How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??



  • chambieash
    chambieash Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Ashley. I'm 28 years old, and I live in VA. I have been yo-yo'ing with my weight for awhile now. I did Weight Watchers a few years ago and lost 20 lbs. I have gained almost all of them back. I need to re-commit to tracking on here and getting back on the right path. I'm hoping to find some friends on here who can help me with that!

    CW: 145, I would like to lose 10 before NYE. My overall goal is to lose 20 lbs and maintain that.

    Favorite foods: sushi, anything Italian, Thai
    Favorite season: fall
    Favorite TV show... ooh, that's hard. I am really enjoying Once Upon a Time and Dexter right now.
    Favorite color: blue
    Favorite workouts: I love going to step aerobics and kickboxing. Over the summer, I did the Couch to 5K and got myself up to running 30 minutes a day, 3x a week. I need to get back to that habit! I also need to do more strength training.

    Good luck to all, and feel free to add me!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Hey everyone I am Kayleigh. I am new on here and dont have many friends or support. My goal is to lose 12 lbs by new years eve!
    I was born and raised in California but now live in the great state of Washington. I like the colors pink and yellow or pillow as my sister and I call it :). I love love love mexican food i could eat it everyday! I like a few shows on tv like the walking dead, bones, and my new fav the colony. My fav way to workout is running and cleaning I have a small cleaning company and now that I have started trying to lose weight i have noticed myself getting done with houses faster and feeling great after I am done.

    I was born and raised in Washington and now living in California lol. What part of WA are you in?
  • KrD265
    KrD265 Posts: 22
    Good day group mates. I'm so new to MFP, I had to google what NSV meant. So, with that...

    By NYE I would like to lose 12lbs. I really think I could lose more, but I'm giving myself a goal that I know I can get to and surpass. To further motivate myself.

    I am from Oklahoma and live in a suburb of Tulsa.

    My favorite season is all of them. Fall, football, Oktoberfest, and can still play some golf. Winter, I enjoy the cold and warmth by a fireplace (I need to get mine fixed). Spring, What is not to love about the spring... except for the tornado's here in OK. Summer, don't mind the heat and love the the natural tan (Native American, here).

    My favorite food is probably buffalo chicken wings. But, I would never turn down some good BBQ, a smoked turkey leg, or fried catfish.... hmmm guess that's why I'm at my current predicament.

    Favorite T.V. shows include: The Office, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, Monday Night Football, NFL Football on Sundays and College Football on Saturdays.

    My favorite workouts would be either pick up basketball or football. But if we're talking in a gym, the Elliptical and leg days are my favorites.
  • Mills2BClarke
    Hi Guys...
    My name is Nicola , I am 38 and live in Wales in the UK
    I am getting married next April so have a great incentive to lose the poundage. I was doing geat and lost 23lb but fell off the wagon on the last few weeks and put 5lb back on hoping this group is gonna give me the motivation to get back on track.

    I want to lose 14lb by NYE
    My fav foods are all bad Chinese and Indian takeouts
    My fav tv shows are Vampire diaries, NCIS LA, Arrow etc etc. I may live in the UK but love US tv shows
    Fav colour is red
    Season is def spring..... Us British don't get summers.... Lol
    Don't do enough exercise so need to step it

    Good luck guys....
  • kristinaw1967
    Where are you from - I am originally from Miami, FL but now live outside of Gainesville, FL
    What is your favorite color - Orange b/c it just makes me happy, it's so bright and fun.
    Favorite Season - Fall & Spring. Fall b/c it starts cooling off & it means the holidays are coming; Spring b/c I know it'll start warming up soon & everything is blooming. I'm a Miami girl at heart so while I enjoy when it starts cooling off, I really don't like cold weather so I'm ready for some warm weather once Spring starts around again.
    Food - Too many to name (and I'll make myself hungry thinking about it, lol)
    Television series - I am addicted to the old Roseanne episodes, watch them a lot. Other than that, Chopped, Restaurant Impossible, Pioneer Woman (the only cooking show I watch anymore) and I love the new series Nashville.
    What are your favorite workout routines - Right now I just walk on my lunch break. However my co-worker is bringing me an exercise bike that he isn't using anymore, so I'll start using that. My daughters and I are starting the Couch-to-5K on Sunday so I'm going to have to figure out a new routine on the days we aren't doing that.

    I'd like to lose 10 lbs before NYE.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Hey! My name is Christina, I am from Calgary AB, Canada, and id like to lose 14lbs by NYE!

    My favorite color is yellow
    My favorite season is winter, I love the snow, the decor, the celebrations, everything about it.
    My favorite food is chinese food
    My favorite television series are Bones, Dexter, The walking dead, 90210, and PLL
    I enjoy walking, photography and singing.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Hey im Monique :)
    Im from Calgary Alberta
    My fav colour is red
    My fav season is fall
    and i love all kinds of reality shows

    I've been on MFP since Feb 2012

    Im wanting to lose 10lbs by New years eve
  • SusannaDandana
    Hello everyone, My name is Susanna. I am from Westport, MA. I am a substance abuse clinician and a graduate student in Social Work at Boston University. I pledge to lose 12 pounds by NYE!

    My favorite colors are green and blue but I have just come to the realization that I LOVE orange (especially orange jackets)
    My favorite season is fall -- I love sweater weather, I love the smell and its the best climate to run in.
    My favorite food is macaroni and cheese. It used to be chicken but I get to eat that all the time since dieting but i rarely indulge in a mac attack. :)
    My favorite television series are Son's of Anarchy, Grey's Anatomy, Firefly, No Reservations with Anthony Bordaine, Duck Dynasty, Wild Man, Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock and Chopped
    My favorite author is Tom Robbins
    My favorite poet is Charles Bukowski
    I am a spoken word artist
    I love to draw and paint
    I love running, cycling and any core workout to help improve my running.
  • jayantg
    jayantg Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am Jayant. I live in Seattle, WA. I wish to loose 13 lbs by Dec 31st.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Post one questions:

    How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, and television series -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines?

    Hello! I'm Nic and I pledge to lose 5 pounds by NYE. I'm from San Mateo, California. My favorite color is blue or purple. My favorite season is winter. My favorite food is pasta and sushi. My favorite TV series are Covert Affairs (Annie is just amazing trying to do her job well yet live her life at the same time!) and The Walking Dead (my boyfriend got me into it and it's nice to be able to enjoy the same show as him).

    Currently, I haven't been working out that much. I'm in the adjustment of my job switching me to full time and I still haven't finished moving into my apartment (which I moved into Sept 1! But on previous attempts to lose weight, I loved the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga. I also love playing with my XBox Kinect.
  • joanne70
    joanne70 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi guys
    I'm JO 42 years old from West Yorkshire England. I plan to lose 7LB by New Years Eve :smile:
    Fav colour purple/ pink
    Fav season summer with the light nights and light mornings.
    Fav food Chinese and Italian
    Fav tv all the soaps, casualty, csi
    Fav workout Zumba legs bums and tums and walking my dog Charlie :smile:
    Good luck everyone x
  • melanogaster
    Hi, I'm going to lose 10 lbs by New Year's Eve! I'm originally from near Binghamton, NY, but I just moved to Maryland. I was, up until the move, a professional archaeologist; now I work at a library. My favorite colors are green, gray, and brown. I love autumn! My favorite food is sausage and apples sauteed together, which may be why I love autumn, come to think of it. I can't think of a favorite tv series, but I like to knit, spin, and crochet, and I'm learning to weave. My favorite computer games are the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind, Skyrim, and next year Elder Scrolls Online!). I'm not sure if I have a favorite workout, but I mostly walk, do yoga, and some bodyweight strength exercises. I'm working up to starting a couch-to-5k running program, but I've been ill for some time and I'm not up to even a very short run, yet. It'd be nice to start that by NYE, too!
  • ezebra82
    ezebra82 Posts: 60 Member
    I'll match your 15...... Put with my nasty weighing-once-a-day habit I don't know if I can wait that long to weigh in.... Considering it! I am gonna measure start and finish..... Check inches lost too.

    Where are you from? Farmington, MO

    What is your favorite color? hot pink and lime orange

    season? fall. though in Missouri it only lasts 2 weeks! lol

    food? chicken!! chicken pot pie... chicken and dumplings... chicken sandwich...

    television series -- and why?
    sister wives! I enjoy watching the wives work together and also seeing their separate relationships with their husband.

    What are your favorite workout routines? haven't really started working out.... so I guess I've gotta say walking..... I think I'm joining the gym this week!! :smile:
  • tradmad
    My name is Eimear and I'm from Ireland, any other Irish people out there?

    I hope to loose either a stone or 5kg by new years, counting the sneaky chocolates around Christmas time :P
    My favorite color is purple, I love fresh winter mornings, would eat anything, but chicken curry with wholegrain rice is a favorite, I like crime solving dramas, but ultimate fav series has to be Friends!

    Have recently learned some weight lifting routines, and interval training, burning more calories in less time. Any one have any comments on vibration plates? Have recently started using one (only my second day) and wondering about results!

    Good luck everybody :)
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    Post one questions:

    How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, and television series -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines?

    I want to loose 10lbs, well I said in other thread be under 190 by then
    From, Outside of philly, PA - 26 years old

    Favorite work out, none really loe zumba but bad back and knee make it hard. I chase 5 year old triplets around.

    Color- purple
    Season- spring, nice weather, and the flowers
    Food- ... um lol my husband loves food so I eat what he makes
    Series- trueblood - I love vampire booksl
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather and my goal is 3 lbs by New Years. I know this doesn't sound like much, but I started weight training a couple of months ago and am at the point where every lb I lose is 1% of my body fat IF I maintain my current muscle mass, which is my other goal. So I'm only eating at a small deficit which should average 0.5 lb/ week loss. So I guess my goal is 3 lbs and hopefully 3% body fat.

    Workouts: I'm a bellydancer and also take African dance- so dance classes currently 3 times a week (would like to go back to 4). I will start stage 3 of New Rules of Lifting for women on Sunday.

    Color: green
    Season: summer
    Food: chocolate! Lately I love sweet potatoes too.
    Series: I hardly ever watch of my friends got me hooked on Mad Men on Netflix
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I pledge a 10 pound loss, but would love to get rid of more!!

    Let's see.. I'm over 40 (ahem, let's leave it at that). I love green and pink, what can I say I was a child of the 80's. I love Spring most I think, but really can't choose. TV? We DVR the NCIS's, Criminal minds, Elementary. I also love Doctor Who, but no one else I know even knows what I am talking about! :( Oh, and Luther!

    I have started back to the gym and will supplement with some dvd's that have just been collecting dust.

    My initial weigh-in will be tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone!! Free free to send me friend requests!!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Hi my name is Kaya! I am from Minnesota! I would love to lose approx 12lbs by NYE! Let's get it!

    My favorite color is Pink
    My favorite season is Summer, because I love the BBQs, parties and time with my friends/family
    My favorite food is bacon (lol)
    My favorite television series Walking dead!!!!!!!!
    I love Zumba and cross country jogging

    Good Luck MFPs!
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    Hi! My name is Winter and I am a Grade Two teacher living up in Saskatchewan, Canada! I am hoping to lose the 15lbs as well.

    My favorite season is Winter of course... haha. I love to hit up the mountains for snowboarding at least a few times throughout the season. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

    As for workout routines, I really enjoy the Jillian MIchaels routines. I have never completed a full 30 day workout but maybe I can add that to my NYE weightloss goal. I also have started running. I have never been a runner so it has been tough. When I started I was only able to run a minute and that felt like death, I am now up to 8 minutes. It doesn't sound like much but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Tonight I am hoping for that 10 minute mark!

    Stick with it Winter. I started 1 1/2 years ago. Just like you couldn't even run a minute. Now I can run for an hour with no stops.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    hello! : )

    my name is melanie, i am from baltimore MD.
    my favorite ...
    color: purple
    season: winter! snow, so many holidays and my birthday, what's not to love?
    food: sushi
    television series: i know i am late on the game ... but i am recently OBSESSED with heroes & am watching from season 1 episode 1. i am currently at the beginning of season 2!

    i am not necessarily looking to LOSE more weight so much as i am hoping not to GAIN any as a result of the holidays. i reached my maintenance weight and normally fluctuate now between 120-125. my goal is to NOT get back at or above 130 so i joined this group for some extra accountability through this tempting season.

    my favorite workouts are actually youtube videos from fitsugar & blogilates. i am also getting more into running ... i do lots of 5ks & am training for a half marathon

    good luck everyone! feel free to friend me