My 2 cents

Hi All,

I wasn't sure where to put this, so I started a new topic. I just want to say that I started reading these threads a while back and I loved the concept, but couldn't fathom eating 2000 cals/day. (I am 5'2). This past week something finally clicked and I am embracing this way of life. A little background...

I've had a rocky relationship with food most of my life. Anorexia in middle/high school, and then up and down 10-15 lbs in my 20's. I've always exercised, mostly running and yoga. I have ALWAYS tried to eat around 1200-1500 cals/day. This past year has been like beating my head against the wall. I kept pledging to just stick to my diet, but always ended up going over. (I should probably be grateful, because I think my "lack of self control" helped me avoid messing up my metabolism further).

The irony is, I am about 6 months away from completing my degree to become a registered dietitian. I read and understand primary source literature about weight loss. I understand human physiology. Yet I was STILL convinced that "the average woman needs 2000 cal/day" thing did not apply to me. (Let's be serious, the FDA is wrong about A LOT!). 6 weeks ago I started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 because I knew I needed to change up what I was doing. I was still trying to restrict cals but wasn't so uptight about it because I could feel myself getting stronger, so I ate more on many days. I also started doing more sprints and speedwork and pushing myself when running.

This brings me to today. I've been eating around 1800/day for the past week (I may go higher but I need baby steps). My weight is stable in the 125-130 range (the past few days it's actually been on the lower end). My 8 lb weights are becoming too light. I ran 3 miles (outside) in 25 mins, something I NEVER thought I'd do. I can see major changes happening to my arms/shoulders and abs. I have energy and don't feel compelled to binge. I think I'm lucky in the sense that I seem to build muscle easily (I am often asked if I am a gymnast or swimmer, I have the broad muscular shoulder thing going on. I always HATED it, but now I'm embracing it!) I am mentally embracing that I probably won't ever look "skinny", but if I can look strong, have low body fat, and EAT the foods I love then who cares? Besides as an RD I need to look healthy, not malnourished, or who would want to take my advice?

I just wanted to share this. I really am kind of euphoric right now. I plan to slowly increase my calories and work out hard for the next few months, then drop down and try to lose body fat. I am getting married next fall and I want to feel awesome in my dress.

Anyone else experiencing anything like this right now?


  • AmyzNewGroove
    AmyzNewGroove Posts: 144 Member
    Me! :) This year has been a roller coaster for me, too. Started out on VLCD, ate at TDEE for 4ish months (or at least what I thought was TDEE) with limited results (still too much cardio and not enough weight training)...tried a going Primal/Paleo for awhiel in hopes of burning the fat off... There have been lots of high and low, happy and frustrated moments along the way. My history of yo-yo dieting and emotional binging has made it a mental battle, for sure! But, I feel like I've turned a corner and am starting to really LIVE this way of life. I'm also a mesomorphy body style, but have always wanted to be the tall skinny girl instead. Not anymore!! Now I just want to be the best of me. :bigsmile:

    Congrats on your upcoming marriage - it sounds like you have your head in the right place and are planning to do this right!!

    ETA: Also congrats on becoming and RD!! If I could "do it all over" that would be such a cool field to be in. :)
  • annietntgetfit
    Thanks Amy! Yes, sounds like we are in a similar space :). I totally relate to lusting after that willow-y long-limbed look. HA! I am a short little square, time to embrace it!

    Also, I did the paleo/primal thing too. And I really researched the **** out of it. Honestly, the basic tenets are pretty sound, I just think like anything else people's bodies react differently to different styles of eating. But yeah, emphasis on whole foods, unprocessed foods, healthy fats, and MEAT...nothing wrong there. BUT-it's not a magic bullet either. It's not an excuse to binge or a magical combination of weight-loss foods.

    I think the weight training is the key to this whole thing working...and for that you do need carbs.

    Also, it's never too late to go back and do the RD thing. I had classes with ladies of all ages! Just browsing a few of these threads is proof the world needs us, haha.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    That's so fantastic. I went through the same euphoria at the beginning after almost a decade of VLCDs and disordered eating (and ridiculous cardio habits).

    I am so happy for you!!

    To this day, I am still appreciative of how much I eat every single day (because I freakin LOVE food) and how much change is still happening in my body. I can eat SO much food and as long as I don't eat over my TDEE I know that I will not gain fat. Even if I were to eat my TDEE every day, but still strength train, I would still be changing my body composition. I never get sick of the awesomeness of these things.

    It's just incredible isn't it. And it makes so much sense, but sometimes it just takes some of us awhile to get there. When we are finally here, the magic happens, just like you are experiencing!

    Very happy for you :flowerforyou: