


  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    @ AJ

    Thanks for joining the Team! I hope you have noticed that everyone here is very supportive of each other and wants everyone to succeed. We are all starting Insanity for different reasons, but we will all finish because we have the drive and support of each other to do it! Just do what you can while you can and then as soon as you can start the program consistently, give it your all. We all know you can do it! Best of luck to you and I hope you find strength and motivation through the other members!

    Thanks Adam!
  • I see new members joining but no introductions. Come on people don't be shy!
  • Hello all,

    My name is Kate. I have always loved working out and up until this past summer I worked out a lot. I was on a collegiate golf team and worked out as well to stay in shape for golf (yes, many people don't understand...but lol that is alright). Now that my collegiate golf career is over I am getting back into the "real world." I am back home now student teaching, and go figure I haven't really made "me" time. I want to get back to working out consistently. I haven't gained weight, but I have gotten way out of shape. I would love to lose some weight and get back into shape.

    I have done month 1 of insanity before, but I have never completed the whole 60 days. Today I started with the fitt test and man, it was a struggle. (considering I have been sick for the past week and today is the first day I am starting to feel better---but still doesn't add up for out of shape I am). I am looking forward to having others doing the workouts at the same time and helping motivate and cheer each other on!
  • BombshellKT
    BombshellKT Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    My name is Katie, I'm a 22 year old college senior. I started Insanity 2 weeks ago but I stopped because of illness :( I'm starting over from the bginning so I can maximize the results! I'm super amped to see some crazy results.
  • I just want to send out a big welcome to Kate and Katie! Thanks for joining the team. You have come to the right group if you are looking to talk to other like minded members about their ups and downs with Insanity as well as get some motivation and tips/advice on Insanity or life in general LOL. Again, welcome to the Team we are all glad you are here!
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Imaan. I am 40 years old mommy of 4 kids. I am from The Netherlands.
    I've finished Insanity 2 weeks ago. I just lovvveeeee it! Used to go the gym before, meaning years back lol, but this is just great, an intense workout in my own living room!

    I am about to start another round on the 26th of November. And this time around I really need to focus better on my form
    ( still cannot do a normal push up, oh well maybe 2 or so... ) and on my diet.
    I've joined MFP last week ( been on weightwatchers before ) and cannot believe that I've been sleeping and did not know that this great tool/supportsystem existed!

    I am also very thankfull for this group. It is inspiring to see how people come together to motivatie eachother.

    As I said before, I am Dutch, so I might have questions about things you discuss that sound unfamilair to me.:blushing:

    Nervous to be restarting again on Monday!

    But I am getting ready to push and digging way deeper than last time!
  • Welcome to the group Imaan. Everyone in this group is very dedicated to not only their own success but also seeing others achieve. Ask as many questions as you need to, someone will always be around to answer them for you. Thanks again for joining.
  • LJP1982
    LJP1982 Posts: 45 Member
    I've never posted before, but joined this group to read the motivational discussions. After a day or so of that, I've decided to introduce myself. :smile: I have always been a little heavy, but I was very athletic when I was younger. Now I am 30 and have decided to take control. I have been working a sedentary job for 6 years and have gained 50 pounds, after the 30 or so that I gained throughout college and graduate school, so that's quite a bit extra :cry: . Anyway, in January 2011, a friend and I decided we were going to start running and started the C25K program and Weight Watchers together. I was doing pretty well and had dropped about 15 pounds and was pretty pleased with myself. Then in mid to late March, I noticed that the runs were getting harder instead of easier and I was getting frustrated, weight was not moving any longer, etc. Turns out, I was about 10 weeks pregnant at the time, which was unexpected. I was thrilled, but also kind of stressed out about my weight loss progress. I almost immediately gained back the 15 I'd lost, then gained another 40 pounds. Six weeks after the delivery, I weighed 18 pounds less than I did when I went in and it just stuck there for a long time. In May 2012, I decided I was ready to try to lose weight again, so I rejoined Weight Watchers, but I was having a hard time. My husband also gained about 30 pounds while I was pregnant and he didn't seem inclined to want to take an organized approach at losing it, and I was busy and tired from being a mom. I joined the gym, but never had any success. I just couldn't get there. I went a couple of times, but it just didn't work out. After working all day and leaving my son at daycare, the thought of leaving him for another hour or hour and a half to exercise just depressed me, so I thought I'd throw him in the stroller and walk with him in the evenings, but it was a bajillion degrees outside this summer. Anyway, I managed to lose about 13 pounds between May and July on Weight Watchers, then I fell off plan and didn't lose any more, but I did manage to keep the 13 off. SOOOO, fast forward to now. My son is now a year old and I feel that my weight is ridiculous. A friend of mine talked me into trying Insanity and I decided to really commit to MFP, which I joined in May, but never really followed. Since starting Insanity a couple of weeks ago, I've lost 5 pounds and have noticed marked improvement. I don't have my fit test results in front of me, but I know that at the first one, I was able to do ZERO push up jacks, and now I can do 6!!!!

    My schedule is a little off because I started Oct 28 and was into week 2 when I got bronchitis and couldn't breathe, so I decided to add a week to Month 1 instead of starting over, or picking up where I left off. So now, I am set to start my recovery week Dec 9. I'm excited to keep going and feel like I finally have control over my weight loss journey.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • @LJP- Welcome to the team! I am glad you decided to introduce yourself to everyone. I hope you are finding the topics very motivating. Everyone is here for the same reason regardless of why you decided to start Insanity. Just keep active with your posts and your food log and you should be fine. Thanks for joining and we all look forward to hearing from you more.
  • @LJP

    Welcome and thanks for sharing your story ! I think that your effort in the group can serve as motivation for other women in a similar situation. Looking forward to getting Insane with you ;)
  • LucyMurillo
    LucyMurillo Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm Lucy, 22 years old. I have a 7 month old baby girl, Abigail. I was always athletic growing up but during my pregnancy I gained a lot of weight, I am dying to get rid of! I tried Insanity before but didn't really have much encouragement so stopped after 2 weeks, I hate myself for giving up! I just started up again yesterday and hopefully you guys can help me stay with it :)

    Since Abby was born I have already lost 14 lbs by eating healthier and swimming when I get a chance (like twice a week) I hope to lose 30 more lbs with insanity and swimming.

    Good luck to everyone with your goal weight loss!

    P.S. Press play!
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Hello! I'm Lucy, 22 years old. I have a 7 month old baby girl, Abigail. I was always athletic growing up but during my pregnancy I gained a lot of weight, I am dying to get rid of! I tried Insanity before but didn't really have much encouragement so stopped after 2 weeks, I hate myself for giving up! I just started up again yesterday and hopefully you guys can help me stay with it :)

    Since Abby was born I have already lost 14 lbs by eating healthier and swimming when I get a chance (like twice a week) I hope to lose 30 more lbs with insanity and swimming.

    Good luck to everyone with your goal weight loss!

    P.S. Press play!

    Hi Lucy, welcome!

    You've come to the right place. This group is very supportive and motivating.
    Come check in daily and you'll enjoy it alot!

    Have fun and good luck!
  • Hello! I'm Lucy, 22 years old. I have a 7 month old baby girl, Abigail. I was always athletic growing up but during my pregnancy I gained a lot of weight, I am dying to get rid of! I tried Insanity before but didn't really have much encouragement so stopped after 2 weeks, I hate myself for giving up! I just started up again yesterday and hopefully you guys can help me stay with it :)

    Since Abby was born I have already lost 14 lbs by eating healthier and swimming when I get a chance (like twice a week) I hope to lose 30 more lbs with insanity and swimming.

    Good luck to everyone with your goal weight loss!

    P.S. Press play!

    Hi Lucy !

    Welcome! Your daughter is adorable!

    Well done on your weight loss so far. Looking forward to progressing with you.
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello! I am on day 3 of month 2. These MAX workouts are killer! My boyfriend and I are doing Insanity together and we love it. Feel free to add us for motivation and support! His screename is knfknjones.
  • LucyMurillo
    LucyMurillo Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • LucyMurillo
    LucyMurillo Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Finding this group really did get me excited and determined to finish Insanity.

    I look forward to seeing everyone's results! :)
  • Hey all. I am Neetu, 23 years old from India. I have started insanity from November 26. I was always the weak kid who gets hurt a lot and I want to change that. I am trying to get strong, fit and healthy. I hope insanity helps me do it :)

    Good luck everybody!
  • Hey all. I am Neetu, 23 years old from India. I have started insanity from November 26. I was always the weak kid who gets hurt a lot and I want to change that. I am trying to get strong, fit and healthy. I hope insanity helps me do it :)

    Good luck everybody!

    Welcome! It's lovely to have someone from India.So nice to see so many people from different places united by our Insanity . :smile: We have the same goals and I look forward to achieving them with you!
  • shawannajames
    shawannajames Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm Shawanna! Amazing I started Insanity on 11/19/12. I'm very excited about this program but I'm afraid that I may fall short with the meals. For starters I can't afford the Shakeolgy or the Recovery drinks which seems to be a must for this program. My overall goal is to loose inches and up to 10 pounds would be great.
  • Hello, I'm Shawanna! Amazing I started Insanity on 11/19/12. I'm very excited about this program but I'm afraid that I may fall short with the meals. For starters I can't afford the Shakeolgy or the Recovery drinks which seems to be a must for this program. My overall goal is to loose inches and up to 10 pounds would be great.

    Hey there and welcome!
    Don't worry about the Shakeology or Recovery drinks. As far as I understand you don't have to have them. I'm not taking them because I can't get them in my country and price is an issue as well.I'm just taking another protein shake. I think that they stress drinking them because it is good to have a protein shake/nutritious something after a workout, plus they're Beach Body products. There are benefits with drinking those things, but it isn't a deal breaker.