Why did you get BMF?

frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
I'm just curious why people decided on BMF (vs. nothing or vs. a different product.)

For me, I'm a professional dog walker, and I felt like my calorie expenditure was way different on days when I walked a lot vs. not walking dogs. I looked into getting a Fitbit until I saw that it sometimes records people driving as "steps taken"--- not cool, when my job requires both driving and walking, I don't want the driving to count as walking!

I lost a lot of weight on MFP starting January this year, but really lost momentum with summertime. Then I started gaining weight back, but I just couldn't get up the oomph to start the ball rolling again. In September I knew I'd fallen off the wagon, and I wanted to climb back on, but every day I'd end up cheating a little or doing something to throw myself off track again. (Like all the metaphors there?) It took me this long to finally do something about it, but I decided to give BMF a try. So far I've been very pleased. Sure, I have to log all my food again :frown: :frown: , but at least I can see EXACTLY how many calories I'm burning and I feel like I have a much more accurate picture to help me lose weight!

Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!


  • lisab0864
    I got it cuz I thought it looked like a cool thing to have... I absolutely fell in love w/it -- makes it easy knowing the numbers!!! It helped me lose my remaining 25 pounds but really has proven invaluable for maintenance (hit goal April 2011). I am quite active in my daily life (farm) and I burn quite a bit more than the "very active" daily activities settings -- so this ensures that I eat enough..
    The BMF will count steps if you are driving over very bumpy terrain. I get the most "steps" during the summer when I am on the tractor -- the funny part is they are pretty accurate to the number of miles I drive on the tractor. The calories burned count has always been very accurate for me -- tend to lose weight during haying season cuz I'm to busy to eat and have huge (for me) burn days.

    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Because it's more accurate than the calculators out there. I don't consider myself to be "very active" more like moderate but I had to tell MFP very active in order for it to give me the numbers BMF gives me for a lazy day of reading/movie watching. Hoping that the increase in calories will get me out of starvation mode because the really low calories and huge deficits I've tried for several years hasn't worked.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I got it because what I had done before wasn't working like I wanted it to, and it was important to know how many calories I was burning to know what I could eat. Plus I love information--can't get enough!

    Like Lisa, I'm in maintenance, and I have found it just as useful now as it was when I was losing. I move a lot at work, so even very active on MFP isn't high enough for me--I actually have it set to gain weight at this point to give me enough calories to maintain.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Lisa, thanks for the info on very bumpy "steps taken". I'm not worried about that because I live in Chicagoland, but I grew up on a dairy goat farm so I like your pic! :happy:
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    Mine will be here tomorrow. I am so excited. I am getting it because it will take some of the guesswork out of losing weight. I love numbers(even when they do not like me) so being able to see what I'm really doing is going to motivate me even further.

  • lisab0864
    @Kate -- thinking I'm going to do the same as you and set MFP to a gain weight status and delete my BMF adjustment and see if the numbers match up.. Planning on giving up my BMF after the beginning of the year (only made it a month last year when I tried) -- so gotta figure something out. Course I'm on the scale often enough (almost daily) that I probably could just go by that also.

    @Frosty -- the pic is of Jasper... Always thought I didn't like goats (kinda thinking it was their eyes - I'm love horror movies) but I now think they are the greatest (in a pest kinda way)...
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    @Lisa - I have mine set for a 500 calorie deficit. When I add the "net" MFP says to eat plus manually add my calories burned from exercise according to BMF and the the automatic BMF adjustment (I like to keep them seperate) it comes out 2 calories different from what BMF said I actually burned for the day. Anyway, where I'm going with this, I don't know if you'd need to delete the adjustment because MFP should add that back into the calories you can eat.
  • lisab0864
    @Becky -- was kinda thinking of that this afternoon (not deleting the adjustment).. Also thought that I really don't want to change my goal to "gain weight".. I know I'm not going to but.....................just thinking about that gives me the willies... My MFP calories burned is always like 3-6 different than what BMF says -- makes no sense to me cuz it does an adjustment you'd think it would get it right. The flip side to that -- BMF pulls less calories consumed (not positive on the # but it's low and wouldn't surprise me if it's 3-6) from MFP..
  • vkmcewen
    vkmcewen Posts: 47 Member
    I got my BMF because just watching calories in (Weight Watchers) wasn't really working for me. I'm incredibly inactive, and wanted to be more accountable for it. This little gadget has been a HUGE eye-opener for me. I enjoy seeing the goals, trying to meet them, and appreciate the little 'personal trainer' comments I get. This is definitely a keeper! :)
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    @Lisa, totally get what you are saying about the psychology of setting MFP to gain, but it was the only way to get my calories, altho I haven't actually allowed my accounts to be linked because I have my own foods all entered in BMF so don't want to recreate them all here (and most of the entries from others here aren't measured like mine so I have to play with). I tried just setting the calories at my TDEE, but then it told me every day that I was going to gain weight in the next 5 weeks, so I figured I'd try it this way for a while. Guess I should link them for a bit to see what exercise numbers it gives me. Does it just change your allowed calories to your total in BMF?
  • lisab0864
    @Kate -- yep it changes your calories consumed numbers to reflect your BMF burned minus (or plus) whatever your MFP goal is (ie even cals if set to maintain).
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    @vkmcewen--- is that the Link? I have the core and it doesn't tell me anything. :smile:
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    I finally got mine all charged up and wearing it. Feels a little bit wierd but im already getting used to it. I'm working a museum event tomorrow so i wonder what it will say for that?
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    I am finally watching episodes of Biggest Loser for the first time and was interested by the armbands. The current deal was enough to get me to splurge on one. It ships tomorrow :D

    I got laid off and my last day of work is the 28th, so my final purchases were investments in my health. I cleared out and painted the spare room this weekend to turn it into a gym. Tomorrow a new treadmill gets here. I also have some good sports bras ordered, Bob's DVDs (they are on sale!), and the armband. I already have some weights, a medicine ball, a couple of Jillians DVDs, and a couple great iPhone apps (Zombies, Run!, Zombies 5K, and Nike Training Club).

    I'm very excited and just reset my weightloss counter now that I'm working out in my own little gym, having to eat more inexpensive foods, and staying home all the time. It'll be really good for me now that I lost access to the office gym, and it'll keep me moving this winter while I'm cooped up in the house with nothing else productive to do during my job search.
  • lisab0864
    @vigilant20 -- which Bob's dvds did you get? I'm absolutely in love w/"my trainer Bob" series... He kicks some serious butt!!!
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    Oh that's good to hear! I got that one and the Inside Out Method set. They are marked down to $15 for each 4 pack, which sounded like a great deal.