March 2013 Babies



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi March Mummies

    How we all doing?

    All good here, lots of wriggles and kicks, my kids felt him kick for the first time today, which was lovely! It's almost summer here in NZ and getting hotter! I've been managing to walk often, and am feeling pretty good.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I'm due with my first child (a baby girl) on March 21, 2013. We are naming her Annadelle Reece (Ann is my mother's middle name, Adelle is my MIL's middle we just put them together). My husband has 2 boys from a previous marriage so we are stoked to have a little girl. We tried for over a year before getting pregnant.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome Neela

    What a lovely name, and just perfect that it has meaning, does your Mother and MIL know about the name? And how lovely to have a little princess in the family!

    I'm having a boy, due on 5th March, my third. I have a boy and a girl, we currently have no names that we both like, but the other two were quite a few days old before we agreed on names, so I don't mind.

    Hope pregnancy is treating you well.
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    How are all the March Mommies doing? I'm fighting constant heartburn, which somehow worsens with exercise, Also, I'm exhausted. My belly has gotten huge over the past week (27 weeks now). I gained a lot of eight and just learned that I failed the glucose screening. Now have to go in for the three hour one. Ugh! Hope everyone else is sailing along smoothly!
  • lourdes1201
    lourdes1201 Posts: 25 Member
    How are all the March Mommies doing? I'm fighting constant heartburn, which somehow worsens with exercise, Also, I'm exhausted. My belly has gotten huge over the past week (27 weeks now). I gained a lot of eight and just learned that I failed the glucose screening. Now have to go in for the three hour one. Ugh! Hope everyone else is sailing along smoothly!

    I am also suffering from heartburn - the funny thing is I get it more when I eat tomato based foods on anything with tomato sauce, but I can eat all the spicy food I want I do not get heartburn (go figure).

    I also had to take the three hour test...ugh was sick the whole day after it. I hope yours goes a lot smoother. Go prepared with things to occupy you with for the three hour wait and also have some snacks available for after the test ( they told me orange juice and soup would work best) of course they tell me this after the fact and they did not have any of that available :( I drove myself to work super weak and developed a horrible migraine. I ended up going home and going to sleep. The good part about the test is the eat all you want diet for three days prior the test :)
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Well I had a good six weeks of feeling rather normal but now I'm also exhausted. I'm 26 weeks along and I thought I would have a little more time before the exhaustion set in. I had to take a half day of vacation because I was so tired this morning.

    My belly has also grown by leaps and bounds in the past couple of weeks and today one of my co-workers noted how pregnant I look. I've been having some pretty bad ligament pain so I guess my belly just growing to accomodate the baby. I'm just generally sore like I've done a good workout, but I haven't.

    Just feeling generally uncomfortable at the moment and I'm wondering how in the world I'm going to actually work up until delivery like I've been planning to.

    Oh and i have heartburn every day too. Zantac has become my new best friend. I haven't had my glucose screening though and I'm a little worried about it because I have a family history of diabetes. I guess we'll see!

    Beezbee - good luck with the 3 hour test! I hope everything comes back well!
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    Hey ladies i wanted to let you all know that if you are in need of a crib WALMART.COM daily deals has a nice 4 in 1 crib on sale with the mattress fpr $139.00 and only .97 cent shipping! Every crib that is 4 in 1 that I have seen has been at least 400 bucks. i ordered one yesterday. :) It is on there again today so if you are in need of a crib and mattress check it out it is also available in 3 different colors.
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    My belly has also grown by leaps and bounds in the past couple of weeks and today one of my co-workers noted how pregnant I look.

    I just hit 26 weeks on Sunday. My coworkers thought I was only ~3 months until 2 weeks ago when I leaned back against a counter for a second. "My god you're pregnant! Is that a wildebeest under there?!" <--Direct Quote

    Yes, yes it is.
    I work with boys >.<
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    A wildebeast? That would be an uncomfortable birth.

    It's funny: I work in an office but we also have a lot of men who work in the warehouse. And those guys are just now noticing my pregnancy. One of our employees said yesterday, you're like 4 months, and I was like "No, closer to 7." He was like, "you're carrying it very well." I wanted to hug him. He's an older man so I think hes smart enough to know what to say to a pregnant woman, and what not to say.

    Most of the other guys just look at my belly, then my boobs, and then my face. THEN they say hi.

    It's so funny how everyone reacts differently!
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    Haha, yea. The guys I work with are all barely 20, so they aren't the most tactful people. I was off all week and my belly had another growth spurt. I came back today and the first thing I got told by one of my favorite coworkers was to basically go find something else to do since I was now "too pregnant" to work (my job is super physical). I almost cried. Not tactful. Not in the least. I ended up venting a lot of rage on him and turns out he was joking >.> I have no sense of humor at this point.

    To make up for it, the one who made the "What've you got under there..." comment actually touched my stomach (first non-family member to do so) and asked if my baby would kick for him, and that he's never felt one before. Again, almost cried. So much crying at this point.
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Haha! I went to a bonfire Saturday night with friends I haven't seen in months (I'm 27 weeks). One of the guys, older and gay, exclaimed "Wow, you've gained alot of weight! Do you plan on loosing it after the baby comes?"

    Ummmm, first I said "Never say that to a pregnant women. If you must make a comment, say "The baby is getting big", not me. Second, no I plan on staying fat forever. LOL I didn't take it personally because this man has no filter and will say whatever the thinks.

    I have also noticed that people look at my belly first, then my face. My boobs aren't much bigger so those usually get by-passed. LOL
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    How are all the March Mommies doing? I'm fighting constant heartburn, which somehow worsens with exercise, Also, I'm exhausted. My belly has gotten huge over the past week (27 weeks now). I gained a lot of eight and just learned that I failed the glucose screening. Now have to go in for the three hour one. Ugh! Hope everyone else is sailing along smoothly!

    UGH, I soooo feel for you - I just took the 3 hour glucose tolerance test last week..... 12 hour fast, 4 1/2 hours for the test...slept in and went in later than I intended, plus a winter storm that added time to my drive.... :noway: ended up not eating for a total of 18 hours, which is a struggle with the new snack-habits I've gotten myself into. :ohwell: I'd strongly recommend bringing some sort of entertainment, and food for afterwards, or plan on stopping somewhere as soon as you're done with the test!!

    I'm having the same heartburn issues - even water gives me heartburn these days. Not sure how that's possible!! Sometimes I'll toss some tang mix or a teabag in, but then the sugar gives me guilt trips. LOL Ah, the joys....

    On the great front, we are all soooo enjoying this pregnancy, hubby and kiddos included. Kids can feel the baby kick, love to walk by and give my belly a love-pat, and our littlest is just in amazed, impressed awe at how big my tummy is getting - sure is fun!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wishing I had found this sooner! I am due March 13th with a girl! It is going to be our first, and I am incredibly nervous/excited! Feel free to friend me!

    I am 28 weeks so far and feeling pretty good. The heartburn is rough, and I don't sleep much though. Time seems to be flying by so fast and I am so worried I won't have everything done before Izzy (Isabella) gets here! I had my glucose test last week which came out great, and my total weight gain so far is only twelve pounds. Trying to eat healthy and stick to my calorie intake, but some days all I want is a freaking brownie. Sigh.
    Having my baby shower Jan 6, a bit nervous b/c it is going to be over 50 people, and I don't do well with crowds. I am sure I will survive. :)
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Had a great check-up today! I passed my glucose test, iron levels are excellent, doctor said my weight was good (that is a first) and keep it up with my diet! woot woot!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies- My name is Dani. I am due with a Baby Boy March 21st 2013. Looking forward to getting to know some of you!

    So far this has been a relatively uneventful pregnancy. I have only gained ~11 lbs. I am starting to have problems with Heartburn (not as bad as with my first son). During my first pregnancy I had Gestational Diabetes which was a great wake up call. I started this pregnancy 26 lbs less than my first and am hoping to finish with a 25 lbs or less gain. I am approaching this pregnancy with a completely better attitude than my first. I have been tracking my food most days and doing my best to stay active when I feel up to it. I have my 1 hr Glucose test on Monday morning. I am hoping to pass this time around.

    I don't check in with this group as often as I would like so feel free to add me if you want to support each other through the rest of this pregnancy and the post delivery fun!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I'm due with my first child (a baby girl) on March 21, 2013. We are naming her Annadelle Reece (Ann is my mother's middle name, Adelle is my MIL's middle we just put them together). My husband has 2 boys from a previous marriage so we are stoked to have a little girl. We tried for over a year before getting pregnant.

    We share due dates! I love the name. It is absolutely beautiful.
  • SamanthaJ0310
    SamanthaJ0310 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ladies:) My name is Samantha I am due with a girl March 26, 2013. This is our second, so far this pregnancy has been uneventful, I had preeclampsia with my daughter and delivered her at 30 weeks. So we are taking some precautions, I take my blood pressure 3 times a day and watch for any other signs or symptoms. I am going to take my glucose test on wednesday.
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    10 weeks to go and today I feel like a COW! i am short 5'2 so not much room in the torso area for baby. :(
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies:) My name is Samantha I am due with a girl March 26, 2013. This is our second, so far this pregnancy has been uneventful, I had preeclampsia with my daughter and delivered her at 30 weeks. So we are taking some precautions, I take my blood pressure 3 times a day and watch for any other signs or symptoms. I am going to take my glucose test on wednesday.

    Hi! We share due dates. :) This is my 3rd, also an uneventful pregnancy. Hope you continue to do well with no problems!
  • dmmfox
    dmmfox Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm tardy to the party, but due March 1st! Not sure if I'm more excited to finally meet my wiggly little belly monster in person or to have my body back to myself!