Who Wants to Be My Pair?

Maiseyy Posts: 28 Member
I was thinking that people with the same weakness or closer weights should pair together that way we will have double support, our group support and our partner ( pair) support!

Let me know what you guys think? I personally LOVE nuts and fries.

I am 129 lbs, 5'2, I have a tummy that I want to go away!

who wants to be my pair?


  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I love to be your MFP friend and challenge each other. I need someone to push me my button and I am willing to push your button to reach our goals. I am maintaining for the last 2 years. I have arthiritis on my knee but can do all other exercise. I am willing to put more will power and ADD a SUPERB friend... Are you ready?
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am 40 yo, 5'1 and 110 today but 108 yesterday...;0(!
  • b_edwards002
    i need a partner to help me loose to push me to loose more weight, i have a weakness for fries and kit kat bars and i need to stop eating them. ( the down side i work in a fried food restuarant all night)
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    Partners sound like a great idea! I'm 5'8" and 218lbs as of Sunday.

    Food weakness: cake, bread, crackers (tho I'm good at not eating them every day, when I have a cheat day I binge. and I crave cheat days often, maybe every 2-3 weeks)
    Exercise weakness: video games and my left knee starts to hurt during cardio and my foot gets a tingly-almost-numb feeling.

    Also, is anyone from the San Jose, CA area? I think some face-to-face encouragement would be great (ie gym dates) and I'm new to the area and don't know anyone.
  • leyvad
    leyvad Posts: 36 Member
    I need a pair also, I'm 26 and 5'6" and weigh in at 155lbs... i need a partner for motivation!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Honestly.... I am struggling for so long. I need some strong comments on my diary to get bikini ready!
  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    Pairs sound like a great motivating strategy rather than a big group where people can get lost amongst everyone else. We should try to pair up with others that are of similar height and weight, do you agree? I'm 5'7" and 162 lbs. Would like to be 155lb by Dec 31st. But this is a 9lb challenge, so I hope I can do that :) Lemme know what you all think!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am waiting to find my pair as I need someone to push to me to the max and I will do the same!!!
  • leyvad
    leyvad Posts: 36 Member
    Pairs sound like a great motivating strategy rather than a big group where people can get lost amongst everyone else. We should try to pair up with others that are of similar height and weight, do you agree? I'm 5'7" and 162 lbs. Would like to be 155lb by Dec 31st. But this is a 9lb challenge, so I hope I can do that :) Lemme know what you all think!

    You and I are similar... would you like to be my buddy???
    I am also aiming to loose 9-10lbs by the end of the yr. I would love to report to someone about my achivements day to day.
    What do ya say?
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    Pairs sound like a great idea! I'm 49, 161 and would like to be in the low 150's by christmas. My biggest challenge is getting to the gym. I'm a runner and prefer outdoors...by the time I get home its dark!!! I just need some help getting to the gym on a regular basis...

    anyone up for the challenge? lol
  • b_edwards002
    i'm 21 im 5'7 and i weigh 208 and would love to be under 200 by the end of the year. oh and to make it even more fun my boyfriend and i just broke up. Someone hide the chocolate!!
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Hmmm a buddy would be awesome :) I'm 26, 5' 1", 125, and a GW of 115. I struggle with snacking and logging my food. I usually stay under my calories jus don't want to take the time to log it all.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I found my perfect match. Happy to be part of this group!
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that I've been taken!
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    30 year old male im at 178.5 pounds love sweets as a weakness...and run or walk 3-4 times a week
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I'm 26 and weigh in at 135.8 and I'm 5'6". I do Chalean extreme and Insanity.
  • amurphy198
    I would love a buddy!!! I do so much better when I am being held accountable! I'm 30, 5'7, and 205. Ive had 3 children. I just want to get to a healthy weight for my body. It would be nice to be the weight I was when I met my husband. 175 and a size 10. I'm very bottom heavy as far as body type.
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    I am 5'6 1/2" (where did that 1/2" go?) and am currently 175.2.

    I'm low-carbin' but would be a supportive fan of whatever you're doing to reach your health goal. :)

    No kids, boyfriend of >5 years, and a new nurse.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I am 5' 5.5'' 20 years old, and currently 146 pounds.
    I want to get down to 135 :)
  • slimdownnabi
    This is a great idea! I am 33, 274.5, my weakness is sweets and snack foods.