help other people with my powers. Until then, my back-up plan is being good at anticipating what people around me are going to need. I almost always know where my husband's belt, keys, and wallet are located and I can anticipate what my boss and coworkers are going to need. My kryptonite, unfortunately, is excessive amounts of stress, which is when my skills are needed the most.
  • Geek Squid! Message Board. Well hi.
    May as well be upfront, this iGirlAndroid character is a weird one. A geek to the core, random and marching to the beat of a different gadget-sized vacuum powered drum machine. Clearly so, as she's already referred to herself in the third person.

    In all seriousness, I just simply have an odd sense of humor. In regards to my superpower... one word. Metamorphose. It covers every answer I debated on when I saw the question. ^_^
  • fryingpanofdoom
    fryingpanofdoom Posts: 19 Member

    My super power is... indecision! Hahaha. And flying. Telekinesis would be cool, but I've been a fan of flight for much longer so I must stay loyal.

    I've been a heavy fantasy/sci-fi reader since ever. I also like girly domestic things like sewing, knitting, and baking. Horribly awkward sitcoms (Peep Show, The Office, Arrested Development, Parks & Rec, etc), and anime with good plots and/or fun characters are my visual entertainment preferences.

    That's all for now. :)

    P.S. Truck loads of points if anyone knows what my username is from. It's kind of obscure, though. You probably don't know it. [/hipster]
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I'm Andy and my superpower is internet based procrastination.
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm Chris and my superpower is persistent, and soul crushing insomnia!
  • Hey all,
    New to the group and MFP. I started my weight loss in June of 2011. Lost 149 lbs since then and still have about 30 to go.

    My super power is to always have hope!
  • tisonc
    tisonc Posts: 58
    Hello fellow Geeks!! I am Chris and I am proud to say I am a geek as well!!!
    Love Gaming and I am very much into the Technology sector.. I love my JOB over here as I get to see and do things you only get to see on TV and in movies these days SO I am pretty happy about that..

    My Superpower would be Being a Father!! I try to be the best daddy/father I can be!!

    if you want more friends just feel free to add me!!!

  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    The name's Matt, and my superpower is my beard.
  • obliviatenox
    obliviatenox Posts: 13 Member
    Hello fellow geeks! I'm Shawna and my superpower is speedy reading.
  • songdogshooter41
    songdogshooter41 Posts: 39 Member
    My name is Josh, and my wife calls me a social camillion, because I have moved so many times, and have changed who I hang out with and what music I listen to. I have something in common with just about everyone. But truth be known, I am a geek inside!
    My arch enemy is spelling. I can know that I spell something wrong, but not know how to spell it correctly. LOL.


    I don't always speak in incomplete sentences, but when I do
  • My name's Marc, I'm 24 and from Scotland.

    My superpower is being a bit of a troll when it comes to internet forums, however I promise not to troll here. :)

    Also I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi.
  • BeyondTrouble
    BeyondTrouble Posts: 62 Member
    My name's Heather -I'm 32 and live right outside of Philly, Pa.

    My super power is being able to read, watch tv, play on my iPad and kick butt on video games without hearing a word you just said for the past hour and a half.
  • JustasiaS
    JustasiaS Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm Justi, I'm a 29 year old from Ohio. My superpower is the ability to learn complicated things (like knitting) from a diagram and making people look beautiful.
  • Hey everyone!

    My name is Emily and I'm 25 and my superpower is....~shifty eyes~ Reading super duper fast. xD And writing. Mmm, yeah, writing.