Due April 2013



  • Wickedmeowmer
    After a variety of due dates ranging form March 28th to April 7th, the midwife finally settled on April 2nd for me. Girl!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    2 more days until we get to find out if it's a boy or girl...can't wait! Last ultrasound put as a little further along than we thought so we'll see what they say this time :)

    Nursenikki that's so fun! Do you have a name yet?

    Wicked- yay for April!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks! We have finally decided on a name after much arguing and deliberation... we decided on Zachary Levi.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Love the name Levi! one of my best friends in college was named Levi.

    As I suspected, we are having a girl! :heart: as long as the hubs doesn't get irritated with the many variations I keep coming up with for her name, she will be Zulma (Sul-ma) Eileen. Zulma means peace

    My little Zulma warrior princess :)
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Congrats on the little girl! I love the name! I have always loved the name Levi, and it was actually my great grandfather's name, so I also doing my family a sold!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Thanks! Zulma was his late mom's name, so I too am doing the family a solid haha
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Baby has a 2 vessel umbilical cord when it should have 3 and a chorionic plexus ( a bubble of spinal fluid on one side of the brain). Not too worried about it though because it is usually associated with a severe defect and she didn't see anything, but I get to see a perinatologist and weekly nonstress tests towards the end of my pregnancy because of it. My first had a 2 vessel cord as well and is completely healthy. Other than that, baby is perfect and the sex is in an envelope waiting for our reveal the end of December!

    Also going to see a physical therapist to help strengthen my hip joint, so it doesn't bother me quite as much.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Sorry to hear about the complications but it sounds like you are taking them in stride and that is great! Your kids sound like fighters!

    I wanted to do the gender reveal thing but I just couldn't wait! :)
  • amh777
    Hi there mamas!

    I'm about 20 weeks, due 4/23/12 and 38yo. I had lost about 30ish pounds for my wedding in July 2012 and was at 157lb day of wedding. That stayed for about a week (thank you honeymoon & booze!), but immediately started TTC and got off high blood pressure medicine (a diuretic) which caused me to gain another 7lbs, so I ended up plateauing at 175 when I got pregnant. I was wanting to get back to 165, but just never got there. I'm 5'7 and that weight would have put my BMI and not overweight, so that was my "at the minimum" goal.

    This pregnancy I would like to keep my weight under 200(!) so that getting back to 165 will not be such a huge task.

    After just eating a huge lunch, I decided I would start logging my calories again on MFP so I can keep my weight gain under control during pregnancy. I had gained 1-2 lbs in the first trimester, but have recently put on another 5lbs in the 2nd- - mostly within the past 2 wks, so I'm seeing it get sort of out of hand. I need to keep myself accountable! I"m still doing a boot camp class I had been doing prior 2-3x per week. I am modifying the exercises, so nothing too crazy-- light jogging, weights, ab work, etc for 45 mins M,T and Thurs. I will admit I have been slacking on going 3x per week thanks to pregnancy brain -- forgetting to bring all my clothes with me to work (I really need that one crazy strong sports bra!), forgetting my gym shoes, etc. I really need to get back to 3x per week and keeping my calories under 1700 or so!

    My biggest problem is diet-- I eat mostly whatever I want and have been having a major sweet tooth. I am so paranoid about gest diabetes!

    I love hearing about all your pregnancy and fitness journeys! Thanks for the motivation and tips! We have our gender US Wednesday so please keep fingers crossed for baby girl!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Got my PT and specialist appointments scheduled today. The specialist won't be able to see me for 2 weeks! I just want to make sure my little one is okay and I have to wait THAT long? Geez!! I will also have to drive all the way across the city for my physical therapy appointments. Apparently there is only one PT place that sees pregnant women in the metro that takes my insurance. Bummer! Fortunately my husband will be able to take care of our son while I drive at least 45 minutes during rush hour on Friday morning for my hour long appointment. Sorry that I am just a little emotional today, but when you don't feel good I am sure I'm not the only one who hates to wait. Thanks for letting me vent!
  • Lydjoys
    Lydjoys Posts: 5 Member
    Howdy... Just found this board. I am due April 22nd, but my doc will likely not let me go past the 15th due to a history of Gestational Diabetes.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi ladies! Our thread has been MIA! How are you all doing?
  • Wickedmeowmer
    So far so good. My 'nursery' is just a room collecting items right now but after Christmas I am going to kick it into high gear. Next appointment is 12/21 (or the last day on earth ;D)
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    I can't believe the 3rd trimester starts next month!! After the holidays we're going to get rid of our official guest bedroom and work on turning it into a nursery and our office into a spare bedroom. Excited to put stuff together. I already have 10 outfits bought for the first 1-2 months.... so much fun, but sad he can't wear any of our daughters clothes that I saved.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    I am feeling good. 21 weeks completed! It seems to be flying by now (probably because of the holidays and trying to teach my 40 month old son to learn to use the potty). Haven't been starving like I was with my son, so the weight gain is at 12 pounds. I started my physical therapy about a week ago and have been twice now. Turns out my left hip was tilted too far forward and that was causing all my pain and spasms. She adjusted me last Friday and have been working on strengthening all of my hip muscles and lower abs to stabilize it. It ached all weekend, but I am feeling better now after she put a hot compress on it Tuesday and massaged my joint between tailbone and hip bone. My maternal-fetal specialist appointment is on Tuesday and I am looking forward to making sure this one is healthy.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Glad to hear that you ladies are doing well, and doublet, you are in my thoughts, I hope that everything goes well at your appt! I am also blown away at how fast time is flying by! My husband owns a deer processing business, and is insanely busy from September to February, so the nursery will be on hold until then! I will start getting nervous until it is done because we are moving all of the bedrooms, and have a ton of work to do!
  • Wickedmeowmer
    Last night my husband and a few friends surprised me by painting part of my nursery and patching the plaster crack on the wall that needed it (oh, 1940 house).

    They also assembled the crib that arrived Tuesday!

    I did a steely grey color that I was pretty sure about, but still nervous about and I LOVE IT! I cant wait to hang up my super colorful art later.
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    So... I'm having a super sneaky ninja baby, I guess. lol

    Long story short, I just found out I was pregnant about two weeks ago (when I was 20 weeks and 6 days pregnant). This is my second baby, and I had a super easy first trimester with my daughter, and I guess I must have had the same with my son (when we found out we were pregnant we also found out we were having a baby boy at the same time! lol). I was on the birth control that only gives you a period every 3 months, so I literally had no idea. Plus I was working out a lot and losing weight, and so that wasn't a tip off either.

    Now that the shock has worn off, I am getting super happy and excited to meet my little boy in April! It took a couple weeks of non-stop shopping, but now I have most of the big things we will need (we had gotten rid of my daughter's baby stuff, she's almost 5 years old). I am pretty OCD, so the shopping and preparing made everything feel better. lol

    I've switched my calories on MFP to account for the extra 200-300 calories that the little one needs, in addition to me at maintenance mode, but I haven't been strict about not going over. If I get to the end of the day and I feel hungry, I eat something else. No biggie.

    I'm still maintaining at the weight I was when I found out (191). My weight has fluctuated a little up and down a pound, but keeps settling back to 191 every week. I hope to only gain 10-15 pounds this pregnancy (I gained 20 with my first). I never did get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight from my first (which was 170) but I know I will do better now. I am much more motivated to be healthy for my kids, my husband, and myself. I'll just kick it into high gear next summer.

    I hope everyone is doing well and feeling ok. The only troubles I've had is being extra tired, some backaches, trouble getting comfortable when sleeping, lots of sneezing, and I'm starting to have to go potty more often. I definitely am starting to "show" over the past week or two, but I'm not as self-conscious about the baby belly as I was with my first.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome Heidi and congrats on your ninja baby! :) That's crazy, one of my friends had the same experience though she found out and was due like 3 months later haha. Man how nice it must be to know you are already half way through haha.

    Wicked-That's awesome about the nursery! My friend volunteered to come over soon and help me work on the nursery, I can't wait! :) I won't be doing any painting because we rent but I'm looking forward to turning the spare room into a nursery.

    hope you all have a great week!
  • courtneyrapp
    Hi, everyone! I am just joining this group. I tried going on Babyfit when I first got prego thinking that would be better, but I missed my phone app, so I am back on MFP. I am due April 18th with a little boy, Harrison, he will be our second. I lost 70 lbs prior to getting pregnant and hope to not gain back too much of it! So far I am at 15 pounds, and my personal goal is 25 total. However, I did not work out the entire first trimester due to severe M/S and exhaustion, but with the holidays my doctor said I would likely go down a few in January because I have been way over indulging!
    Anyone else finding this a difficult time of year to be prego? My first time around it was over spring/summer and that was just different. I guess being super busy with holiday and family stuff is making it go by more quickly! I just tend to not listen to my body when cleaning, shopping, baking, etc and have a few almost pass out incidents...