How many cigarettes did you have on Sunday, Dec. 2nd?

ninashh Posts: 12 Member
I'm at 0 (so far!) I had 2 yesterday but I'm going to really try and have none today.


  • beatadr
    beatadr Posts: 6 Member
    It's 0 for me as well :). I have actually smoked my last cigarette on 25th of October, but I still may need a bit of support :). Anyway, if you find this website useful, you may like - it gives you loads of support and good advice!
  • ninashh
    ninashh Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    I am just staring to cut down. I posted on this a while back and got a whole bunch of crap about it on the forum. It wasn't very helpful. I have been SLOWLY cutting down from a pack and a half to a pack, and now I'm at like 16 a day. It is so much more than I would like, but I have noticed an improvement in my breathing, and can only imagine how great it will be when I can be smoke free.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I had my last cigarette on September 17th. I am married to a smoker who doesn't like smoking alone ... It makes every single day a challenge. My in-laws also live with us and are smokers. I have cravings every day and most people are faced with cravings, but not a constant barrage of people they live with blowing smoke in their face and saying ... Come on honey you had a stressful day. Just smoke with me and chill out. You can go running when you are less tense.

    So really ... A group like this would be super helpful for me. I need encouragement. It's getting harder, not easier to say no.
  • I had my last cigarette on July 18th at 8:30 pm! I was a two pack a day smoker for over 15 years.... So it's still hard for me, I use a electronic cigarette now when I feel like I want to smoke.
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in Afghanistan and was a social smoker on the weekends through college before this. I never smoked at work until I came over here. I said I would quit after my first year, but that first year turned into a 3 year deployment... I just turned 30 a few days ago and I know I need to quit for my health and for vanity reasons.. I don't want to prematurely age any more than I already will, I have enough vices! My lungs hurt when I run. I keep saying "After this last pack..." It's tough here... stressful job, long hours, no breaks unless you go smoke, cigarettes are cheap... It's 10:15 a.m. here on the 3rd and I have had two already. I think I smoke about 5-7 a day down from a pack a day. Some days are worse than others.
  • GammaKJ
    GammaKJ Posts: 14 Member
    @ Jennifer_zim Good for you on cutting back.

    I said my last cigerette was going to be last Monday night (11/26/12) after my husband came home from the Doctors, who said you HAVE to quit (him not me). So I've been wanting to quit but with him in the house and them readily available it had never worked before. So we "quit" for about a day..... however.... we didn't buy any more, He had me "hide" the packs and then we went from there. There is just something about 2 1/2 packs of cigerettes "hiding" in plain site to me that calls my name. So after a stressful week with his parents (Dad had bilateral knee replacement) and us having to be either at the hospital or visiting the house daily. Those 2 1/2 packs are now gone. Yep we smoked them... mostly me.... however we Never bought any more.... which.... if figure is a good thing as it wasn't unusual for us to each go through 1 1/2 packs a day. So as of yeterday evening 12/2/12 at 4 pm the last cigerettes was smoked. We are now done. He is using patches however I'm going cold turkey because the patches itch too much.

    Good Luck to all on here that are quitting, have quit, and continue to quit. And here's to a new beginning of NO smoking and being healthy.
  • Reading All of your post's is really encouraging! I have been struggling with quitting for a few weeks now. I've been able to cut back from almost a pack a day to from two to five a day. A great improvement, but i'd really like to just put them down and walk away. I know it's a step in the right direction, and try not to beat myself up over it. I know I can succeed I just need to decide to be done. It's kind of tough when you feel alone in it though. Good to know I'm not alone in the battle!