November 2012 Challenge



  • oconnecs
    oconnecs Posts: 18 Member
    Well, thesis due next Friday, so I've literally been in the lab 12 hours a day, and exercise has fairly well gone out the window. Guess I'll just have to keep trying in Decemeber!
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    December? Hummm. I think I'll need to divide December into
    A) The first 3 weeks of December and
    B) Attempting to not eat back half of all the weight lost in 2012!

    Nov 20k challenge going down to the wire; Burned 728+1475 on Wed+Thurs so 825 remaining with one day to go. Gym is scheduled so a few extra Km on the bike should do it.

    Good to have a goal. No way I would have done 1475 today otherwise.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Sorry... should explain. When I say "gym is scheduled" I mean its a scheduled 30-min slot with an instructor which comes in at just under 400 cals - so I can't just stay in the gym and burn more as the next group comes in.

    Which I why I need to get on the bike for the extra few hundred cals.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    978 burned today 30/Nov which means I end the month on 20153.

    I think I'll break out and have a ham sandwich to celebrate :-)
  • clairekeogh42
    clairekeogh42 Posts: 127 Member
    Well done Brian!! You're a winner !!:smile: