How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??



  • dubout
    dubout Posts: 11
    Hi All! My name is Kasey and I am from Tennessee!

    My favorite color is blue (really any shade)
    My favorite season is summer because of all the awesome things we can do outdoors with all the mountains, rivers, and lakes.
    My favorite food is Chiken Marsla :)
    My favorite TV series are the Walking Dead, American Horror Story, & Greys Anatomy.

    For NYE I am striving to lose around 12 lbs, but I am pledging to lose 10 which would be more realistic. Any more would be FANTASTIC!!!
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    hey all
    i am from Ontario, Canada..i had lost about 30 lbs and am now gaining it back since my return from my holiday...aarrgh!!
    it is frustrating because i said never will i go back to the same old ways...but here i am again..
    soooo...i am going to lose at least 15 lbs by new year's eve..
    my favourite colour is purple
    i dont have a favourite tv show..(i never seem to follow them
    my favourite foods are anything international and spicy
    my favourite season is is cool and the colours are beautiful.
    i love to travel..and my next place will be australia /new zealand (hopefully)
    my favourite exercise is is easy on my back and knees and i do a 110km ride for MS yearly
    sooo...let us get this party is nice to see such a varied group..
  • wvwinner
    wvwinner Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! My name is Winter and I am a Grade Two teacher living up in Saskatchewan, Canada! I am hoping to lose the 15lbs as well.

    My favorite season is Winter of course... haha. I love to hit up the mountains for snowboarding at least a few times throughout the season. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

    As for workout routines, I really enjoy the Jillian MIchaels routines. I have never completed a full 30 day workout but maybe I can add that to my NYE weightloss goal. I also have started running. I have never been a runner so it has been tough. When I started I was only able to run a minute and that felt like death, I am now up to 8 minutes. It doesn't sound like much but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Tonight I am hoping for that 10 minute mark!
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    Hey :) my names jodie, most people still call me Joey but ive outgrown it lol. im from stoke on trent, staffs uk but moved to rural preston, lancs few years ago!
    Fave colour PURPLE! or red depending on my mood
    Love autumn, i usually dye my hair red for it as i dippily said to my sister (hard2diet ) i dont like that the leaves are prettier than me!
    fave food.... i love most food prob a proper thai green curry
    tv shows im loving Grimm,walking dead, a gifted man, merlin and mentalist atm
    i love swimming although i dont get to do it often, walking(good job cause i dont drive and live in middle of no where) and a geek love books manga anime etc x

    i lose at an average of 0.6pounds a week sadly! its slowed down so im aiming for 7pound in 6 weeks x
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey Y'all!

    Really enjoying getting to know everyone!

    Here is my info!

    Name: Brittnye but you can call me Britt!
    NYE Goal: 15lbs (down 1.4 as of this morning already woohoo!)
    From: Clarksville, Tn (born & raised) Hello to my other Clarksville buddy I saw post earlier! Small world!
    Color: Purple (Relay for Life!) and Blue (any blue)
    Season: Spring - love that we go from cold to cool/warm weather and all the flowers start blooming! Buttercups!!! Oh maybe I should add yellow to my colors too lol.
    Food: I am a chicken tender nut! I try not to order them as often now in fact not really sure when I had them last but I'm sure it hasn't been that long ago!
    TV: Ugh I envy those of you who do not watch tv by choice! I just can't seem to give it up! Favs right now are... Nashville, Gray's Anatomy, Revenge, Scandal, and I'm sure I could list so many others! Oh! and Dallas comes back on in January!
    Workouts: I am just getting back into the exercise thing but walking is my go to since I can do it anywhere without anything but tennis shoes... oh and clothes don't want to forget those YIKES!

    Hope everyone has a great day and i look forward to getting to know, supporting and working out with all of you over the next 6 weeks!
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I want to lose 12 lbs by New Years Eve, but I'd be happy with 10. (I'd be happy with anything after a recent plateau that led to something close to giving up). I think this will be the jump start I need to get back on track.

    I'm from Homewood, Illinois, USA which is just south of Chicago
    I don't really have a favorite color
    My favorite season is fall
    my favorite food is Asian - sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, Pad Thai, but I can't have it anymore, especially if I'm going to drop 12 lbs by NYE!
    Television series - I should say something smart but truthfully, I like 30 Rock, Don't Trust the B... I like cleverly written sitcoms and I also have an unfortunate obsession with Dance Moms.
    My favorite workout is walking my dogs, because it's good for them too and riding my bike. But now that it's getting cold and wintery - I've got to move it inside. I use the elliptical but I'm looking for something new that I'll enjoy more. Maybe I'll try a zumba video next.
  • EmmaleighM
    EmmaleighM Posts: 32 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm Emily and I'm from Alabama =) I would like to lose 20 pounds by New Years Eve!!!!

    My favorite color is pink =) .
    My favorite season is fall -- I love everything about it... leaves, pumpkins, hay rides, the crisp cool air... love it all!!
    My favorite food is mexican... real healthy right?!?
    My favorite television series... way too many!! But I currently DVR Grey's Anatomy, Nashville, Once Upon a Time, Revenge, 666 Park Avenue, & Suburgatory
    As far as exercise.. I love bike riding with my husband, working out on the eliptical, and Zumba!
  • Hi, All! I plan/hope to lose 10lbs by NYE. This will finally put me at my goal weight range! Best of luck to everyone.
    Where are you from? Born in Portland, Oregon but Raised in Connecticut
    What is your favorite color? I love Indigo and Teal
    Season? I am a true fall baby. I love the hoodie weather
    Food? Mexican all day! My stepmom is mexican and even MFP wouldn't be able to help me if she loved closer
    Television series? I was a die hard Desperate Housewives, House and SVU fan.
    What are your favorite workout routines? Cardio because I can normally read a book or watch a Netflix show and not even realize I've been walking or jogging for an hour.
  • Hi everyone! I am from Dallas, TX. I would like to lose 8 pounds by NYE. Good, luck and let's motivate each other.

    My favorite color is Pink.
    My favorite season is fall, since it finally cools down here in TX.
    My favorite food is Mexican food, especially guacamole
    My favorite television series Scandal, Criminal Minds and Homeland.
    For exercise I am doing cardio 3x a week for 40 minutes. I am doing the elliptical and brisk walking/jogging on the treadmill..
  • hello! my name is lulu and my goal is to lose 6 pounds by new years eve! :)

    my favorite color is currently chocolate brown :heart:
    season winter...
    food italain or japanese
    tv series the vampire diaries, pretty little liars, iron chef, chopped, and other shows on the foodnetwork and hgtv channel :p
    and my favorite exercise is the elliptical, swimming, tennis and badminton, and walking when it's warm outside

    feel free to add me!
    <3 lulu
  • Hey everyone I am Kayleigh. I am new on here and dont have many friends or support. My goal is to lose 12 lbs by new years eve!
    I was born and raised in California but now live in the great state of Washington. I like the colors pink and yellow or pillow as my sister and I call it :). I love love love mexican food i could eat it everyday! I like a few shows on tv like the walking dead, bones, and my new fav the colony. My fav way to workout is running and cleaning I have a small cleaning company and now that I have started trying to lose weight i have noticed myself getting done with houses faster and feeling great after I am done.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    My name is Erika. I am originally from Virginia, but I am living in Louisiana now. I pledge to lose 10 pounds by NYE!

    My favorite color is purple.
    My favorite season is Fall.
    My favorite food is Greek.
    My favorite television series are LOST, Walking Dead, Community, and Happy Endings.
    At the moment my workout consists of cardio and 30 day shred, but I love playing kickball and volleyball!

    I definitely need this to help me get through the holidays, and that caloric disaster that is the trip home for Christmas.

    Feel free to add me if you want to be support buddies!
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Jenn and I'm from Rhode Island. I want to lose at least 10 pounds by NYE!!!
    My favorite color is blue.
    I love fall because of the smell in the air, the leaves changing, halloween, thanksgiving ect...
    My favorite food is Italian, (from a small Italian town in RI)
    I really don't watch much TV, but a favorite would be Law and Order: SVU.
    I am in the middle of the 30DS, but also like the elliptical and treadmill....I should say the elliptical and I have a love hate relationship :)

    This will be helpful for me to remind myself not to indulge through Christmas with the family!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Hey, I'm Lauran and I'm from Oceanside California.
    My first NYE goal will be 11 pounds, going from 161 to 150, but really going to push to reach 16 pounds, getting me down to 145.
    My favorite color is lime green, season is spring, my favorite food is orange chicken, TV show is Bones, and my current workout is strength training (5 day split) followed by 30 min HIIT cardio first thing in the morning, and later in the evening an hour of low intensity cardio.
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Robyn and I'm from MN. I have a six year old daughter and I pledge to lose 10 pounds by New Years! My brother is getting married next summer and if I don't get a move on I will have lots of pictures of myself that I'm not so proud of :)!
    My favorite color is pink
    My favorite food is soup! Just about any kind will do with a nice big slice of homemade bread!
    My favorite season is fall because the weather is perfect to cozy up with a cup of hot coco and a warm blanket.
    My favorite TV show is Modern Family because I like to laugh.
    My favorite activity is jogging or swimming. I am doing a Turkey Trot 5K next week!

    I am also in need of some new friends that are supportive and active on the site, so if that's you please add me!
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello, this is great, really need to stay on track and not go crazy during the holidays. My name is Kim, I currently live in Louisville, KY, but I am from KS. I would like to lose at least 3-4lbs. My weight loss seems to happen in chunks, which averages to about .5lb a week. I would love to try and kick it and reach my GW of 140 though.
    Fave color- green/blue
    Fave food- too many.. mexican.. potatoes..
    Fave season- spring and fall. I hate being too hot or too cold.
    TV show- Revenge, Revolution, 2 broke girls
    Workout- Right now I do Zumba 2 days a week, a cardio/core class 1 day, a cardio/strength class 2 days, and saturday a weights class and run/elliptical. I am kind of a crazy person some would say, I love working out. I would probably stay longer if I didn't have to leave my toddler in the nursery. :)
  • ezebra82
    ezebra82 Posts: 60 Member
    I'll match your 15...... Put with my nasty weighing-once-a-day habit I don't know if I can wait that long to weigh in.... Considering it! I am gonna measure start and finish..... Check inches lost too.
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all!

    My name's Kaitlyn and I'm a university student currently studying in the caribbean :) But I'm originally from Windsor, ON and study in Ottawa, ON, Canada.

    I hope to lose 15 lbs as well!

    My favourite food is PIZZA HUT.

    My favourite telly's are Once Upon A Time, The Big Bang Theory and Dollhouse.

    For those of you interested, I will be posting my weekly weigh-in and what exercise I did that week (if any - I struggle!)

    Looking forward to our journey!
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Hello MFP buddies!
    I am battling the same 8 lbs for the past 4 months.. I would like to put an end to it. At least finish my 2012 with a big bang!
    To make this happen, I have made some plans and want to stick with it. Also, I have 3 exception days for celebrations meals on Diwali, Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I will stick to my plan for the rest of the days.

    About me - I live in CA, have 2 kids (13 yr old, 8 yr old), work full-time (corporate office), workout regularly. My biggest problem - FOOD. I eat way too much than what my body needs ;-). My goal is to curb that and follow the 6 week 'Eat to Live' plan by Dr Fuhrman.
  • Sewinator
    Sewinator Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone,
    It looks like I'm the old lady here... I am Terri I am 53 years old and live in Santa Clara California.
    I am just starting my weight loss after being sick for 8 years with a neurological disease.
    I LOVE to run, but couldn't for a long time... now I am building strength back up and I plan to lose 8 pounds by NYE!!!!
    I want to lose 54 pounds before I turn 54 in August of 2013.

    My favorite foods are Sushi and Ice Cream
    My favorite Season is Spring.... it always bring such hope and beauty after the long winter
    My favorite T.V. show is: Once Upon a Time,
    favorite colors: Pink and yellow (spring colors)

    I have signed up to run the 5K Turkey Trot in San Jose with my daughter and Granddaughter.
    I am most excited that they now have the running bug and we can do it together!
    I Love to sew! Anything to do with fabric and I am on it!!!
    Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see how sexy and healthy we all look by New Years!