Anyone here who used to dance? Gymnastics?

I miss both so much! While I never went on pointe or anything, I did HS dance team and recreational dancing in college and at studios. I also took tumbling and gymnastics and want so badly to get back into it.

Just went to my first Zumba class in a looooooooong, long time and seeing myself in the mirror was pretty shocking. Those black stretchy pants definitely aren't fitting like the used to. Whaaa! Hopefully losing about 15lbs. will make a big difference.

Were you ever into dance? What level did you achieve? Do you still dance? How has it changed the shape of your body and overall fitness? Anyone here have experience with adult gymnastics?


  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Wow, gymanastics. I've always really envied people who have tumbled.

    I was a cheerleader in high school. In college, I joined a Chinese dance troupe. It's been a while since I've stretched so I miss having the flexibility I used to have. It definitely takes more commitment to keep dancing now that we are older and have other obligations, but I really do miss it!
  • Ha! I was a cheerleader for 1 year in high school! Can I say how much I really miss being able to do splits? It's been quite awhile since I've done any serious stretching. Yoga is a great all-over stretch and I've done some here and there, but not regularly.

    BTW, saw that you are 3lbs down and on your way to 8! That's fantastic! I have a little more to lose than that (can't believe I've just typed those words), but it helps to know that others here on MFP have similar backgrounds and experiences.
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
    I never danced but I used to compete in gymnastics, cheer leading and also sport aerobics. Miss them all so much and I definitely hear you on the splits thing. I'd be happy if I had even half the flexibility I used to! It's a shame all my sports are the 'retire at 25' kind of sports :(
  • jereneyz
    jereneyz Posts: 52 Member
    I used to dance when I was little for about 10 years. After that, I discovered figure skating. It is the most amazing sport combining grace, elegance, rhythm as well as aerobics exercise! My coach understands that weight loss and toning are my main goals so sometimes I do weights training on ice. It is a lot harder because i have to balance as well as do the moves. The jumping and skating really gets the heart going as well. I would say that it's the perfect exercise for anyone who wants to lose weight and loves to dance. However, one warning: you may end up with rather thick, muscular thighs.
  • I did gymnastics until i was about 18... Now I am 26 and once in awhile I go to drop in at the gym club and try out some stuff.. its amazing what your body can remember how to do.. but Boy am i sore afterwards!
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I did dancing and gymnastics when I was was only when I started uni that I realised how much I missed it :')

    I'm dancing twice a week so much fun :D
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Ha! I was a cheerleader for 1 year in high school! Can I say how much I really miss being able to do splits? It's been quite awhile since I've done any serious stretching. Yoga is a great all-over stretch and I've done some here and there, but not regularly.

    BTW, saw that you are 3lbs down and on your way to 8! That's fantastic! I have a little more to lose than that (can't believe I've just typed those words), but it helps to know that others here on MFP have similar backgrounds and experiences.

    Oooo yes, yoga is awesome! Good luck with your weight goals! :D
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I used to dance when I was little for about 10 years. After that, I discovered figure skating. It is the most amazing sport combining grace, elegance, rhythm as well as aerobics exercise! My coach understands that weight loss and toning are my main goals so sometimes I do weights training on ice. It is a lot harder because i have to balance as well as do the moves. The jumping and skating really gets the heart going as well. I would say that it's the perfect exercise for anyone who wants to lose weight and loves to dance. However, one warning: you may end up with rather thick, muscular thighs.

    Wow! Weights on ice! That sounds so cool
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I stopped tap dancing two years ago. I will do it again in two years when my shoulder is healed and my youngest daughter has graduated.
  • I used to dance when I was little for about 10 years. After that, I discovered figure skating. It is the most amazing sport combining grace, elegance, rhythm as well as aerobics exercise! My coach understands that weight loss and toning are my main goals so sometimes I do weights training on ice. It is a lot harder because i have to balance as well as do the moves. The jumping and skating really gets the heart going as well. I would say that it's the perfect exercise for anyone who wants to lose weight and loves to dance. However, one warning: you may end up with rather thick, muscular thighs.

    Me too !!! I figure skated - started when I was 4 years old and stopped when I was 15 due to a stress fracture
    I bet you're one fit & very strong girl!!!!

    (Edited - typos)
  • rexy3033
    rexy3033 Posts: 20 Member
    I did cheerleading in high school and 2 colleges, dance team in high school and then for a semi-pro football team. I did tumbling from ages 3-9 and then gymnastics from 10-13. I miss it a ton, but take my daughters to classes now. They looked at starting an adult class then had the instructor back out that was going to coach it. I have also heard there is a lot of liability in having adults do gymnastics. Probably because we think we can do what we used to!! I know I tried a cartwheel last year and could not believe how sore I was. I still do some flips on the trampoline, but haven't tried one on the ground since maybe after my 1st child. Most tumbling since the age of 24 has probably been done while intoxicated. If there were classes available I would love it. It would e like exercise without knowing I was doing exercise:)
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I was kicked out of ballet when I was a kid. But I picked up dancing again a few years ago - now I dance around NZ and Australia and I teach :o) absolutely love it, fantastic and fun form of exercise. Get back into it!!
  • I did gymnastics until I was 13. I now do 9 hours of sport a week and have been left with really chunky 'sporty' thighs! It was so much fun, I got to grade 1 (you know they go from highest to lowest grades) :) I also did ballet (grade 3), character dancing and tap. I was a multi-talented child ;) Haha just joking, I was hopeless at the latter 2! :P xx
  • jenafer22
    jenafer22 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I did gymnastics for 9 years. I 'm 43 and still doing backhand springs. My specialty is usually performing for the bride and groom. I plan to continue back flipping until I am 50 years old. That is my goal! Lol
  • bramley1911
    bramley1911 Posts: 40 Member
    I danced until I was fourteen but had to stop for family reasons, regretted stopping from then onwards. My boyfriend convinced me to take dancing back up and two years ago I did. I recently just completed my gold disco exam, something I never thought I'd get to do, and hope to start my teacher training soon. Best thing I ever did was to get back into the studio :smile:
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I used to dance when I was little for about 10 years. After that, I discovered figure skating. It is the most amazing sport combining grace, elegance, rhythm as well as aerobics exercise! My coach understands that weight loss and toning are my main goals so sometimes I do weights training on ice. It is a lot harder because i have to balance as well as do the moves. The jumping and skating really gets the heart going as well. I would say that it's the perfect exercise for anyone who wants to lose weight and loves to dance. However, one warning: you may end up with rather thick, muscular thighs.

    I used to figure skate on roller skates!

    We did ballet back then, and just a few months ago I decided to do it again. I've been taking ballet classes and absolutely love it. Skating did cater to my thighs and that I didn't like. With ballet it is already elongating my muscles and keeping me moving enough to start a good slim down!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I danced until I was fourteen but had to stop for family reasons, regretted stopping from then onwards. My boyfriend convinced me to take dancing back up and two years ago I did. I recently just completed my gold disco exam, something I never thought I'd get to do, and hope to start my teacher training soon. Best thing I ever did was to get back into the studio :smile:

    Yay! Me too. Best decision. :)
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I belly dance! :heart: currently of oriental (traditional Egyptian) style since September. I plan on starting tribal style concurrently in 2014. It's so beautiful & natural for your body, I think any woman (& man) should do it!
  • purpleheart416
    purpleheart416 Posts: 34 Member
    Yip! Former belly dancer here. Mostly tribal fusion, and it's been almost 4 years since I was on stage, but I miss it.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Yip! Former belly dancer here. Mostly tribal fusion, and it's been almost 4 years since I was on stage, but I miss it.

    Looks like I've found a friend in this thread! :laugh: