6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft'



  • TheKatatron
    TheKatatron Posts: 43 Member
    It's soo addictive! I have been going back and forth to it since the beginning! Every time I've quit, I always catch myself thinking about it some times! I've got a level 90 resto/feral druid, 85 resto/elemental shaman, 85 fire mage, 85 affliction warlock, and a 83 blood/frost DK. I could definitely use some serious time away again! XD
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I quit back in January because all the people I played with quit.

    I'd concider comming back and playing if I had people to play with, I can't stay away I love raiding and PVP on the off raid days, Love being a nerd.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I played for about 3 months at release and found it not fun at all. I also hated WC3, though. WC1 and 2 were some of the best games ever, though.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    I quit around the end of WotLK. I had played as a hardcore raider since Vanilla WoW and the game just got silly. It became too easy, unchallenging, and too accessible. There should not be level 80s (at the time) running around with "epix!" who still don't know how to play the game or their character. The latest expansion just proves how stupid the game has gotten (Kung Fu Pandas!) in my opinion :/

    That being said, it was a good game while it lasted for a few years. RIP WoW (2005 -2010)
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That's why I never got started on WoW. I got stuck in Diablo 2 land for a long time. People were spending real money for items and stuff. I figured WoW would be that times a thousand.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    I quit around the end of WotLK. I had played as a hardcore raider since Vanilla WoW and the game just got silly. It became too easy, unchallenging, and too accessible. There should not be level 80s (at the time) running around with "epix!" who still don't know how to play the game or their character. The latest expansion just proves how stupid the game has gotten (Kung Fu Pandas!) in my opinion :/

    That being said, it was a good game while it lasted for a few years. RIP WoW (2005 -2010)

    lol i Started playing when BC came out stoped when cat came out that exp was bad.... .. i THought the panda crap was gunna be bad.. But you know what it was pretty fun... and I was pretty happy with it.. I never really did raids didnt have time for it.. BUt i LOVE pvp! >:D.. and Pvp is still good even tho some ppl are more OP then others.
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    I quit around the end of WotLK. I had played as a hardcore raider since Vanilla WoW and the game just got silly. It became too easy, unchallenging, and too accessible. There should not be level 80s (at the time) running around with "epix!" who still don't know how to play the game or their character. The latest expansion just proves how stupid the game has gotten (Kung Fu Pandas!) in my opinion :/

    That being said, it was a good game while it lasted for a few years. RIP WoW (2005 -2010)

    lol i Started playing when BC came out stoped when cat came out that exp was bad.... .. i THought the panda crap was gunna be bad.. But you know what it was pretty fun... and I was pretty happy with it.. I never really did raids didnt have time for it.. BUt i LOVE pvp! >:D.. and Pvp is still good even tho some ppl are more OP then others.

    I don't think you realize how long the Pandas have been part of the game, just not playable... since Warcraft 3. If anything, Kung Fu panda is a cheap knock off of a Blizzard idea.... weird to say i know... especially with their history of ripping off everyone under the sun.

    As for me I have played off and on since vanilla and after a year long break I think it's time to come back and see what they have especially the PvP.

    Wow is the Las Vegas of games, there is something for everyone...
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I will never quit WoW. I have played since it launched and it's my most favorite game. IRL comes first though so that means, work done, house clean, kids fed, etc.

    I suspect that people who think that Blizzard ripped off Kung Fu Panda don't know the lore. Pandaren have been around (as previously mentioned) forever, and prior to World of Warcraft. They were initially inserted as kind of a joke race (per Samwise Didier at the MoP launch) and then people fell in love with them so they decided to make the xpac.
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    i cancelled my subscription yesterday. We'll see how long it last, I'm currently not interested in it at all!
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    I have "quit" several times before... Just got my lock to level 90 last night.... Curse your addictiveness WoW!
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Now that GW2 is out, playing WoW is like refusing to accept a free dishwasher because you enjoy the work involved in washing dishes by hand.

    Or preferring to hand wash the dishes and then use the dishwasher like a giant drying rack?!? Yeah.. I do this.. >_> No really, I do this because I hate how dishwashers clean dishes. They don't get them nearly clean enough unless you practically wash the dishes ahead of time so I just cut out the middle part and just hand wash them :p. Anal Retentive?! Yeah maybe just a lot.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Almost three years sober (save for a minor relapse two years ago) after playing from Vanilla Wow.. Thinking about trying the new expansion though.. If I didn't have a crazy *kitten* work schedule I might have tried it already :p. But paying my mortgage is important to me and I can't seem to convince my cat that she wants to be the bread winner of our home so I have to keep working crazy hours.

    I kinda miss my toons though.. It helped me stay away with the fact that most of the people that I cared about in the game kind of drifted away from it. I wonder how many of them came back.. :p
  • sandyinsc
    sandyinsc Posts: 70 Member
    I quit for a year and signed up again last week. I've never played PVP; never raided; don't belong to a guild. I think I'm called a Care Bear...but I have fun and I play whenever I can. Don't get the cool stuff, but I get the R&R! :wink:
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    After playing 8-12+hrs a day, every day, (except a 3 month period when really ill 4 years ago) I quit in April for good, and haven't been back. Things changed too much in my guild, the socialization aspect is gone and that was the only reason I was playing to begin with. I'll stick to the real world.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    After playing 8-12+hrs a day, every day, (except a 3 month period when really ill 4 years ago) I quit in April for good, and haven't been back. Things changed too much in my guild, the socialization aspect is gone and that was the only reason I was playing to begin with. I'll stick to the real world.

    seems to be pretty common in those that play this much, burn out easy and wont go back. Those of us who started slower and more balanced dont burn out so fast and are able to play for years. Its all in how you approach the game. I used to be more into it, now i log when i can but RL comes first. I love R&R tho, lighting things on fire from a distance is very theraputic and soothing.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    3 years now. No WoW. I have mixed feelings about it.
    Unlike most people I get really thin when I play. I rarely eat.
    Also I miss the people I played with. I was in a hardcore raiding guild that was friendly and family oriented. A rare find.
  • thedodgeruk
    thedodgeruk Posts: 132 Member
    lol WOW is rubbish ,
    i have played it twice , 1st to level 62 , 2nd to level 68

    i can can still say it was rubbish
    my reasons for playing it was unique though , it was to GET a girl ( an old girl friend) who wanted to chat to me without getting into trouble .

    the only thing i found interesting in the slightest was the auction house
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    I quit WoW after about a month. I like playing MMO's because they're fun to explore and hang out in, but all my friends were obsessed with leveling up and having all the "coolest" gear. It was a serious buzz kill.
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    I quit a few months ago, and really doubt I'll ever go back.
    The ONLY thing that made quitting hard for me was that I'd played with the same people for over four years, met many irl, knew them well etc. I had a lot of guilt over "leaving" them, and still do. We do keep in touch, kind of, but it's not the same, and of course they're hardly supportive of me quitting. Don't miss the game, though.

    Edit: that's a lie - I just lied.. oh god I wanna do dailies and lvl my profs and I oh my god all those new achies and... *cry*
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    I have been on WoW since vanilla. Burning Crusade was the best xpac. Trying to push through MoP, I think I am starting to like it now.