Feelings OH OH OH feelings

It's 1 am and I need to write this now as I can't sleep.
I hope I don't sound too *****y, but I might.
When we all went into this detox, everybody agreed to support one another. I have communicated with Kelsey a couple of times about blood sugars. The only other person posting responses and messages is Jaimie since the first day. I have tried to post something daily including lessons learned. It is quite easy for you to encourage each other and bounce ideas around since you are together in the same office and/or family members. Not so much for me.
Please read the messages and join as Jaimie requests. I am interested in how everybody is eating and want to share the experience. I feel out of the loop.
OK, I'm done ! I love you all. .


  • being tech challanged , im trying to get there, just logging food is done at end of day. I did weigh yesterday and showed i ve lost 4 pounds. Feel fine with exception of breaking a rib and not beeing able to do my regular exercise. Ive been doing the shakes with just water and ice which tastes great. last 4 months i had been using skim milk. Im trying to add more veggies with my noon meal. Love the stir fry veggies that i steam and add the extra virgin oil after they're cooked. One day at a time is my motto! Only 17 days to go! Hummus is going to be my snak today been missing it.:( Although after reading at myfittnesspal that if i do this for 5 weeks i could lose 52#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Your doing great !. I lost about 6# this week, I think. I also am using only water and ice in shakes. Need to get to grocery store this weekend to get a better variety of veggies. Feeling pretty good except I'm inpatient for my sugars to even out. Oh well, we have to wait sometimes. Hope you are taking care of that rib and that it is feeling a little better.
    Thanks for responding !
  • 6 Pounds Becky! Awesome!

    4 Pounds Pam! Wowza!

    Keep up the good work ladies :-)

    Today I added 1 cup of spinach to my shake and couldn't even taste it!
  • Great idea ! I get a massage tomorrow and will weigh on office scales to see how it compares to mine. Keep your fingers crossed !
  • last night was a little harder... I knew the weekend was going to be the challenge. Im sticking to it though and this morning I got into the cleaning mode and its so satisfiying to see more organization and not be in the kitchen area. Getting ready to have my shake and continue laundry and cleaning. If this keeps up I might be able to invite Martha Stewart over for inspection;) !!!! Just kidding I dont even really care for her. Christmas wrapping and Tree decorations on the agenda for tomarrow. That way food doesn't even have to be on my mind. Its a quote( not sure originator) Let food be your medicine!
  • :laugh: :love: and live!
  • I have been amazed by how well my energy has been doing during all of this. How has everyone else's energy been? Last night I started moving into my new flat in oldtown. Minh and I did two large rounds of moving after seeing patients and then running errands for a couple of hours. I don't know it it was the excitement of the new space or the detox support, but my energy did great and I slept like a baby last night. The one thing that I did not do well yesterday was eat a snack before lunch. My blood sugar bottomed out and I got shaky and felt light-headed. Good lesson learned! Plan Ahead!
  • Becky, thanks for motivating all of us to stay connected on here. I have had a couple people call me directly but using this forum is good because everyone can view discussion and learn. Glad you are on the team!
  • Thanks, everybody ! This is much more fun !!
    Dustin gave me a massage this am and I feel great ! Day 5 and according to the office scales,I have lost 3#. Will be in Monday to see on Day 7. I completely cleaned out all "bad" food from my freezer and left overs from Thanksgiving and gave him a big boxful of stuff. Somehow, it felt like a win for me !
    No horrible cravings or hunger this week. Doing well !!
  • Hang in there Pam, if you run out of things to do to keep busy, I'm sure I can find something for you to do at my house !! HA
  • Pam: Way to distract yourself! AND you are burning extra calories while cleaning! It's a home and body detox :-D haha Keep up the good work, it is worth it! You are having increased energy now, imagine how you will feel on day 21!
  • Hi Becky, just logging in with daily food tracks, just got home from our usual weekend trip to see my son at his Quik Trip (hes a roving manager) sooooooo I got my QT pineapple,papaya, green tea :happy: while my husband went and raided the discount doughnut, soda pop, tocitos, and chocolate milk :(:grumble: He actually said come on which donut do you want you know you will eat 1. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: NO I WONT! So much of that, tomorrow is our Christmas /Staff meeting at the YMCA and our supervisor is bringing meatballs and meat and cheese deli tray and we're all to bring a dish, thinking about making the pineapple pops!
  • Distraction is my middle name today, finished a book too. Told my husband tonight I'm going to get my guitar out and try relearning how to play.:smokin: Probably should work on Christmas cards and wrapping instead. Have a good weekend and I'll see ya Monday
  • What a naughty husband !! You should have him stay in the doghouse tonight !!

    Yes, make some frozen smoothies for your party. I will be sending you good thoughts and telling you to resist temptation. Can you take some hummus and veggies?
    I didn't know you are trying to play the guitar, good distraction ! Good luck.