Cholesterol Screening :)

Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
Today was the last day of my Body Revolution program at work. It was basically 12 weeks of nutrition and workouts and there were only 30 people who were chosen at my company to do the program. I was one of the lucky few.

I had a screening today and these are my results:

BMI: 22.7 (18.5-24.9)
Body Fat: 24.8 (Age 20-39 21.0-32.9")
Waist Circumference: 30 ("Desirable" 23.5-31.5)
Cholesterol: 158
HDL: 79
LDL: <45 Number was too low to register and doesn't take into account the type of LDL proteins (fluffy vs dense). Calculated below to be 42.428 using the Iranian formula.
Triglycerides: <45 Number was too low to register. Calculated below to be 37 using the Iranian formula.
Glucose: 94 (<100 is ideal)
Blood Pressure: 118/82
Pulse: 76

Because my triglycerides were so low, the Friedwald formula couldn't calculate my LDL properly, so I calculated it below.

The first positive change was the HDL jump by 20 pts in the right direction now up to 79, where 59 was my last HDL measurement in March.

I can't find my labs from March but this is what I remember to be true. My total cholesterol was at 163, with my HDL being 59 and my triglercides being at 53. That would put my LDL somewhere along the lines of 94mg/dL with the Friedman formula. However, being that the Friedman formula doesn't calculate correctly with triglycerides under 100, I used a handy little calculator that includes the Iranian formula ( My recalculated LDL from March was 71.654 using the Iranian formula. I was still Primal at this point and not Paleo which can affect cholesterol. I've fully switched to Paleo since then.

The second big celebration!
Today I had to calculate to figure out the remaining 79 mg/dL of unaccounted for cholesterol bits (half of my cholesterol was a result of HDL, yay!), resulting in trigs at 37 mg/dL, and an LDL at 42.428. Using the Friedwald formula, my LDL would have measured as 71.6. By the Friedwald standards, this means my LDL has decreased 22.4 mg/dL. By Iranian standards, which are the only ones that are truly accurate in this case, my LDL dropped 29.226 mg/dL!

So excited to get these number and just so they knew, I showed the numbers to the dietitians who promote heart healthy whole grains. They were floored because they know how I eat and now my numbers show the result of all my hard work this year. It feels good to be in the know.


  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Congrats!!! I am soooo inspired!!! I cannot afford any screenings at the moment, but will do as soon as I am back in my home country next year.... looking forward to it. Like you, I truly believe in paleo and your example shows this once more!! Go on like that!!!!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    That is so freaking amazing!!!

    You should post this in the general success board.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Very nice.... Keep it up.