What meatless snacks/meals do you bring to work?

bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
I am so bored with what I can come up with on my limited budget!


  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Cheese!!!!! I eat soooo much cheese and never get sick of it!!

    Greek yogurt, cheese, nuts, protein bars, cheese, protein shakes, cheese.

    Did I mention cheese?
  • bellabrite
    bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
    LOL! I like cheese too:)
    It's hard to know how much is "too much" though . . .
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    if it fits your macros, it's not too much :)

    that's what our food diary is for!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Do you guys find that cheese has a lot of sodium though? I had some cheddar today and couldn't believe how salty it is!

    I would go for...Greek yogurt and blueberries, protein bars/balls/shakes, nuts and fruit...
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    For a meal - quinoa with whatever veggies you have on hand mixed in.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Homemade protein muffins (pumpkin, banana, carrot cake, lemon blueberry, cranberry orange); archer farms cranberry nut blend, chobani greek yogurt, cheese sticks, banana, carrots/hummus, avocado, celery + guac.
  • AmyzNewGroove
    AmyzNewGroove Posts: 144 Member
    Cheese!!!!! I eat soooo much cheese and never get sick of it!!

    Greek yogurt, cheese, nuts, protein bars, cheese, protein shakes, cheese.

    Did I mention cheese?

    THIS! (Especially the cheese. LOL) I also like fresh berries, they satisfy the "sweet cravings" and have a good amount of fiber to help tide me over until lunch/dinner. :) Add the berries to the greek yogurt and it's like dessert for snack. NOM NOM. Also, cottage cheese with pineapple or peaches (again, sodium is a killer, so go for a single serving). Almond butter on a banana, or on a toasted sandwich thin = yumminess, too!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I like almonds or dry roasted edamame. I can keep them in my desk just in case I forget food! And they are delicious.
  • cstexas2012
    cstexas2012 Posts: 53 Member
    I bring nuts, cheese sandwiches (I add turkey, but for meatless), kashi crackers (can be pricey but they really help keep me full), protein bars (not as cheap), and greek yogurt (can be especially cheap if you get it on sale. also berries like someone said, because I find they take me a while to eat because of the tartness.
  • JasonKoverman
    JasonKoverman Posts: 33 Member
    I always have an apple, cheese and lots of almonds at work
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    I have a box of weetbix mini fruit & nut in my desk incase I'm ravenous, almonds, pumpkin seeds and I bring in carrot sticks or home made soup in a flask.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I take 3 fruits, 1 piece of cheese and a serving of dry cereal. Any one which has high iron in it.