


  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    Hey All,

    Im ryan, 24 yr old father of two (7 and 3) and husband for 7 yrs. In January 2012 I reached 225 lbs (after only a year removed from the marine corps) and decided to do something about it. I bought a bowflex and stuck to 1000 calories a day. a few months later started running and on Nov 4th I finished my first marathon (4:41:41). On thanksgiving I finished a half in 1:52:30 (my goal was 2 hrs). Today I am 149 lbs, 10 % body fat and looking to drop about 5 to 10 more to reach 6-8% body fat. Love running!
  • LDC1969
    LDC1969 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Larry I am 43 years old from Altoona, IA right outside of Des Moines. I have been married for 25 years and have 6 wonderful kids (4 daughters and 2 sons). I have run or tried to run most of my life,but had a good revival in 2008. Since then, I have run 3 full marathons with a PR or 4:05 including a 4:30 in the NYC marathon (Awesome time, highly recommend it if you can get in). My goal this coming year is to break 4 hours and have been working on speed this year towards that goal. I love running and look forward to hearing about all the successes you have in the coming year.
  • aimeev2
    aimeev2 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm Aimee. I started running -- slowly! -- in the last two years and worked up to running my first Half last Spring. I loved the feeling of crossing that finish line! I'm now training for another Half coming up in May and this time I'm determined to work on my nutrition at the same time, since I know the lighter I am, the better my time will be. Nice to meet you all!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I am brand new to this forum (and new to running) so feel free to add me if you wish. I ran my first 5k in 27:23 on Dec 1st, and will be running my first 10k on Jan 1st. As of now I am planning on running my first half in March and my first full marathon in June with some shorter races along the way to work on my speed.
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    Hi I'm Steve. Just ran my first ultra. A 50k trail run. Looking at a 50 miler in May. Friend me if you are looking for running support.

  • Runner2shed
    Runner2shed Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, I'm Stephanie

    I just did my first full Marathon (Marine Corps) this October. (Over 5 hours). I wasn't very fast but really enjoyed it. I did my first Half Marathon a year ago, and have another coming up this March.

    I've realized part of my slowness is my weight, with joints etc, and have decided I can't just run to shed the lbs I have to start being better about what I'm eating.
    So I'm looking for others who love running and are attempting better PR's through the weight loss field.

    Feel free to add me/message me to gain a moral support buddy!
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    HI my name is Bianca. I start my FIRST half marathon training tomorrow. My first half marathon is the Madrid Medio Maraton on April 7th and then the Madrid Rock and Roll 10K two weeks later. I have done some 5k's and 2 10k's. I haven't been running much. I stopped running so much (no more than 3 miles about 2x a week) so I can change up my routine so I hit the gym and did spinning and body pump which I love so much that it made me want to go to the gym.

    I asked a question on another board, before someone directed me here, about spinning and body pump and they told me to concentrate on concetrate on getting my mileage up.

    I'm nervous but looking forward to start training.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    My name is Rachel. I'm 22 and live in Florida. I'm excited to run my first 1/2 marathon at Disney World this February :) I consider myself a runner, but haven't participated in any "official" 10K, although I have no issue running 6 miles..
  • Hi!

    I'm Eve. I first started running in the middle of 9th grade, and have not been able to get rid of this addiction ever since. Despite those sad periods of no running, mostly occuring in winter as I can't stand treadmills and iced sidewalks can't stand me, I always come back to it, and I always will.

    While I love an occassional 5K, I seem to do better at longer distances. Endurance over speed (I do hope to learn to combine both one day). Looking forward to running my first half-marathon in May 2013!

    Good luck to you all! :)
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member

    I'm Andrea. I'm relatively new to running. I was never athletic in hs. I did the c25k program a couple of years back and once I was done, I quit. I started it up again this year and completed the program achieving my goal of doing the 5k in 30 mins. I told myself if I did it, I would then bump up to the 10k. I'm just on week 2 of a 6 week program for that. I have gotten to the point where I feel I NEED to run. I haven't entered any formal races... mainly do it for my own pride. But this year I want to run a half marathon. So, until then, I'll just keep plugging and chugging away.

    I'm hoping, if this old body will withstand it, to just keep adding distance while maintaining an average pace.
  • elbereth2010
    elbereth2010 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I've been running for about 2 years now, and have done 2 half-marathons. My superpower is running REALLY slow - I did my last half at about a 13:00 pace and was actually running for all but a couple minutes of that whole almost 3 hours! But I feel so strong when I run and each new distance or PR feels like such an accomplishment that it keeps me going.

    My next goal race is the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in April but I'll probably do some shorter ones in the middle. I think I'd eventually like to do the Marine Corps Marathon but need to work on my consistency first. Also improving speed so I'm not marathoning for days...

    I've tracked on MFP off and on but have never tried the social part. Would love to have supportive friends, if you'd like to add me.
  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, this is connie here. I started running about 6 years ago to get in shape to be my sisters maid of honour. I started with a 10k clinic and got hooked training with a group and was logging about 25 - 30 miles a week training for a few half marathons. But life and a knee injury got in the way and its been about 2years since I've run more than 4 or 5 miles. I miss running and the great shape that I was in, so I'm starting over with a half marathon clinic in January.
    Hope this group will give me the motivation I need to keep it up. Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • mrbikerjon
    mrbikerjon Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, Jonathan here from Wales. I ran (sort of!) the Berlin marathon in 2010 for my 40th and the Cardiff half-marathon last year. I just signed up to run the Cardiff half-marathon again in October 2013.

    I'm looking forward to getting some motivation and tips - this isn't the easiest time of year to put on those running shoes and head out the door!!!
  • edspillane
    edspillane Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! Ed from Texas. Looking forward to getting back to running half marathons!
  • RachelShull
    RachelShull Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel. I started running two years ago when my husband deployed to Afghanistan and ran my first half marathon last Feb., the day before I found out I was pregnant with our second child! I so enjoyed running through out my pregnancy, even running (a very slow!) three miles two hours before I went into labor.

    My running goals for the year include two half marathons, the USMC Marathon in October and a training accumulation of 1000 miles as part of a "Run to Afghanistan and Back" program. It's been tough finding the time to schedule long runs with a newborn and 3.5 year old, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it! I really look forward to gaining tips and motivation to help with my running goals for 2013!

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  • ClarkWierda
    ClarkWierda Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm Clark and I live in Michigan.

    I've run 6 marathons, 5 half marathons and assorted other races.

    I just retired from the USAF Reserve after 26 years and 5 deployments.

    This year, I am focusing on losing the penalty weight (~35 lbs) I've picked up over the years. I also plan to run 2 marathons.
  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member
    Hi, I'm Myles. I've been running for a decade now (although I took an almost 2 year hiatus when my son was born). I also like to cycle (as my screen name implies). I don't consider myself a very experienced long distance runner. My regular runs are 3-4 miles. I run several 10-12ks a year, and I ran my first half in September. After almost no running in Nov/Dec, I'm just gearing up again for the annual 12k "Bay to Breakers" race in San Francisco - the one where many runners take part in the race naked (not this guy, though ;)) . Perhaps I'll do another half marathon in May as well. I want to get pregnant again this year, so we'll just have to see.

    I am happy to find this group. Before I came to MFP, I'd never encountered negativity towards steady-state cardio exercise (for weight loss anyway), and I've seen quite a bit of it since I've been here. Great to find people who embrace pounding the pavement. It's a great high.
  • allday2
    allday2 Posts: 413 Member
    Hello all,

    From Hampton Roads Va. Been running for about 3 yrs now. I have done about 9 half's and 1 full. Looking for some friends up here so add me!
  • almyers7
    almyers7 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Andi. I started running May 2010 and still going. I ran about a half marathon a month in 2011 and 2012 plus one full each year and a bunch of shorter races. I am backing off from so many races in 2013 I am signed
    up for 7-8 halfs but no full this year due to health reasons.
    I run for the leukemia and lymphoma society,
    I am a professional dog trainer, own and run a pet sitting business and teach high school. Running gives me some "me time".
  • Rhunt24
    Rhunt24 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello to all! I am gearing up to run a half on May 4th in Columbus. This will be my second half; my first was in the spring of 2010 and between then and now I've had my 3rd baby and got my master's degree. I'm finally making time to get back to running and am looking forward to getting a PR in May!!
  • Hello all. I started running in 2009 in order to compete in a sprint triathlon. I have since determined that running is my strongest of the three events and started running races as well. I ran my first marathon in January, 2011 and qualified for Boston. I was training to run Boston in 2012 and got hit by a pick-up truck 6 weeks before the race. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital, 1 week in a rehab hospital, then 3.5 weeks in a wheelchair, followed by 2 .5 months on crutches. I was able to start running again at Christmas. I will be running Boston this year.
    I moved to Mukilteo, Washington the first week of January from Wichia, Kansas.and am looking for a good running group or partner. I am not able to run very fast yet, but my main goal is to build up my strength and stamina to run the marathon without having to walk.
  • RhodySeth
    RhodySeth Posts: 15 Member
    That's a crazy story, schizoid. Glad you're on the mend.

    Hi all. After running cross country and track in high school, I spent the next 16 years drinking beer and playing video games. Finally tired of feeling out of shape, I started running again in 2010. Logged 50 miles that year. In 2011 I logged 500 miles and completed my first half marathon. 2012 was a big year for me. I ran over 1200 miles, completed two marathons and spent a lot of time in the woods as trail running has become my preferred activity.

    I've also lost over 25 pounds during this time. The weight really began to come off when I began incorporating P90X workouts and healthier eating into my life. Now I'm about 138 lbs and a few pounds lighter than I'd like. My wife has lost a ton of weigh using MFP so I'm using it daily in order to see just how much I'm eating. With the amount of exercise I do (usually 6 days a week) I've begun to realize that I need to eat much more than I was or I'm just going to keep losing weight.
  • Hi all! I am Mary Beth. I am 57, retired and love to run. I am on a mission to complete a half marathon in all of the 50 US states with my daughter. I have a ways to go, but am determined to give it my best. For 2013, I have registered to run 3 half marathons...Lexington, KY, Vermont and Philadelphia, PA. Would like to squeeze in a few more as travel monies become available.

    Would definitely like to find a running partner .... I live in Upstate New York.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I'm michelle. i've been a runner for years now, but over the past year or two i've really upped my mileage. i've done a few half marathons (i PR'ed at my latest half race last sunday! :happy: ), and have a goal of completing my first marathon this year. i love running, and especially how accomplished i feel after completing a nice long run!
  • tropic_runner
    tropic_runner Posts: 31 Member
    Hello all!

    I am Michelle, 26 currently stationed on Oahu! I am in the Air Force and am training for my first full marathon. I've ran a half marathon 1:56:11 and felt absolutely alive and extremely happy! I was hooked :) I however deployed to Afghanistan and during and since i've been back my running has gone on the back burner, so I am trying to drop some weight and kick it into gear again! Now I get to train with my little running partner ;) my husky!!!! Feel free to add me... I'm looking for friends to share experiences with through this journey, whatever the goals may be!!!!
  • linddavis
    linddavis Posts: 101
    Just finished my first Half @ Disney... looking to keep my miles up while losing weight and doing P90x.
    I think about a marathon but not quite ready yet...
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm Lino. age 46 started to run about 6 months ago, I finished my first 5k last September and my goal is to do an half marathon by April without any injuries
  • kerriruns
    kerriruns Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Kerri - I have been running for several years, done multiple races including NYC Marathon. I actually had a PR today which re-energized my love of running.

    My goal is 2 Marathon's this year !! 1st one is in May - Vancouver...officially start training tomorrow. Would love some running "friends" to keep me motivated! Friend me if you like...
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Congrats on the PR!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi. I'm Tim. I've been running for about a year and a half. My goal this year is 2-3 marathons, Ragnar, and at least one 50K. Really enjoying the trail runs, so much that one of the marathons and the 50K are trails. Just figured that I could use all the help I can get from people who get it.
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