Official Week 1 end weigh-in (Up to Mon Nov 26)



  • Kaylao7i987
    Kaylao7i987 Posts: 33 Member
    Down 2.4 lbs only 7.8 lbs to go :-D
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I stayed the same:

    SW 11/19: 141
    CW 11/26: 141
  • sarahgovan
    sarahgovan Posts: 5 Member
    SW; 179
    CW; 172
    GW; 166

    I started a week early but i've lost 7 pounds so far so i've change my goal weight a little.
  • ashleyoh33
    ashleyoh33 Posts: 85 Member
    Starting challenge weight: 213.2
    Current weight: 211.2
    Challenge goal weight: 199.9

    2 down, 11.3 to go!
  • akd06004
    akd06004 Posts: 13 Member
    maintained this week, I'm assuming its bc of Thanksgiving :)... drinking a lot of water this week and eating light to get back on track!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member

    Starting Challenge weight: 232
    Current weight: 229
    NYE Challenge goal: 217
  • HeavenLeigh777
    HeavenLeigh777 Posts: 12 Member
    SW: 155
    GW: 140
    CW: 154
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    SW: 161.2
    CW: 161

    Lost - .2

    I'm not worried about it :) I know I'm still bloated from the weekend and my workouts have been slacked the last couple days.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I had pledged 14lbs by NYE so that I can look :smokin: (what was I thinking).
    Here is my progress so far-
    WK1: Lost 2.0 lbs :happy:

    Another 12lbs to go :drinker:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am away from home and don't have any scales available. I can report that my pants are getting baggy and I just dried them in the dryer. It will be at least another week before I get to a place with scales.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I've lost 1.8 lbs so far! Which is about what I gained recently, so now I feel like I'm back in the game.

    SW 170
    CW 168.2
  • I started the challenge at 162.6. I want to be in the 150's by Christmas. I weighed in at 160.6 today! 2 pounds lost in 1 week! WOOHOO! :bigsmile:
  • strive2012
    strive2012 Posts: 14 Member
    SW 213.8
    -4 lbs so far
    Might have to update my goal!!!
  • I lost 3 lbs since last week!! its a good start!! YAY !!:smile:
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi .. My weigh in day is tuesday.

    SW - 142 lbs

    CW - 140 lbs (yay lost 2 pounds!)

    GW till new years eve - 132 lbs (8 more lbs to go sigh!)
  • cjosenga
    cjosenga Posts: 37 Member
    SW: 182.4
    CW: 182
    GW: 170

    Guess celebrating Thanksgiving three times didn't help
  • Melanierdixon
    Melanierdixon Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 125
    CW: 128
    GW: 120

    Thanksgiving did me in! I'm back on track though and I can do this!
  • cdiele
    cdiele Posts: 34 Member
    Yesterday I weighed in....forgot to post
    Lost 4 pounds last week...
  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday is my weigh in day.

    SW Nov 13 190 (GW 179)

    CW Nov 20 188

    CW Nov 27 187
  • Csurviver
    Csurviver Posts: 17 Member
    Down 3.5lbs. Woo hoo. Even through Thanksgiving. Very proud of myself. Ranthis am my best 5k time yet. Signed up fir 3x a week boot camp, running one day z week and Zumba, and weights one day. Thats my exercise plan. Going to change up my eating a littke. More fiber...suppose to lose the worst fat more efficiently. I am all in for health not just for the numbers on the scale....