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  • traceface71
    traceface71 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello Ladies! I'm Traci. I joined mfp in early Sept.and I've lost about 20+ lbs. When I first joined I was taking a lackadaisical approach but as time has passed I've become more serious. I'm not perfect...I have a sweet every day, I eat some processed foods, I don't excercise enough and some days I eat less than 1200 cals just cause I want a leg up on the fat monster. I am married to a great guy, the mother of a 10 yr old boy, am addicted to pinterest and am a voracious reader!!

    I would love to do this with feel free to add me!
  • karynspeace
    Hello to the Ladies Who Lunch and thank you so much for the invite! I have been reading up on posts today and I think you are all wonderful women!

    I am a 40 year old married mother of one teenager - a girl- and am trying to get myself back into shape both physically and emotionally. It's funny how we put our lives on hold while we are doting on our children, only to wake up one day, look in the mirror, and not know the person staring back. I didn't like that feeling. So now, here I am.

    I am exercising, trying to eat right, and hopefully going back to school to finish my degree and work on my master's degree in the next few years. In a nutshell, I am trying to find me, or reinvent me, whichever is necessary.

    Cheers to all of you!
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Hello, thanks for the invite.

    My name is Lois and I joined here January this year along with my Husband. We are both over 60. Together we have each lost over 50 lbs. so far. Still need to do another 20 pounds or so. We are feeling so much better and my husband no longer needs any cholesterol pills and his blood pressure is back to normal. We try to walk a couple miles everyday as our exercise. We do use the Fitbit to track our calories out. I did try and write a blog if interested in more.

    Good luck to you all...

    Happy eating!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi - thanks for the invitation! My name's Christine. I'm 63 years old, born in the UK, but have lived two thirds of my life in New Zealand (migrated when I was 21). I now live in Auckland with my 3 cats.

    I'm many years divorced. I have 4 adult children - boys (well, men!) aged 38, 36 and 33, and a 30 year old daughter. My eldest and his wife have two sons and my daugher and her partner have one daughter. It's been a busy couple of months for grandchildren, with my younger grandson and my granddaughter both arriving within 7 weeks of each other. I work a 9 day fortnight as a remuneration consultant - love having every other Friday off!

    I'm 5'7 and over the years my weight's fluctuated between 140 lbs and my highest weight of 235 lbs, which I reached just before spinal fusion surgery last year. I'd signed up for the MFP phone app in Jan 2011, but never used it - then I found the website just before last Christmas and got hooked. I'd already lost the first bit of weight by the time I started seriously in Jan '12, but since then I've managed to drop to my current weight of around 172 lbs. So all up I've dropped around 63 lbs. My goal is to reach a 'normal' BMI of 158 lbs, but would love to get down to around 150. We'll see.

    This is the first time I've lost weight without 'dieting' - i.e. reducing my food intake dramatically to achieve a quick loss. I eat around 1400 - 1500 calories a day, so I never feel deprived. The only thing I did do that was dramatic was to cut out alcohol, which had become a crutch during my years of back problems and various other issues. (I swore off for 365 days - my time is up as at midnight on New Year's Eve, not that I'm counting down, of course!)

    Looking forward to yet another support group here! I couldn't have got as far as I have without MFP!
  • Shardd
    Hi Ladies. I am almost 49 and trying to drop 50 by fifty! (next oct)
    I am married. Two boys at uni. Work almost full time at a law firm in Toronto, Ontario. My biggest motivater is probably back pain. But I have done this before and will do it again!
    Thanks for the invite.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy. I'm 57, today, actually. Since 2007, I've lost about 65 pounds, the last 35 on MFP in a little over a year. I'm a retired teacher and a tutor at a community college. I live in North Hollywood, Ca. I have been married for 35 years and have three grown children and two lovely grandaughters. Oh, and I have 2 beagles, or they have me. :wink:
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Hi y'all! I am Nancy, 51 years old, married 30 years, 3 sons and I live in rural Tennessee. I love MFP and have lost 61 pounds since February (I know my ticker says 58...I lost 3 before I started using MFP). My sons are Josh, 22, who graduated from college in August and working in ICU at a hospital in Memphis; Cody, 19, an air traffic controller in the Air Force stationed in Belleville, Il, and Hunter, 14, a high school freshman baseball player/ladies man!!
    I am a preschool special ed teacher in a public school and I love it!! I have the cutest class in the world!
    I do low carb and it works for me but I know it's not for everyone. Easy for me to do and I feel great! My numbers have gone down and I am going to the doctor in the morning to see if I can eliminate some of my daily meds now that I've lost weight!!
    Thanks for inviting me and I look forward to getting to know some of y'all!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thanks for the invite! I am Pat, 54 years old, married with two grown stepchildren, two lovely Jack Russell Terriors, and a fish named Freddy... we live in Houston, TX.

    I have had to lose 20-30 pounds each decade begining in my 20's. I weighed 139 in 2003 when I got married. Last December (2011) I was playing in my church's brass ensemble for Christmas Eve and got a bad shooting pain in my hip ... I weighed the next morning - 174 pounds! At 5'8" and small framed, that put me out of a healthy weight range.

    I googled for help and found the book "the Menopouse Makeover" and "The Dukan Diet". I signed up for on line coaching as I was determined to make a life style change. The weight came off, and my activity/exercise level is up. I enjoy life with out an aches now, at 131 pounds and holding. I realize that each and every person is unique in their quest for a healthier lifestyle, but I believe logging intake and activity level is part of my forever healthy lifestyle. I am inspired every day by the community of discussions, blogs and groups on MFP and am really glad I joined MFP.
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    Hello all, thanks for the invite. I'm 48, 5ft 3.5in, share my time between my home (West of Ireland) and my boyfriend's (South West), mother of a 23 year old. I am at the beck and call of three ginger cats.

    I joined MFP in January, my aim is to lose 25 lbs. I've lost 7 so far. I try to workout every day, I know I have a lot to learn.

    Good luck to us all!:happy:
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't quite fit the group's typical criteria, but since I was invited to join the group I will pipe in!

    My name is Lauren. I'm from New Jersey and just got married in October.

    A little about me: I'm 24, my family is the most important part of my life, even if I have no children of my own yet. I am here mostly for health reasons. I have hashimoto's thyroiditis so I try to monitor my nutrition to limit any fluctuations. Because of this, I try to follow a mostly low-carb diet and struggle with my weight!

    Some of my hobbies: I loooove cooking. I enjoy crafts and sewing. My favorite is cross stitch. (I need to get working on my husband's Christmas stocking! - Most likely will be ready for next Christmas - sigh)

    Thanks for inviting me! I look forward to the camaraderie.

  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, Thank you for the invite!

    I've battled my weight for most of my life which leads to being hard on myself with my body image.
    I guess you could call me a yo-yo dieter; I'd try different diets, lose, gain, etc. About 22 years ago I joined a gym worked out with weights, did aerobics and got into pretty good shape. At the health club I met the man of my dreams and as the story goes I fell madly in love, had babies and got fat! I'm a tennis nut and play 3 to 4 times a week but still wasn't losing weight. In 2009 I saw a picture of myself and I couldn't believe how big I had gotten, I'm 5' 4" and my largest weight was over 187lbs. I found and joined WW and lost about 50 lbs and felt pretty good but still not happy with my body image.

    My hubby has been tall and slender all of his life but as with age your metabolism slows and he put on a little weight so he put his game face on, got disciplined and lost it. He had told me about a the P90X program and said he wanted to do it so he could get that "6 pack" while he was still young (he's 48 & I'm 54). I'm not sure if he asked me or I said I wanted to try it but, I am so happy I did! P90X is extreme but, Jeff inspired me on days when I wasn't feeling up to it and he even made me laugh on others. I truly believe I would not have the results I achieved without Jeff being there to encourage me along the way.

    When I met Jeff and later got big, I used to joke that I was lucky because I met Jeff when I was in the best shape of my life but I could never get below 130lbs and now with P90X I'm at 127! It's funny I'm still adjusting to the body image thing but I'm very happy with my results "The program works!"

    If interested in before & after pictures: go to "Success Stories" titled P90X Successful at 54 yrs (women) :flowerforyou:
  • Kaleigh2013
    Kaleigh2013 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I'm Kaleigh2013.
    I have been told that Kaleigh means "slender" so I've chosen it for my screen name. I plan on being slender in 2013! :smile:

    I am 42 and live in South Carolina. I love to cook and entertain - one day, after I retire, I'm going to open a restaurant!!!

    But until then, I'm a mild-mannered middle school science teacher who works at a high achieving (read that - super high stress!) middle school.
    I am also an "administrator-in-training," which means that I have administrative duties on top of my teaching duties - my principal is grooming me for an administrative job. I usually put in 12+ hour days and there is not much time for exercise, eating right, or otherwise taking care of myself. However, I have come to realize that this is a receipe for disaster!

    I decided two days ago that I shouldn't continue on this high-stress path much longer. I know I have to make a change before something serious happens to my health besides obesity - I guess obesity is serious enough as it is but I just don't want other things to start happening like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc... So, here I am!

    I'm so glad I found this group and I look forward to chatting with you all. :flowerforyou:
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Hi there, my name is Sandy, and I'm a 47 year old married mother of two boys, ages 9 and 12. We live in northern California. I am eating mostly plant-based foods (have been tripped up by eggs and dairy in baked goods occasionally). I am running with a group each week and I enjoy Jillian Michaels workout videos. Cheers to all of us for making our health a priority!
  • danser64
    Hi Ladies! My name is Kim and I am a 48 year old wife and mother of two boys, ages 17 & 19. We live in the Boston area. In addition to spending time with my family I own a small business that keeps me very busy, to say the least! MFP was highly recommended by a friend and I have only been a member for a couple of days. I am looking forward to this journey of weight loss, health and wellness with you all!:smile:
  • trugift
    trugift Posts: 102 Member
    Hello Ladies, my name is Melissa I am 38 single mother of 22/19/17 and grands 5/1. I live in the Chicago area. I work fulltime. One day I woke up and it dawned on me that I only have 1 child left at home- WHAT am I to do? I have one in college and one in Ohio with her own family. I don't know when they grew up but all of a sudden.:noway: happened. I have one more year of high school and then I am home alone; Awe who am I kidding, I almost look forward to it- so this year to sort of prepare myself- I actually began doing what I want to and not letting anyone get in my way- however i am still working on getting out of my own way-. I look forward to sharing with you ladies and learning from you as well. :happy:
  • slearley
    Hi all! I am 50 years young. Taking care of myself for the first time in my life. I quite smoking 3 1/2 years ago, gained 20 pounds (was already about 80 pound overweight) and was diagnosed with Diabetes. 2 years ago, I joined a gym and began a year long plan to shed 100 pounds. 1 year later, had only lost 30 pounds but gained a lot of muscle. About 2 months ago, I signed up with a weight loss company that incorporates diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. I am throwing everything I have at this. I am working out about 8 times a week, moderately and am really watching my balance of food. I am appreciative to be invited in this group and have it be one of the many motivational tools in my fitness belt!

    Live in Galveston Texas and am an RN.

  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 64 years old but most of the time I don't feel that old. I am married with 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren. I live just south of the Tampa area. My middle daughter and my two grandsons live here with us. My husband is disabled, legally blind, well nearly completely blind now and crippled, due to complications from diabetes. I no longer work because he can't do much for himself anymore. I can leave him for a few hours as long as I plan for it and leave him food and the telephone in case he has a problem. I participate in the raising and care of my two grandsons. They used to be in daycare but since I was no longer working, I took over that part and am also available to care for my granddaughter when my oldest daughter has job related meetings or training or conferences, She is a kindergarten teacher at a local elementary school. My youngest daughter lives close to Nashville and her only son has autism. He just turned two in August. She is attempting to reverse the damage using diet and therapy. Unfortunately most of this is not covered by his health insurance and of course we help her as much as we can. Her partner works two jobs to help out, but they still never have enough for all that is needed for Landon. Landon is the baby in the picture and that picture was taken nearly a year ago. As you can see, I am all about my family, but when I reached 272 lbs I decided it was time to put a little time and effort into myself. I have had some moderate success as you can see but I have hyperthyroidism and my weight loss has been very slow, but I have hung in there logging 286 days as of today. Thanks for adding me to your group!
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    My name is Stephanie, usually known as Steph.
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined mfp in October after losing 55 lbs. (finally!!) but just started logging on and tracking my foods. I am pretty much just trying to maintain til the New Year when I will hopefully start the downward slide again to another 25 - 30 lbs. depending on how my body reacts! I currently live in Massachusetts with my husband who is unemployed at this time. He's diligently trying to find a job (high tech industry is not great here anymore) so we shall see what the future holds. We recently sold our huge house as it's just the two of us now (2 sons, 2 daughters and almost 7 grandchildren) and have moved into a condo that we purchased years ago for his parents (both passed now). If need be, we'll stay put but would love to move to New Hampshire to be closer to our daughters, particularly our oldest who recently blessed us with our 2nd granddaughter and needs help with daycare. I'm rambling! Anyway, glad to be here!!
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    HI ladies!
    I was so happy to be invited to this group! I see a couple of ladies from Mass here. I am in NH; and winters here are just the pits for me; the cold & especially the dark really put a damper on my outdoor activities, like gardening, biking, and walking my 3 retired racing greyhounds. Getting on 3 leashes, 3 coats and 12 little boots on those below freezing days is a struggle, but they would never let me miss their walks! I am 54, have 2 grown sons and this year each of them had their 1st child, one boy & one girl, so I am so motivated to drop this excess weight so I can be around to do lots of fun things with those precious grandbabies! I took early retirement from 22 years of teaching last year & now take care of my grandson. It is great to have time for myself now, and I am looking forward to trying out new healthy recipes and sharing the lifelong journey with supportive friends!
    I discovered this site the day after Thanksgiving and already feel better!