200lb+ results

joelleh26 Posts: 74 Member
Hi ya,

I was just wondering what kind of results people got that weigh more than 200lbs? especially women. As i just started insanity 3 days ago and weigh 212lbs, obviously i know im not gonna end up looking totally lean n ripped like the people n the dvd, but would like to get an idea of the results i can get.

Thanks Joelle


  • Drea89
    Drea89 Posts: 56 Member
    That;s a very good question. i am also interested in what i should expect. I weigh 205, is striving to be 190 by the end of the program, or 15 lbs lighter, too big of a goal?
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    I would love to know as well!!
  • quaintm
    quaintm Posts: 13
    ok I wasnt 200lbs to start with when I started Insanity workout.
    I was 165 lbs, Im not following the nutrition plan just eating healthy and less.
    So far I lost 11lbs and im on my 8th week so im expecting 3-4 lbs to go by the end of the program. and then will do it all over again :)

    dont think it matters at wich weight you are starting, follow the program, DO THE EXERCISES CORECTLY, follow nutrition plan to the dot and you might have much better results then me.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    When I first did Insanity, I was around 220. I ended up losing about 15 lbs just doing the videos and watching what I was eating. I didn't follow their meal program.
  • So how is it going?