The "Change"



  • sunnyheart100
    sunnyheart100 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm going through it. I just turned 47. At my annual checkup last year, my doc said that according to my blood test results, I'm in full-on menopause. They check the FSH and something else to tell. Anyway, my only symptoms were the crazy mood swings.

    Fast forward a year and, and 67 pounds lost, and one day in September I had a hot flash. Then another, and several a day and at night every darn day. Ugh! Then I didn't get my period Sept. or Oct., but I did this month (I've never missed unless prego). The PMS before this period was extreme. Like you, I wanted to eat everything, and not good food, either.

    My hot flashes stopped suddenly, and I feel much better (though this is probably temporary). Like you, I do not want HRT, unless I'm suffering to the point where HRT is my best option.

    I'm still losing weight, but have to work much harder for every pound. I'm at 76 lost since Jan., and have 25-30 or so to go. I'm so glad I decided to change my diet, as I believe it helped with the mood swings. I cut out all processed foods, and a few months ago I cut out all wheat and dairy. I know not everyone would want to do that, but the way I was feeling prompted me to try. Also, I work out 5 days a week. Some days are just cardio, and other days I do a lot of strength work, too.

    I don't know if my story will help you, but please know you are not alone. This is hard, not only physically, but mentally as well. We are getting older, and menopause is an in-your-face reminder of that. I don't have any friends my age to talk to about it, as my friends are all 7-12 years younger than me. Weird, I just realized that when I was thinking of who I could talk to. I hope you have someone, and you can always send me a message if you ever want to vent!

    Take care!
  • sunnyheart100
    sunnyheart100 Posts: 13 Member
    I have seen studies that cause really bad things with HRT - Heart disease, blood clots, possible cancer and who knows what else - don't ever take pills for it - what about a soothing all natural tea- the symptoms do subside (when you use HRT you are just making some company rich and your health bad
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I am there with you as well! Thanks for all the tips.

    I am 47 and was told this past February I am in peri-menopause. I have never had what you would call a regular or easy cycle, but now it is nuts! I never know for sure when it is even going to happen. Sometimes I go 2-3 months with nothing then BAM there it is will full force.
    I am having an awful time resisting the cravings and munchies I get. The hot flashes are very annoying - especially when you are in a meeting in a room full of men :blushing: I don't sleep well anymore - the night sweats are just not right I tell you!!

    Yes I think memory - or lack of it is also part of it, as well as brain fog and difficulty concentrating!

    OH isn't it great to be a woman!!! Well actually it is, we just need to get past this stage and move on I guess.

    It IS great to be a woman but I agree, lets get past this little "phase" & move the heck on!! My random hot flashes usually hit me in the carpool. Luckily I carpool with 3 ladies that could all be my mother, so they've been there & completely understand that we MUST roll down every window IMMEDIATELY (or crank up the a/c till it's cold enough to hang meat!)!
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I didn't think about it till now but when my period eventualy ended, I had periods that lasted a month or more. Steven King wrote a book about the never ending period, it was depressing.

    Now, I am good about losing my period. My sex and my sexy feeling are better than ever. I love my husband!

    A period for a month?! OMG just kill me now!! Bless your heart!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    I am there with you as well! Thanks for all the tips.

    I am 47 and was told this past February I am in peri-menopause. I have never had what you would call a regular or easy cycle, but now it is nuts! I never know for sure when it is even going to happen. Sometimes I go 2-3 months with nothing then BAM there it is will full force.
    I am having an awful time resisting the cravings and munchies I get. The hot flashes are very annoying - especially when you are in a meeting in a room full of men :blushing: I don't sleep well anymore - the night sweats are just not right I tell you!!

    Yes I think memory - or lack of it is also part of it, as well as brain fog and difficulty concentrating!

    OH isn't it great to be a woman!!! Well actually it is, we just need to get past this stage and move on I guess.

    It IS great to be a woman but I agree, lets get past this little "phase" & move the heck on!! My random hot flashes usually hit me in the carpool. Luckily I carpool with 3 ladies that could all be my mother, so they've been there & completely understand that we MUST roll down every window IMMEDIATELY (or crank up the a/c till it's cold enough to hang meat!)!

    LOL I know what you mean about rolling down the windows. This time of year, one minute I have the heated seats on and the next I am rolling down the window. I even have to keep the window in the bedroom open at night. When I wake up over heated and pushing blankets off I look over and there is my husband with the blankets up over his head to keep warm Thank heavens he loves me:love:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Right there with you.

    I'm 47, and have been experiencing symptoms for 3-4 years now.
    Early on, I didn't know to what to attribute some of them (like nausea mid cycle), but now I do.

    Lately the biggest issues for me are:
    lack of sleep
    night sweats
    crankiness (related, of course)
    ridiculously sore boobs much of the month
    migraines (never really an issue)

    erratic cycles are bad enough!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    I was thrust into the change at age 51 when I had to get a hysterectomy. My doctor prescribed Premarin, but I didn't want to take them because of all the bad stuff I heard. I found I could cope with the flashes and mood swings, but I couldn't get past the insomnia, so I have been taking a low dose of Premarin for about 8 years now, and have started to wean myself off recently. I'm hoping I'm through the change, but really have no way to know for sure. It is definitely harder to lose weight the older you are, but there are so many women here who have proved that it is possible with dedication and hard work. Thank you all for being there with support along the way to a healthier lifestyle and answers to the questions we all have, but may not otherwise be able to ask.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I am 45 and a few months ago, I thought maybe I was starting this, because I didn't have much of a sex drive, and I noticed my hair was thinning. That was it.
    But then I lost weight and my sex drive is back (because of course, now I FEEL sexy). My hair is still thinner than it used to be, so the last time I went to the gynocologist, I was prepared to ask.

    Except the doctor I used to see was no longer with the practice, and I had to see the owner of the practice, whom I had never met before. The nurse says, "I'll bring you to dr. nichols office first."
    Okay. lets talk to the old guy, I thought.

    except he wasn't old. He is around my age and HOT. which got me completely flustered and stupidly giggly and I forgot to ask him if i'm possibly starting menopause. I did tell him that my hair was thinner than it used to be and he said, "that happens, but you have beautiful, thick hair." and all I could think about saying was, "do you want to have sex on the table?"

    I didn't say that though.

    i wanted to. oh, did I want to.

    sorry, what was the topic about? :)
    oh, yes. menopause. I'm dreading it. I don't think i'm there yet though.