9 years post-op

Hello everyone.

I had Laproscopic Gastric Bypass in September 2003. At the time I weighed nearly 300 lbs (can't be sure because honestly I avoided scales like the plague and turned my head when I was weighed). By July of 2004 I was down to 125 lbs and never happier. I met my now husband that summer. We now have a child of our own who is 10 months old.
It seems that after a rough patch in our lives I gained back quite a bit of weight (2010) and then I got pregnant in 2011). So when I joined this site I was weighing in at 159. I refused to let that number get to 160.
See, I am also only 4'11''. Very short. I'd rather not turn into the bowling ball I once was.

So far I've lost 11 lbs and am learning to eat like a 'gastric bypass' patient again. It's hard. Especially when we don't follow the same rules as 'normals' and plus the extra skin sticks around no matter how much exercise you do.

Just looking for some friends who 'get it'. :flowerforyou:


  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome to the group, and might I add you have done great to be 9 years out and had a baby. Great work!!!
  • ChasingAmyLiz
    ChasingAmyLiz Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome to the group, and might I add you have done great to be 9 years out and had a baby. Great work!!!

    Thank you very much! :)
  • hathor1943
    hathor1943 Posts: 57 Member
    I truely get it...I had RNY gastric bypass 12/30/2009. I was 309 , my lowest was 154 and am now 162, having put on 8 pounds and have now gone back to a liquid food plan which I just started today and am aiming for doing it for a week. I started eating things that weren't healthy and know I have to stop. Doing the liquids, I hope will reset my pouch and mind. I need to get back on track and eat like a Bariatric patient. I have been under a lot of stress lately and being 70 doesn't help either. And the extra skin thing...when I put on jeans I tuck my skin in like normal people tuck in their shirt. I'm sure you understand that problem. At my age I am not planning it to be taken off, but if I did I would lose the 32 pounds I have to go for goal. I especially hate the arm flab; I live in Oklahoma where it is always very windy and I joke that if I wore a sleeveless shirt and went outside on a windy day I would take off and fly.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I think you have done fantastic for a long period of time. I'm sure now that you are watching everything closely again you will get back to where you want. My surgery was just this past August, and the only thing that I've been afraid of so far is sticking to my plan long term. I think the key for me will always be to log my food and exercise, so I will know right away when I go off track. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Congrats and welcome. Back. I had LapBand in June this year. So far 38 down from surgery. But I am afraid of backsliding if I lose focus. Please feel free to add me if you like Good luck to you.
    I am also short 5'2" and HW was 273 so I was that bowling ball too!