I have started but I'm far from finished!!

They say starting is the hardest part, but to me staying committed has been a greater challenge. Committed to being my best self in the best shape of my life in 2013!!


  • Hi everyone!! I have been trying so hard over the past few months to stick with a workout program, and I keep getting derailed one way or another, due to all sorts of stupid reasons. I'm hoping that by creating this group it will help me and everyone else stay committed to what they are currently doing, or find a way to start their journey to being fit and healthy!
  • Shay I definitely agree with you that staying committed is the hardest part to me as well. I can get started with no problem, it's getting up every single morning no matter what and sticking to it that's challenging to me! What are you currently doing, or planning to do to get in better shape?
  • Im now going to the gym 5 days a week and meeting with a trainer a few times a month. Im on week 2 now!!
  • steph2484
    steph2484 Posts: 4 Member
    Today is day 1 for me. I have been trying to lose 50 lbs for about 3 years. I have tried every workout plan and diet available, wish i could say they didn't work but i have never stuck with anything long enough to find out. From your posts it would seem that you all have been more successful than I. I am looking forward from hearing your success and tips on how to stay focused on the goal. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not all going to come off tomorrow, but i can't wait to start sharing my successes as well!
  • I am also starting today! I am hoping and praying that I stay committed this time. I hope the best for you to!
    We can do it!
  • Today is day 1 for me. I have been trying to lose 50 lbs for about 3 years. I have tried every workout plan and diet available, wish i could say they didn't work but i have never stuck with anything long enough to find out. From your posts it would seem that you all have been more successful than I. I am looking forward from hearing your success and tips on how to stay focused on the goal. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not all going to come off tomorrow, but i can't wait to start sharing my successes as well!

    Congrats on getting started! What type of workout are you doing? We are all here to help along the way, and achieving goals are always much easier when we are surrounded by like minded people :)
  • I am also starting today! I am hoping and praying that I stay committed this time. I hope the best for you to!
    We can do it!

    What are you currently doing to achieve "the new you"? I'm just trying to see what everyone is doing now, have tried in the past, etc. I think that everyone is 100% able to succeed, it's just taking things a day at a time, and keeping that image of where you want to get to in your head every step of the way :)
  • krstn102109
    krstn102109 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I could really use some additional support - especially through the holidays! None of my friends/family are dieting. My boyfriend eats healthy with me for the most part, but he is always the first person to say "oh, you can have just one!". I like to call him an unhealthy enabler (: If you need a friend, add me! Or even if you don't, add me anyway, because I sure do!
  • Sherry2555
    Sherry2555 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I am down to my last 14 pounds to lose...the last 10 are always the hardest! I seem to always get to this weight and then stay here a while and then start putting it back on. NO MORE! This has been one of my toughest and most stressful years and I have decided to not let that get me off track again. I am here for support and to give support to others. Like Krstn I have a lot of "enablers"-most of my family is overweight and unhealthy and they dont understand "just one" or "you look great--you can eat it" is not helpful!

    Good luck to everyone! I look forward to seeing everyones sucess through the next year! :smile:
  • Just remember not to let a moment of indulgence throw you off the wagon and give you an excuse to not achieve your goals. I have done this for years.. Said oh well ... I did it again whats the point anyways. But I've gotten this far by not quitting every time I'm not perfect, but by continuing on after my mess ups.
  • steph2484
    steph2484 Posts: 4 Member
    I started doing Turbo Jam today... I would love to start doing my Insanity workout again but i'm trying to give my body 2 weeks to get use to working out before i start pushing that hard.
  • Hi! I am down to my last 14 pounds to lose...the last 10 are always the hardest! I seem to always get to this weight and then stay here a while and then start putting it back on. NO MORE!

    I agree, getting to goal is tough! I glad to find these groups to help with the motivation.