Week of 11/27 Fitness Challenge

This week your challenge is to complete:

100 minutes of any kind of cardio
100 sit ups
100 traditional squats

Let's get to work :)

Let us know as you complete the challenge!!!!


  • spudnz
    spudnz Posts: 13 Member
    Im off to a great start! Have been to the gym this morning and done 30minutes on the treadmill - random hill setting. And also done 25minutes of weight circuits! Trying to get back into it!

    I will have to alter the challenge a little as I cannot do sit ups - health problem with pressure in my head, so cannot do that sort of thing without going dizzy and risking further issues. Ill think on what I will substitute it for........
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    So far 120 minutes elliptical, about 50 push ups and 50 situps and at least 50 squats and it is Tuesday.
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Ummm...haven't done squats in a LONG time and they are way less fun than I remember!!!!!
  • Carmennorth
    Carmennorth Posts: 71 Member
    All right... Just did 60 minutes of cardio on the elliptical..... More to come:)
  • Timetogetskinny
    Timetogetskinny Posts: 30 Member
    30 minutes Cricut Training General and 30 minutes Stair-Treadmill (2 miles)

    I can't do push-ups nor sit-ups due to lower back pain...
  • BGood110
    BGood110 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Just signed up today and thought it would be a good idea to join a group for the support. Currently weigh 165...want to weigh 110. Have a cardiologist appt on 12/4 to make sure nothing's wrong with the old ticker...but will do my best to keep up in the meantime. Looking forward to losing weight with you all!!! :happy:
  • daniellescsu
    daniellescsu Posts: 101 Member
    Got my sit ups done tonight. Hoping I get the rest done! I have not been doing ANY cardio or anything.
  • skinnygrlerica
    skinnygrlerica Posts: 41 Member
    Holy cannoli!! Good thing I went to the gym today...for the first time this year!!

    I did put in 30 mins of elliptical today... so I have:

    70 mins cardio
    100 situps
    100 squats left...

    oh my lanta... I'm nervous...but this makes me happy!!
  • 20 minutes of cardo
    30 squats
    25 sit ups!

    Not quite there but.... I'll try!
  • educatyion
    educatyion Posts: 31 Member
    Glad to join this group. Aiming for 6 days of fitness. Thus far, 2 lift day and yoga today. What what?! Psyched that I'm counting down to the holidays in a healthy way. Considering doing an alcohol fast so that I can enjoy my cultural brew during Christmas with loved ones....Healthy thoughts to all!
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    This week your challenge is to complete:

    100 minutes of any kind of cardio
    100 sit ups
    100 traditional squats

    Let's get to work :)

    Let us know as you complete the challenge!!!!

    I am ready to get it done!
  • ninic010386
    ninic010386 Posts: 70 Member
    Ladies you are impressing me already!!! Great first day....6 more days to get this challenge done :) I got 60 minutes of Zumba in yesterday. Have not attempted the sit ups or squats yet but I will tonight after class. Remember you are in control or your body and you can make it do anything you want....you just have to want it bad enough.
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all,
    Just joined today. I've done 30 min of cardioand 25 sit-ups. So far so good.:happy:
  • I did Hot Yoga last night...wonder what that counts for? Tonight I run on the treadmill while my son is in diving practice!
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined. I am going to get started doing this weeks challenge today. I know we all can do it!!!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    100 minutes of any kind of cardio
    100 sit ups
    100 traditional squats

    I did 60 mins Kettlersize today which, although it is weights I sweat more than doing zumba, I prefer weight workout like JM ect

    I do 75 sit-ups daily for another challenge, I've not done them yet today but I'm about to do 30ds and that has squats in so I best get counting :)
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Oh my - well Monday was 12 minutes of cardio plus legs and stomach - that should count for all of it.
    This is my karate instructors favorite work out right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7pCVoM4eJ0&feature=g-user

    Last night - 25 squats, 50 crunches and a bunch more leg work and core with my Tabate.

    Having just joined this group today, I didn't track how many of squats and crunches we did last night, I just did them. Tomorrow I'll track them though.
  • shamekkaw
    shamekkaw Posts: 3 Member
    Today is my first day. So glad I found this group. I needed a challenge like this .
  • Here is what I have done this week:
    Monday - 40 mins Biggest Loser on XBox
    Tuesday - 60 mins Hot Yoga Class
    Weds - 30 mins Lolo Treadmill Program

    **** I ❤ the Lolo Treadmill program! It is a app program where you can set it to walk, walk/jog or jog and it does intervals and I really like it!
  • ninic010386
    ninic010386 Posts: 70 Member
    100 minutes of cardio....done! 60 squats done...40 more to go.....no sit ups yet (they are my least fav.